Of Vampires and Neko-jins (or) Crimson Wing Clan

Title: Of Vampires and Neko-Jins

Anime: Gundam Wing

Rating: pg13 may become R on later (not on )

Genre: Supernatural, AU, Romance, angst

Pairing(s): 4x3 6x13 1x2x5 2x5 (mentions Solo x 2)

Warning(s): AU, some character may be slightly ooc, YAOI, mentions of rape, mentions of near-death experiences, (both non-graphic) strange pairings, and Neko-jin info has been completely made up, but vamp is based on real vamps

Summary: The Ancient Vampire, Heero Yuy, sired two vampires, Milliado and Quatre. Milliado, after the death of his mortal lover, left. It has been almost 500 years since he left, and the clan has come in search of him. But, it seems, he has found, or rather, created a new lover, and a new series; Neko-Jins, the perfect, immortal companion. Only one problem, most don't live past 20....

Author's note(s): I'm posting two new fics at the moment, and am still continuing all of my other fics. I completely made the stuff up about Neko-Jins because I don't know that much about them besides they look like really cute humans with cat ears and a cat tail. Please R&R thank-you.

Disclaimer: ......still don't own gundam wing...... still don't own Treize...... my plot though..... I'd trade it for Treize-kun!.......... TREIZE RULES!


Earth. Since the dawn of time, Earth has been inhabited by many, many different species, all of which are forced to adapt to their surroundings and to coincide/ work together with other species in order to survive.

Man, for the longest time, believed, and still believe, that they are the dominant species, that they control it all. They even got to the stage where that was not enough, where they themselves tried to move to the next stage; from being the created, to being the creators, from being mere mortals to being gods in their own rights. They attempted to create A.I, artificial intelligence.

That was back when they thought that they already knew all there was to know about Earth and her inhabitants. That was back when supernatural creatures were mere myths, children's storybook characters. Vampires, werewolves, were-creatures, mages, elementals, witches, wizards, faeries, elves all exist. Vampires rule the underworld.

It's one of those unspoken things, one of those things that those who know it don't speak of it, and that for others; it's one of those things that rest at the back of your mind, just out of your grasp. On some level, everybody knows of their existence, yet, that other part of their mind, the logical part, denies their existence. That, mixed with the vampire's distaste of such a lowly species, one who denies what is right in front of them, makes the human race, for the most part, oblivious to their existence.

Vampires, like humans, seek to be gods in there own way, well, that's how humans would see it.

All vampires alive, or not, if you think about it, today, originate from one of the ancients. A vampire called Heero Yuy, who has walked these planes for over seventeen thousand (17000) years. He is the last surviving of the true ancients, and was sired (1) at the young age of seventeen.

He originally sired two vampires (2). After five hundred years of journeying alone, he journeyed to Sanq.

During his brief stay in Sanq, he met a nineteen year old boy; Prince Milliado Peacecraft.

Milliado was born into a family of strict pacifists, and Milliado, being the only male heir to the throne, was expected to continue the family's traditions.

The still young vampire saw how truly miserably the prince was, he offered him a chance to change his destiny, to join him, to become immortal.

Milliado, Zechs to the younger vampires and those whom he sired, was the first vampire Heero sired, and has walked these planes near-on sixteen-thousand, five hundred years (16500), and has remained loyal to his sire and Clan leader of all vampires, Heero.

It was not for another one thousand five hundred (1500) years that Heero sired his second vampire.

Milliado was a little over one thousand five hundred and twenty years old, and was finally able to walk under the sun without being blinded or in profuse pain from the sun's glaring rays. Heero himself was a little over two thousand years old.

Heero lead Milliado to Saudi Arabia, where he met the second mortal he would turn.

Quatre Raberba Winner, the youngest of thirty siblings, the only son and heir to his father, a great merchant and rulers great fortune. He was hated and envied by all of his twenty-nine older, bitter and jealous sisters who would, inevitably, be married off, and see not a penny of their father's fortune.

He was a pale, frail, sickly-looking youth, about sixteen, seventeen years of age. He was even more miserable in life that Milliado had been.

Heero offered him change, a chance to do what he wanted, not what duty or his father of his older sisters told him to do, a chance to become stronger, to become immortal.

Quatre accepted, becoming the second vampire Heero sired. Quatre is now nearing his fifteen-thousandth year (15000)

It wasn't until thousands of years later, when the vampire community, and inevitably, he only true vampire clan, the Crimson Wing clan had grown from three vampires to thousands world-wide, all under Heero's ruling, that they seek to become creators, or gods in their own way. Well, not all did, only one vampire really, the one who had changed his name to Zechs Marquise.

