CHAPTER 1: Hatred

"WHAT?!!" Meimi Haneoka yelled. Everyone in their classroom stopped what they were doing and stared, shockingly, at her but she didn't care less. "He said WHAT?!!"

"I'm sorry Meimi but he did say that. I heard him myself." Kyoko told her.

"Why that no good, stupid jerk! He'll get it this time." She stomped off to where Daiki Asuka Jr., her sworn enemy among her classmates, was.

"Asuka Jr., you jerk! Why did you say that nobody would dare date me? And it is so because I'm unrefined." Meimi asked Asuka Jr. furiously.

"Well isn't that true? Listen to yourself right now. Getting into a fight. That is so unrefined." Asuka replied grinning.

"You'll see, I'll get a date sometime. It's just that I don't fell like dating and declined a lot of requests." Defended Meimi.

Though he knew she was telling the truth, Asuka still teased her, "Hah! That I doubt very much."

With that, Meimi stomped off away from them with an 'hmph'.

"You know Asuka, she's right," said one of his friends. "She's declined offers for dates. I've seen her at it twice. Most guys are really after her. She's really pretty. She's kind and sweet too."

"Haneoka? That Haneoka? Pretty? Kind and sweet? That...stupid girl?! Hah! I doubt it!" Asuka replied. Pretty, kind and sweet huh? He stared at her form from the other end of the field. Her hair was shining as the sun hit those red locks. Her body swayed as she walked away as if doing a slow dance. Pretty? That might be an understatement. Beautiful. Now that's a better word. Huh? What am I talking about? To think that I find her BEAUTIFUL? Never! And he continued to stare at her. From afar, he saw a guy walking toward Meimi. Sawatari. Baka saru! What's he doing talking to Haneoka?! He annoys me. If I hear he's harassing Meimi, I swear, I'll kill him. Kami-sama forgive me but I could, and I would, if I learn he's harassing her. Asuka glared at the scene before him. He saw Meimi walk away from Sawatari. She's smiling! She's waving him goodbye! Why doesn't she do that with me? What's special about him anyway? Baka! Now I'm wishing she's kind to me? And the hell with her talking to that saru! I don't care! Hmph. But none-the-less, he glared at Sawatari's figure until he was out of sight.

"Stupid Asuka Jr. He thinks he's so great! Why does he have to say those things anyway?"

"Well, Meimi, I think he's just trying to hide his true feelings for you. Maybe he doesn't want to think of you dating anybody else 'coz he'd want to be the first guy you've ever dated." Seira replied then giggled.

"Ve-ry-fun-ny! As if that would ever happen. That would be THE most impossible thing that could happen to ME. Besides, I'll decline that jerk." Meimi defended.

"Meimi, I know very well that both of you like each other, the whole school or maybe even the whole Seika City knows of this FACT. The only ones who doesn't are those involved-namely you and Asuka." "Hah! Well they're all wrong. I don't like him and all I'll ever be to him is someone to hate."

"If you say so, Meimi." Seira said, losing hope that her friend will realize and sort out her feelings.