A/N: Yea! I have finally posted up my new story! WHOOHOO :] hope you guys enjoy it! LOVE YA.
SUMMARY: Kyo's life is just about perfect. He is popular, all the girls love him, and to sum it all up, he has a loving mother. Everything is going smoothly for Sohma Kyo, until one night he finds a girl lying unconscious in the alleyway with a... wedding dress?! AU version of FB. KYORU, rxr please&thanks.
chapter ONE – Empty
My life was going great.
I had everything.
Money, girls, friends, family, and a life.
But after meeting you,
Everything changed.
"Yo Kyo! We're going out for some food, you wanna come?"
It was around midnight and Kyo looked back at the crowd of boys that were beckoning for him to go eat with them. He glanced in their direction and sighed, not feeling like going anywhere that night, it was getting pretty late and he was planning on just going home, so he muttered back cooly,
"I'm just gonna go home. Later."
The rest of his friends nodded with approval and raised their hands up to signal that they were leaving. Kyo turned his back, walking away from the crowd of people that were his friends and he sighed while strolling through the darkening streets. The streets were nearly empty except for around one or two people that were rushing along the sidewalks to get home. Cars zoomed past Kyo and the cold air bit his skin while he walked slowly down the streets of Tokyo on a cold October night. Just as he was passing a dank alleyway he spotted a flash of white, making him stop in his tracks. He backed up with a raised eyebrow and when his eyes focused on the white figure he felt his eyes widen and his mouth agape. There was a person lying in the alleyway, unmoving. He gulped and rushed into the alleyway yelling out,
"Oy! You okay?!"
He kneeled down next to the person and now that he was closer, he could see that it was a pale girl around his age who was surrounded by shards of metal. The queerest part was that she was wearing a wedding dress. Kyo shook her gently with his hand, but she stayed unconscious, so he checked her pulse, breathing out a sigh of relief when he felt a slow heart beat pumping. He looked around to see if anyone was around to witness this, but there was no one, so he did what he had to. He picked her up from the rubble and ran through the streets and back to his house. He strained to ring the doorbell to his house urgently and in a minute or so, the door swung wide open. His mother stood at the doorway with a smile that faded as soon as she caught the sight of Kyo and a fainted girl in his arms. Her face paled and she moved out of the way in order to let Kyo inside of the house. Her eyes were wide and she asked incredulously,
"What happened?!"
Kyo glanced at his mother for a second and then he began to run up the wooden staircase to his room, yelling back in reply,
"I don't know! But I found this girl lying outside so I didn't know what else to do!"
His mother followed him up the staircase quickly and watched as he lay her down gently on top of his bed. His mother leaned over the sleeping girl and suggested softly,
"I think we should call the ambulance."
Kyo shook his head and said,
"Nah... we should just see how things go in the morning."
His mother stared at the girl that was lying in the bed for a moment longer before nodding in approval.
Morning time
Light pierced Tohru's eyes once she opened up her eyes so she quickly squeezed them shut again as she shot up from her spot on the comfy bed. She looked around in alarm, not knowing where she was, her head was in a spin and she felt like her head weighed about a hundred pounds. She groaned and clasped both of her hands to the temples of her head and she tried really hard to think of any events that had happened before to have lead her to this strange room, but her brain drew a large blank. Her head snapped up when the door swung open and a woman with a white apron on and a neatly tied bun of red hair appeared at the doorway. She placed a tray of juice and a sandwich on top of Tohru's lap, making her flinch a little. Tohru looked up at the gentle woman's eyes and asked weakly,
"I-I'm sorry, but wh-where am I?"
The woman's eyes crinkled when she smiled and she answered nicely,
"You're in my house, the Sohma residence, dear, how are you feeling?"
Tohru lifted a shaky hand to touch the toast and answered back shakily,
"A... little dizzy... umm b-but could you please tell me how I got here? I can't seem to remember..."
The woman frowned at the girl and then said with a sympathetic voice,
"Well, my son found you lying in the alley and he immediately came back here. You've been resting here ever since last night. Umm... honey, do you remember what happened the other night or anything?"
The woman seemed to be looking at Tohru's outfit, making Tohru look down at what she was wearing. She nearly jumped out of her skin when she found that she was wearing a wedding dress. She pulled at the fabric wondering frantically to herself,
I don't even know why I'm wearing this! I don't remember anything... where I come from or who my parents and friends are... all I remember is my name.
She gulped and looked back at the woman's kind eyes and felt a lone tear slip down her face as she whispered out,
"I don't remember..."
The woman leaned over with eyes filled with worry and she asked,
"Oh sweetie... do you remember where your family is at least? So I can contact them?"
Tohru shook her head as more tears slipped down her cheeks, she felt so empty that it was painful. The woman bit her bottom lip, and asked with a calm voice,
"Can you remember your name?"
Tohru slowly said,
"Honda... Tohru."
The kind woman smiled at her and then pointed down at the toast sitting in front of Tohru and suggested with a voice full of kindness,
"Well, just eat your toast first okay? We'll figure out more things later... you can come downstairs if you need anything, honey."
Tohru nodded and said with a trembling voice,
"Thank you..."
