-crying- I'm so so so so sorry!!! I know I know hate me! I deserve for you all to hate me! I know I haven't updated and yes I am working on them and yes I still live! I've just been feeling down all better promised Riece that I'd update Rock Start Love! and I will writes block on how to begin! doing it right now but Now this is all cus or Rim!

Welcom to the Alice in Wonderland! the Parody!!

WARNINGS: Kenny is a slutty bunny, Tala is overly crazy...pfft psycho more like it. Erm Kai is more arragent and talks a lot about makeing people dance for him... and Max...Max...is just plain out scary Rei..well...he's just turned stupid!! mwahahahaha oh and swearing!

Discam-thingy:..Don't own...never will...;; I'm ganna go cry now...oh and some of the things I right does not belong to me. it belongs to Lewis Carroll. my own orginal writing but some out of the book it self.

... I own my Evil Plushie Tyson and Neko Kai and Stickman Rei and Monkey Plushie Max and Skanky Bunny Kenny and MaddieMcTala!

---------------------------------Tyson in Winderland------------------------------------

All in the golden afternoon

Full leisurely we glide;

For both out oars, with little skill,

By little arm are plied,

While little hands make wain pretence

Our wanderings to guide.

Ah, cruel Three! In such hour,

Beneath such dreamy weather,

To beg a tale of breath too weak

To stir the tiniest feather!

Yet what can one poor voice avail

Against three tongues together?

Imperious Prima flashes forh

Hey edict "to begin it"-

In gentler tone Secundan hopes

"There will be nonsense in it!"-

While Teria interrupts the tale

Not more that once a minute.

Anon, to sudden silence won,

In fancy they pursue

The dream-child moving through a land

of wonders wild and new,

In friendly chat with bird or beast-

and half believe it true.

And ever, as the story drained

The wells of fancy dry,

And faintly strove that wear one

To put the subject by,

"The rest next time-" "It is next time!"

The happy voices cry.

Thus gre the tale of wonderland:

Thus slowly, one by one,

It's quaint events were hammered out-

And now the tale is done,

And home we steer, a merry crew,

Beneath the setting sun.

Alice! a childish story take,

And with a gentle hand

Lay it where childhood's dreams are twined

In memory's mystic band,

Like pilgrim's withered wreath of flowers

Plucked in a far off land.

-From the book

------------------Chapter 1: Down the Rabbit-Hole Part 1------------------------

Tyson was beginning to get very very bored of sitting next to his brother by the bank. Having nothing to do and nothing to say was making him very tired. Once or twice he had peeped into the book his brother was reading but found that it had no pictures and to big of a word for him, like vision.

"And what is the use of a book," thought Tyson, "without pictures or have any small words...and fooooood?"

So he was considering in his own mind(as well as he could, for the hot day made him feel very sleepy and hungry) whether the pleasure of poking a frog would be worth the trouble to actually move and poke the frog, when suddenly a brown haird boy with a tight leather bunny outfit on, ran close by him.

There was nothing so very remarkable in that; nor did Tyson think it so very much out of the way to see a boy in a rabbit out fit. Nor did Tyson think it was so strange when it turned out to be one of his friends, Kenny, and hear him say to himself, "Oh dear! Oh dear! I shal be too late!" (It wasn't really anything out of the ordinary; it all seem so nautral at the time.) ; but when Kenny took a watch out of his leather shirt with a scared look on his whiskered face, Tyson started to his feet. Burning with curiosity, he ran across the fied. and was just in time to see him pop down a large rabbit-hold under the hedge.

Tyson looked around and shruged.

"Wonder if he's got any food with him." In another moment down went Tyson after him; never considering if his brother had any food and why Kenny was wearing leather in the first palce. Why Kenny had tight lather pants with a white big fluffy tail on him bum and had long white bunny ears with high heel boots..

The rabbit-hole went straight on like a tunnel from some way, when Tyson found him self falling down what seems to be a very deep well.

Either the well was very deep, or he had some how turned in to a feather, for he had plently of time as he went down to look about him, wondering where all the food had gone. First, he tried to see if he could start flying by flapping his arms up'n'down, but he hurt him self in the prosses: then he tried to swim around when when he noticed that the sides of the well were filled with cupboards and book-sheves: here and there he saw pictuers and dolls hung up on pegs.(yes the dolls were hung up). He snatched a jar as he passed; it was labelled"ORANGE MARMALADE," he sarted to cry when he found it was empty: He didn't drop the jar for fear there might be some on the very very bottom of the jar that he did not see.

"Well!" thought Tyson to himself, "after such a fall as this, I shall think nothing of tumbling downstairs! How brave they'll all think me at home! And then they'd give me candy! and then pet me on the head! and then give me more foooooood!!!"

down, down, down. Would the fall never end? "I wonder how many miles I've fallen by this time?" he said aloud. "....I'm hungry!!"

Presently he began. "I wonder if I shall fall right through the earth! Wonder if the food there is good??...hmm....Kai always told me I was a sucker for food...stupid sourpuss. He never yelled at Max when he pigged out!...speaking of Max I'm mad at him. He took my last candy today. Oh and Rei! he helped Max! that bum. WANT FOOD!"

Down, down, down.

------------------------------------Part 1 end----------------------------------------------

so what do you think??... yes yes I know...I suck ass...at least I suck good ass...like the candy ass...hmm...candy...-drools-

::Evil Plushie Tyson:: Candy?! where?! -runs around- candy candy can-OW!!! -runs in to a wall- I want my candy.

::Neko Kai:: -purrs- oh Tyson I have your candy...just come with me -walks to the bedroom with Evil Plushie Tyson fallowing-

::Stickman Rei:: --' didn't need to hear that....

::Moneky Plushie Max:: I WANT SOME CANDY!! -runs in to the bedroom-


::Moneky Plushie Max:: OH MY GOD!!! -runs off screaming- Xx

::Skanky Bunny Kenny:: ...I don't like leather.

Me: well ya do now!

Moans and groans

::MaddieMcTala:: --' lets get out of here before I decied to rip out there thraots

Me: ...Oo
