I'M BAAACK! I'm sorry but I don't have a chapter right now. I'm here to answer your reviews and ask for idea's I've been busy with school and life but am back on track now so will spend more time on the site. I can think of about 5 chapters worth of material but I want to find a way to make it better, longer, and with more twists / in-depth plot. Any ideas?

Actually…. while I was trying to think of more idea's for the story I thought of something interesting for Harry potter. Can you imagine Draco Malfoy stuck with the Weasley's? LOL anyways so if anyone's interested please R&R

Response to reviews:

Crossover crazy: I agree I'm incredibly lucky and grateful to have the reviews. I'm planning on updating sometime this weekend or next week. thank you! I didn't think anyone was still reading this or interested. I hope that this will not change.

Enjael1: yup I'm hoping to find one or another. As for you're friends request for a story about the ice cream truck that freezes people… maybe a one shot… I haven't thought about it. To be honest I don't' remember the episode very well. We'll see. Oh and as for the new your Chicago thing…. Ooops! Oh well they both live in the same city for this fix….

Faith-the renegade: thanks! Hey is your Canadian by any chance? I am so I'm curious. I don't know French enough to read your fix though. Scuze moi mais je ne lis pas bien le fracais lol I wonder if I wrote that right, I haven't written or read French in like 4 years!

S.S. Dailey: oops I guess I am just used to the way the French spell it… I will keep that in mind for the next update

mae-E: thanks for the complement despite the mistaches! I didn't think of the time line much…. Oops… I'll try to correct those mistaches in the next chapters.

Zythe: I thought of double posting but apperently it's not allowed… I don't understand why…. It's a crossover! I really don't want to loose the reviews I have though so I'm not willing to risk it. I am thinking of a plot and considering doing a sequel in the charmed section… that way I can get both readers. Any ideas?

fan of TC and C: awww. Thanks! I am grateful I was clear enough while describing the premonition… I have never written fan fictions about charmed before so I didn't know how to word it. Thanks!

Charmed-angel4 thanks Meagan!

rain1657: aw thanks I'm touched. I am actually having some trouble getting a better plot. Any ideas? As for the characters… lol that's why I like them already made. 

cherrygurl1225: thanks! Glad you understand why I couldn't continue with him.

Alyssa Halliwell: thanks!i will!

triquetraperson: you can get the script to the episode on a web site. I think just searching Google will do it. And thanks again!

To everyone: I'll comment on the reviews for the other chapters at another time its almost 3 in the mourning and I'm tired. Good night all and. Thanks again….thaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaannnnnnnnnnnkkkk you!

I am hoping you're reading this. I am hoping that I'm not doing this for nothing…. Lol