I'm so sorry to all my readers, but it's just another one-shot!! (ahem) It popped into my head at one point in a conversation... Korimi-CHAN will know what I'm talking aobut! (innocent look)


Rei stood, staring in the mirror, admiring himself.

Anyone looking in at the moment would either be shocked, amused, horrified or dazed.

At the moment, Rei was wearing a long, silver satin dress, accented by silver strappy silver high-heels. His hair was let loose, flowing down his back. A few silver ribbons were woven through it loosely. Just looking from the back you'd think he was a girl. From the front, you'd think he was a VERY pretty cross-dresser.

But the fact is he was neither. He was the sad loser of a very embarrassing bet between him and Liz, and to prove it Liz as currently sitting on his bed, squealing.


"It's a DRESS!"

"So? You have longer hair than me!"

"And what does that have to do with anything?"

"I don't know. But its still pretty!"

"I'm not SUPPOSED to be pretty! I'm a guy!"

"So? Turn around already, I still have to get pictures!"

"What if I don't?"

"Then... I'll tell Korimi..."

Rei heaved a sigh and turned around, revealing his silver eye-shadow, silver mascara, and ice-blue lipstick. His lips were curled in a scowl and his eyes were narrowed in annoyance.

"Anyone ever tell you that you're as annoying as Tyson?"

"I think Tala did once."

"Uh huh... Well he was right."

"Aww, I'm hurt." Liz put a hand to her chest in mock sadness.


"Alirght, now, pose pretty for the camera!"


"Would you rather be pretty or ugly?"

"I'd rather be a boy."

"Too bad!" The click of a camera shutter startled him.


"Smile!" Click.

"I'm going to kill you."

"Nope!" Click. Click.

"I'll take away your Marshmallows."

"As if you know where they are." Click.

"I'll find them."

"No you won't!" Click. "Later!"

Liz skipped out of the room, leaving the door completely ajar. Just then Kai and Tala walked past, arguing over something. The flash of silver caught their attention and before Rei could hide they saw him. There was a moment of complete silence, save the click of a camera. Then Kai and Tala burst out laughing, and Liz giggled away, happily taking more pictures.

And to this day, the color silver remains a most amusing color of Kai and Tala's, and a most detested of Rei's. And he never did find Liz's marshmallows, no matter how hard he looked.