A/N: Keep sending your reviews! :)

The sun streamed through the open window in the Gryffindor common room casting an array of pink and oranges across the opposing wall. Hermione's eyes fluttered open focusing on a blurred image in front of her. She groaned rubbing her tired eyes, blinking a bit her eyes adjusted to the new morning light.

"Hermione? Are you all right?" Asked Harry.

"I'm fine don't worry about me Harry, I just had a rough night."

"What's that slimy Malfoy done now? I swear I'll smash his face in if he even dares lay a finger on you."

"We just had a disagreement that's all."

"Alright but if he does anything you'll tell me wont you?"

"Of course I'll tell you, you're my friend. I better be going now anyway."

"Ok see you down in the great hall then."

"See you."

Hermione lifted herself gingerly off the sofa. Yawning and stretching her arms she strode towards the portrait hole. Now that she was approaching her common room she started to feel a little nervous. Butterflies flitted about in her stomach but never the less she carried on holding her head high, trying to look confident even though on the inside she was like custard falling apart at the edges afraid to face what was waiting for her inside. She quietly muttered the password next to the wall. Peeking around the portrait hole she stepped inside tiptoeing softly up to her dormitory.

"Thought you could return unnoticed, Granger." Said Malfoy as she reached the landing with a smirk playing upon his face.

Oh how Hermione wanted to destroy his smug face.

"Do you really care Malfoy?"

"No, why would I care about a mud blood, like you. Your pathetic I don't know why you're even head girl, you make me sick."

"That's not what you thought last night is it Malfoy? Now if you don't mind I'm going to get ready and head down to breakfast."

With that Hermione flounced off into her room closing the door firmly. She sat at her dresser brushing her glossy auburn hair. She pulled a hair tie out of a wicker basket on her dressing table taming her hair she pulled it into a bun. She looked at her profile in the mirror then took the hair tie out and let her hair fall loose.

Hermione approached the breakfast table looking around the room for her friends, Harry and Ron. "That's strange." She thought Harry and Ron weren't sitting at the table as Harry had said before. Hermione seated herself between Lavender Brown and Ginny Weasly, Ron's younger sister. Although she wasn't remotely hungry she piled her plate with bacon and toast. Hermione sighed and pushed her chair out without even touching her food she left the table. But then returned because she felt bad for the house elves who had just prepared that food. Hermione had not changed a bit she was still the school crazy sensitive girl she had been for the past six years. After filling her stomach with all the breakfast she could hold she retreated back to her common room where Draco Malfoy was pacing back and forth waiting for her. Hermione appeared in front of him watching him intently with her chocolate brown eyes.

"Why are you looking at me like that Granger?"

He paused

"I know that..." Hermione broke him off in mid sentence.

"I was just watching you something's wrong I can tell. Sit down. Tell me."

"No I'd rather stand up thank you."

"Fine." Said Hermione placing herself in one of the soft leather armchairs.

"Look Gr-Hermione, I want to apologize for last night, I know you're thinking why would a Malfoy be apologizing to me? Listen to me please Hermione. I acted badly its just that..."

"I know you haven't had any in a long time and you're feeling desperate right now."

"No not that, I think I may be attracted to you. But please lets just keep it on mutual terms.

"Ok fine, friends."


Hermione sat on her bed watching the blissful view of the sunset across the lake. She heaved a great sigh. Thinking over what had happened that day. "Oh no!" she thought, "My first lesson is next week I haven't even started studying yet" She lifted herself off her bed and walked slowly over to her trunk which held all her books she hadn't unpacked yet. She started sorting through the books looking for the book on Transfiguration. The book wasn't there. She looked harder panicking a little and tossing the books to one side damaging the pages and spines. She stood up and walked around her room looking under every possible object that a book could fit under. Her room was now a mess and as she picked her belongings off the floor her eye fell upon a photo of her Harry and Ron all arm in arm after their first year at Hogwarts. She reminisced sitting on her bed. Crookshanks hopped onto her lap purring affectionately rubbing her face with his, leaving a trail of ginger fur across her bedspread. "Oh Crookshanks you're molting, there's fur everywhere!" Crookshanks swished delicately through the gap in the door flicking his bottlebrush like tail behind him. Hermione began to sweep the ginger fur away when a familiar face popped out from behind the door. The blonde haired boy planted himself on her bed watching Hermione as she tidied the rest of her room.

"Draco, what do you want now?"

"You." He replied looking deeply into the depths of her eyes.

Hermione broke away from his gaze. "We agreed to keep it as friends."

"But don't you want more then that."

"Of course not we are supposed to be enemies."

"I know you want more I read it."

"What!? You read my diary you little troll! That's an invasion of my privacy!" Hermione bellowed.

"Don't leave it lying around then." He scoffed as he slid out of her room and headed towards the Slytherin common room.

Hermione was right, he hadn't been getting enough lately, he was desperate. He only knew of one person that could fulfill his needs. Pansy was Draco's stress relief. She knew he was using her; she was just too much of a slut to care. The last time Draco counted she was fulfilling the needs of five different guys through out the school. He turned the corner down to the dungeon when an arm grabbed him pulling him towards them.

"I was just going to see you."

Without saying a word Pansy pushed him into a spare classroom across the corridor, locking the door she advanced towards Draco seductively. Draco's heart began to pound and a familiar feeling overcame him. Pansy also noticed the feeling and smiled, unbuttoning her blouse. Draco stood in his boxer shorts and Pansy in her lacy, lilac underwear. She embraced Draco with full force pressing her open mouth hard against his. Their tongues met, and they slowly caressed each other. Pansy let her mouth slip down to his neck, leaving a purple mark just below his adams apple. Draco reached around to the back of Pansy's back unhooking her bra to reveal a pair of 12 C cup breasts. Pansy retreated reaching for her wand and with a flick of her wrist a cushiony mattress appeared. She then pushed Draco backwards onto the mattress and fell on top of him wildly kissing him, her hands entangled in his.

Meanwhile Hermione was sitting on her bed in her pajamas thinking about Draco he was right she was a changed woman she needed more.

A/N:Lol that was a bit gross but still R&R thanxs lil-sparkel-princess and lil-miss-crazy.