DISCLAMER: These characters belong to Warner Bros Television and so
forth. A few are my own creation.
The Banana
"Lets say I have a gun…"
Josh spoke as he and Donna walked to the oval office and he tried to
prove to her yet another point.
"That's not a gun, that's a banana." She spoke with one eye on him
and the other on her path.
"Let's just say it's a gun."
"It's a banana Josh."
"Let's just say I have a gun-"
"It's a banana."
"Josh, you would never have a gun."
"Let's just say I have a gun."
"You have a gun?"
"I have a gun!"
"This guy has a gun!" Donna yelled as they reached the outside of the
oval followed by a Secret Service agent slamming Josh to the floor with a