Heero was about sixteen thousand years old; Milliado was fifteen thousand five hundred and Quatre fourteen thousand when it happened. Milliado, against his better judgement and his friend's warnings had gotten close to a mortal man, and had quickly fallen for him.

The man, however, had no desire to become a vampire, to live, damned forever, and had, in what seemed to be the blink of an eye to Milliado, grown old and passed on into the next life.

In his grief, Milliado left the supernatural scene, distancing himself from the clan and vampires.

Heartbroken, Milliado searched for a reason to carry on. He journeyed to his lovers home country, and to where he had grown and lived, visiting both Russian and Germany, before reaching his decision, and moving back to one of his lovers estates near Victorian Lake (3)

Milliado spent almost seven hundred years working on his plan; his plant, to create the perfect vampire companion come bodyguard come sparring partner come lover. His creations would have the strength to rival any vampire, three times the speed of any supernatural being, agility greater than that of any feline, the ability, after a certain amount of time, to age at will. They, like their creator, would be immortal, and their beauty would rival even the most stunning of the fey/ faeries, ad each with their own unique, special ability. He based them originally on his lover's DNA mixed with an extinct species of supernatural creatures DNA.

Seven hundred and sixty years after he had left the clan, and hundreds upon hundreds of failed attempts later, Milliado succeeded in creating the first-ever of its species that survived past its first twenty years. He created the first-ever Neko-Jin.

Most Neko-Jins did not survive part their mid to late teens. Only those who made it passed their twentieth year survived. Most stopped aging in their late teens, early twenties.

Milliado named the first Neko-jin after his dead lover; Treize. Treize Kushrenada.

Treize stopped aging when he reached twenty-three, the time when Milliado's lover had been at his most beautiful and intelligent state. He looked, acted and even sounded like Milliado's deceased lover, but with only a few adorable differences.

Treize was quite tall, only a couple of inches shorter than his creator. He had broad shoulders, a muscular build, and ever so slightly tanned skin. He had deep, wise yet innocent Prussian blue eyes, slightly forked eyebrows and deep red-brown immaculate hair. He also had a long red-brown tail, which constantly swished, flicked, and occasionally wrapped itself around something, or someone. He also had red-brown cat ears, and extra-sharp claw-like nails.

Treize's special abilities were also very similar to Milliado's previous partners; he had a natural air of grace and charm, an air of aristocracy that one of noble blood was usually born with, excellent diplomatic, debating and people skills. Like all Neko-jins, he quickly mastered all languages he heard and read about. His best skill, however, was fencing.

Milliado fell deeply in love with his creation, and Treize with he.

Seeing the success of his creation, Milliado, with the help and support of his lover, worked on creating and breeding more Neko-jins.

Allowing about a hundred young vampires, most aged between one to eight hundred years old, to stay at his estate, helping care, teach and raise the young Kits (4)

Most did not survive puberty, dying in the early to mid teens, as their speed, agility and strength increased and as there special abilities developed.

Milliado, saddened by so many of his young creations deaths, distanced himself from all but his perfect Neko, Treize, and only associating with a few of the young kits.

Treize was nearing seventy, and was still the only Neko-jin to survive past his twentieth year, or so they thought.

Milliado had trusted the younger vampires to keep him informed of the Neko-jins progress, and to inform him if any Neko-jins survived their transformation and survived past their twentieth year. That's where he went wrong.

Treize, although deeply in love with Milliado, longed to be around his own kind. It was because of this Milliado continued trying to breed and create more Neko-jins to keep his love company, to keep him happy.

When Milliado was called out to a meeting with some lesser vampires, Treize made his way down to the lake, a place that neither Kits nor younger vampires usually ventured.

That was where the second-surviving Neko-jin was found; Trowa Barton.

When Treize found Trowa, he was horrified. Trowa had been brutally raped, mentally and physically tortured and beaten by a group of vampires. His legs were caked in blood, fresh blood oozing down his les, nails cracked, tail matted; his skin was covered in bruises, cuts and twin puncture marks.

Blinded by pure rage, Treize... disposed of the six vampires.

Treize took Trowa to Milliado who was just as, if not even more horrified and angry than Treize had been.

Trowa physically healed eventually, but mentally... he wouldn't speak or respond, his eyes looked..... dead. The vampire and older Neko-jin thought Trowa was in his early twenties because although he looked to be about seventeen, he had stopped aging.

Trowa was tall, though slightly shorter than the other older Neko-jin and vampire. He looked to be about seventeen, though, for all they knew, he could have been as old as Treize. He had a slightly muscular, athletic body, dark, forest green eyes, deep brown, strangely styled hair. His ears and tail were dark brown with forest green tips.

Trowa was so mentally scarred that Milliado doubted he would ever recover.

