Title: Silver Locket

Summary: Draco Malfoy gave a locket to Em, the girl he loves, before she is forced to leave her home. In his seventh year at Hogwarts, he is finding clues that she may be there with him!

Disclaimer: Roses are red, violets are blue, I don't own, so you can't sue!

AN- I know some of you were confused as to what spell Hermione was hit with when she was younger. I included an excerpt from Chapter Three, which kinda sorta explains it.

Memories were flashing through his head. He could see himself kissing her, then at the next moment he was running to her in the pouring rain. He was handing her the locket, then he was insulting her, while trying to let her know he didn't mean it. Finally, he saw her dying.

She was running in the rain toward her house when a bolt of green light hit her. He heard himself scream out, but his father was pulling him back, refusing to let his son be tainted by that… thing.

See? She was hit by a spell while trying to get to her house to see if her parents were okay. It was the Avada Kedavra spell, but the Death Eater was… someone who messed it up. Who it was will have a bigger part later on in the story, but that's later.

And the 50th reviewer is… (dun dun DUN) Alenor! YAY! -hands cookie to Alenor- Damn, girl, you are one lucky person. First, you were my 100th reviewer for Change Isn't Impossible After All, and now you're my 50th reviewer for Silver Locket! Alrighty, now that that's over and done with, I wanted to thank everyone who reviewed! I'm too lazy to list all of you, so I might miss a few. Anyways, now for the incredibly long list of reviewers that you are all probably going to skip over to get to the story!








Goddess of life and death


average jane

I Love yu under the SKY






Vimbai Foroma














Draco 4 Eva1







Kurama Luver 518092





Thank you everyone! -hugs- Anyway, this chapter is all about Draco. No Hermione at all, but don't worry, she comes back next chapter. Well, I'm sure none of you mind having Draco here all alone and vulnerable. -evil cackle- Anyway, this chapter is PITIFULLY short, but I haven't updated in like two months, so I wanted to have something up here! Don't worry, the next chapter is coming soon! I promise!

Alright, now here's the deal. Unfortunately, I can no longer use this pen name because some people I really didn't want reading my stories found it. So, if you want my new name, where all updates will be on ALL my stories from now on, please e-mail me. DeceitfulSerenity at verizon dot net.

Chapter Five

Eight-year-old Draco Malfoy strutted down the street, looking for the new neighbors that had just moved in. After a few minutes of searching, he heard noises. He headed in that direction. Finally, he saw a big truck and a bunch of sweaty workers trying to get all the furniture inside. Draco looked around, bored already.

Then, there was a young girl about his age looking up at him. Her hair was naturally black and her eyes were the color of melted chocolate. He put on his best sneer, trying to look intimidating. She merely giggled and pointed at his head.

"Your hair is shiny." He stared at her, fighting back his laughter. Draco couldn't help it. He burst out laughing. And so began their friendship.

Draco woke with a start. He was shaking, unable to stop it. Breathing heavily, he slipped out from under the covers and made his way into the bathroom. Turning on the cold water as high as it would go, he splashed some on his face. Looking up, he saw his reflection and grimaced. There were dark bags under his eyes, which had a flat, dead look to them. Needless to say, he hadn't taken the news very well.

Of all people, Hermione Granger had to be Emily? The person he had tormented and ridiculed for years was his Em? He had had these dreams about meeting her again, but now… How was she even able to stand the sight of him? How could she look at what he had become? She surely must hate him! But, on the off chance she didn't… He shook his head. He knew she hated him. Of course she did. How could she not?

With these morbid thoughts swirling through his head, Draco went back to bed, resisting the urge to cry himself to sleep.


"Draco! Draco wake up! Draco!" Blaise sighed, gave up, and left the room. As soon as he was gone, Draco cracked open one eye. Sighing with relief, he threw the covers off and stood. He was already dressed, ready for what he was about to do.

He was going to visit Hermione. He was going to see his childhood lover at long last. He could only hope she still wanted him.