Disclaimer, I do not own any of the charmed or Tru calling characters.

I hope this plot isn't too overdone, I'll try to make it unique, if you have any idea's pleaaase feel free to tell me. I'm pretty new at this and can use all the help I can get!!

-- thoughts --

Phoebe knew that no good could come of accompanying Miles to the Morgue. He was dead. Phoebe knew that they weren't meant to save everyone, she knew that sometimes they were destined to die, but no often how many times she lost an innocent, it never got easier.

But Miles wasn't just an innocent he was her boyfriend. For a short while he had made her feel again. Not pain, stress or any other negative emotion. He had made her feel beautiful, special and happy. And now... Now he was gone. Forever.

It was true that he was a rebound relationship, and maybe they wouldn't of lasted, but Miles had been special to her and she would miss him... If only... If only fate didn't have to be so cruel. Why did he need to die? Why couldn't she have turned left? Why.... Why couldn't he still be alive?

true: -- Poor girl Its so hard to lose someone you care about.... I don't want to disturb her, but she's been staring at him for 5 minutes now and that can't be good for her... who knows, maybe she'll get lucky and he'll ask for my help.

Ok so I know this was a reeeaaaaaaaaally short chapter, I promise the others will be longer...... that is... if you guys want more... PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE REVIEW!!!!!!!!! I REALLY REALLY REALLY WOULD APPRICIATE IT!!!!!! Also, if you have any questions or idea's let me know and I'll answer them. If you want me to continue you've got to review!!!