Milliado started getting more and more involved with the younger Neko-jins, making sure that nothing like what had happened to Trowa could happen again, or at least, so easily. He also tried to get Trowa to play with the younger Nekos and Kits, all with little or no success. Until, that is, they met a fifteen year old kit; Duo.

Duo Maxwell was about a head shorter than Trowa; he, too, was thin and slightly muscular. He had pale, cream-coloured skin, long chestnut knee-length hair, which he always braided, wide, trusting violet-indigo eyes, and a black and chestnut striped tail and ears.

Duo's special abilities were just starting to show. He was by far the fastest Neko-jin ever born, was one of the stealthiest, was the best at infiltration and using the shadows to his advantage, was good with knives, at cheering people up and at playing pranks on just about anyone and getting away with it.

Duo could also get close to just about everyone, and could get them to open up to him, to trust him. Treize introduced the kit to Milliado who agreed to let him spend some time with Trowa.

Duo, in a last attempt to get Trowa to open up to him, told him about a friend of him, another Kit, Solo.

He told hi how he and Solo had known each other since they were little; Duo three, Solo five. He told Trowa how they'd been best friends, how they'd done everything together, and, how Solo hadn't survived, had died only a few months early during his eighteenth year.

Soon after Duo's confession, Trowa began to trust the young Kit and, eventually, with Duo's help, grew to trust Treize. It took a lot longer for him to trust his creator, for the simple reason that he was a vampire.

Duo was the third Neko-Jin to survive past his twentieth year. Trowa's special abilities, with a little help and encouragement from Duo and Treize, began to reveal themselves. Trowa's abilities were acrobatics, agility, flexibility, his skill with any airborne weapons (5) and his skill with animals.

The forth-surviving Neko-jin was not born nor found for some time.

Duo was nearing his fiftieth year, Trowa his Ninetieth. They were walking together down by the lake where Trowa had been found and rescued from, when they saw him.

Duo had befriended most of the Kits and knew them all pretty well.

What they saw was terrible. Three vampires, all about two to three hundred years old, were surrounding a seven-year-old kit. They were trying to 'see how long a Neko-jin could hold their breath under water'.

Duo had instantly recognised the seven-year-old kit. He was a hotheaded, angry little Chinese kit. Or, at least, he had been. Chang Wufei, tears streaming down his face, eyes screwed shut in terror, shivering uncontrollably, was pulled from under the water and into Trowa's arms.

Shinigami dealt with the three vampires.

Duo had a slight.... Personality glitch, you could say, that made his loose it at times, in someone he cared about was in trouble or hurt, or if someone pissed him off.

Wufei was a lot quieter and more subdued after that. Duo looked after him like Solo had looked after him for the next few years. Wufei, still quieter than he had been, began learning martial arts.

Wufei was the fourth Neko-jin to survive past his twentieth year. He had stopped aging shortly after he had turned fifteen, as had Duo. He was the shortest of the Neko-jins. He had caramel coloured skin, a slightly muscular build, shoulder length raven black hair, black almond-shaped eyes and a black tail and ears.

Wufei's special abilities were fencing, fighting with a Kanata, martial arts and his scholar-like intelligence.

As Treize had fallen for Milliado, Wufei and Duo grew closer and close together, before they finally fell for each other. They never, however, went further than kissing and holding hands. Neko-jins were, by nature, a very cuddly, naieve species, but also, a very proud one. They always looked out for their own, and stuck together.

More and more Neko-Jins were born, but still, fewer and fewer reached their teens, let alone their twenties. Milliado, finally decided to, for now at least, suspend the breeding program, until he could make some serious improvements.

Treize was now almost two hundred and forty, Trowa one hundred and ninety, Duo one hundred and fifty, Wufei one hundred and five and Milliado was sixteen thousand five hundred.

Milliado hadn't seen his sire or brother in almost five hundred years, nor had he been actively involved in the clan. He had sent all of the vampires away shortly after the incident with Wufei. He had also caught some of the vampires feeding off of one of the kits, something only a Neko-jins lover should do.

Neko-jin blood, he had discovered years earlier, was four times as strong and long lasting as a human's blood. They also regenerated the lost blood far quicker than a human.

It was only a matter of time before the clan came in search of their missing member

End of Prologue

(1) Sired is when a mortal had their blood completely drained by the vampire, then drinks some of the vamps blood and becomes a vampire (is often raped or claimed by sire as well)

(2) The two vampires were Milliado and Quatre, both were sired (as explained above)

Don't know where that is, but I remember Victoria Lake base being mentioned in the gundam wing series, so I just decided to borrow it.

Kit's are young Neko-jins, al neko's are kit's in this story till they turn twenty-one

Such as knives, arrows, guns, slingshots, cross-bows, etc

So, what does everybody think so far? You like, you don't? Any comments? Please? Thank you!