Mommy, I'm Home!

Summery: Lily Evans has hated James Potter ever since he pranked her in their first year, but what happens when their four year old son comes to pay a visit through time?

Disclaimer: I own nothing but the plot, and even that's not copywriter.

Chapter one: the Meeting of Ms. Evans and Her Son

Lily Evans sat at the Gryffindor table in the Great Hall eating her breakfast as had become routine over the past seven years.

Every morning Lily would wake up at around 4 in the morning, take a jog around the lake (20 min.), go back and take a shower (30 min.), get dressed (10 min.), and be in the Great Hall to eat at 5 o' clock sharp. This had become her morning ritual ever since the third week of her first year, the morning that the almighty JAMES POTTER decided to play the first official Marauders prank on her by having the pancakes quote her diary whenever someone cut into one.

This particular morning was no different from any other, if you looked over the fact that she slept in a little, and therefore missed her morning jog. She was alone in the hall like usual. Sometimes Dumbledore would join her, but more often he was fine tuning a prank that the Marauders had played the night before (though no one knew this besides Lily herself, and although she would love to bring their egos, especially Potter's, down a notch by telling them, Dumbledore had sworn her to secrecy). You could only imagine her surprise when the great oak doors opened at approximately 5:03.

Lily, who had been singing to herself, jumped at the creaking of the ancient doors. She up at the entranceway, expecting to see the long stride of the Headmaster and the familiar twinkle in his eyes after a bit of mischief, but saw no one. Fear immediately washed over her.

Once before Sirius Black, one of Potter's cronies, had let slip something about an invisibility cloak, so, thinking that they had come to play an early prank on the food, she jumped from her seat and screamed, "JAMES POTTER, SHOW YOURSELF THIS INSTANT!! IF YOU FAIL TO DO SO I WILL MAKE YOU AND YOUR FRIENDS VERY SORRY INDEED!!!"

All that met her rant was silence. Then a squeal of laughter and a happy reply of "MOMMY!" while a small blur hurtled into her stomach, knocking her over.

A five year old Harry Potter lay on his bed thinking about his parents. He could still remember some things about them, like how his Daddy was always getting in trouble with Mommy. And how Daddy would always say Uncle Sirius made him do it.

But it was all fading, much too quickly for the little boys liking. He hated living with his Aunt Petunia and Uncle Vernon. They so mean. He wished with all his heart that he could just be with his mommy and daddy again.

That's when it happened. The cupboard that he slept in started to spin really fast, and the next thing young Harry Potter knew, he was standing right inside an open doorway, and there was his mother, screaming at his dad just like he remembered.

"MOMMY!!!" he screamed as he ran full speed into her arms.

Lily stood dumfounded, staring at the little boy who had attached himself to her legs. If she had heard correctly, he had just called her mommy, but he couldn't be hers. Firstly, she had no children, and wouldn't she be the first to know of such a thing? Second, he looked nothing like her. Where her neat silky locks of auburn hair would be, he had an unruly mop of black hair, one that was all too familiar.