Just as the woman was about to close the door she said with a soft voice,
"Oh, and please disregard anything rude that my son does to you… he can be a little… rude and rough on the outside, but he's got a wonderful heart when you get to know him."
The woman closed the door and Tohru sat there, staring into nothing.
Kyo was leaning against the wooden wall at the bottom of the staircase and he looked up when he saw his mother descending down from the stairs. He stood up straight and asked her,
"Is she awake?"
His mother nodded and then her eyes shot a glance at the top of the stairs to make sure that Tohru wasn't listening or anything, then she said in a low voice,
"I think she has amnesia though... because she can't seem to remember anything but her name..."
Kyo cocked an eyebrow and asked,
"So what's gonna happen?"
His mother put a finger to her chin and then she looked back down at Kyo with serious eyes,
"I think that the poor girl should stay here with us until she finds a home... poor thing doesn't even have a family right now!"
Kyo shrugged casually and replied,
"As long as she doesn't annoy me, then I'll be fine."
In the backyard
Kyo kicked the middle of the tree in the backyard of his house, causing a bunch of leaves to float down in the zephyr breeze. He wiped off a bead of sweat from his forehead and turned to his left to land another swift kick to the side of the tree, but he stopped midway when he saw that girl he had picked up from the alleyway, standing in the backyard. He looked at her for a moment and saw that she was still in that wedding dress he had seen her in before. He wiped his hands off on his khaki pants and asked harshly,
"You feelin' okay?"
She looked down at her feet that brushed up against the soft grass and then looked timidly back up at him,
"I'm feeling...a little dizzy..."
Kyo sighed and focused on her with his intense crimson eyes, causing Tohru to feel paralyzed by his stare. She gulped loudly when she said to him shakily,
"M-My name is Honda Tohru… pleased to meet you."
He turned back his attention to the tree and began to continuously kick at the tree again, leaving scratches and gashes all around it as he replied with a mutter,
"Sohma Kyo. So... my mom says that you don't know where you live?"
Tohru turned red and nodded like a child, not knowing how to answer that question correctly. Kyo let out another audible sigh and then stopped the kicking before advancing towards her, making her heart begin to beat louder than usual. She smiled as best as she could to ease the tension in the air, but his eyes were just so intense that she felt her breaths getting shorter and shorter with each step he took towards her. He smirked at her and asked obnoxiously,
"How do you not know where you live?"
Tohru felt a tear about to spill out of the corner of her eye, but then she felt a warm hand on her shoulder, causing her to look into his eyes. They had lost some of it's intensity, and even had a shred of warmth lurking around that burned her soul,
"Sorry... I didn't mean to make you cry or nothin..."
He let go of her shoulder very quickly and lowered his head a little so that she couldn't see his face redden as he muttered out,
"Look... my parents say that you can stay here for the time being until you remember stuff or whatever..."
Tohru's eyes brightened up completely and she could feel her heart flutter as she clasped her hands together and exclaimed,
Kyo groaned before looking back up with his stone cold eyes again. He pointed a finger at her to make things clear,
"This was not my choice okay? It was only my mom's choice, nothing to do with me, not at all. So don't think about getting mushy, mushy alright?"
Tohru smiled at him with a genuine smile, knowing that some part of him might have actually wanted her to stick around. She couldn't hold in her emotion as she gave him a quick hug, thanking him eternally,
"Thank you so much!"
Kyo stuck out his tongue a little in disgust and then he said with repulsion,
"Ugh… didn't I just tell you not to get mushy?!"
Tohru blushed and apologized quickly,
In that instant, he wrenched her off, but she didn't seem to be fazed by his gesture because she shot him one more giant smile before bounding back into the house, leaving Kyo in the backyard with a scowl on his face.
At School
Kyo was leaning against the lockers with all of his friends, just checking out all the passing strangers that were walking by and Kyo was just getting comfortable until he spotted Tohru walking towards them. He visibly tensed up when he saw her walking towards them, and thought to himself,
What is she doing here?! Great… she's such an embarrassment…
He watched with disgust as she ran up to every person that passed by her and greet them with an overly perky voice,
"Hello! My name is Honda Tohru, what is yours?"
Kyo leaned lower into the lockers, hoping that she wouldn't spot him if he put on a blank expression and looked the other way. His friends snickered at Tohru as she approached and they jeered loudly,
"Hey, look at the new loser!"
Tohru looked their way, simply ignoring their comment, and noticed Kyo sinking into the lockers. Her eyes brightened up when she saw him and she waved enthusiastically at him,
"Hey Kyo-kun!"
One of his friends commented in a low and disapproving voice,
"You know her?"
Kyo gulped and shook his head slowly, letting his bad judgment take over. Then he turned his chin up and asked with an aloof expression, but a guilt filled voice,
"Do I know you?"
Tohru blinked and backed away with pain in her eyes and she opened her mouth to say something but then the echo of the bell rang soundly through the hallways, so she walked down the hallway blinking her tears away, wondering if she had made him mad in any way.
When Kyo had told me that I could stay at the Sohma's the other day, I felt like I belonged somewhere, and that I was loved…but now I'm getting that familiar feeling again, the familiar feeling of emptiness...