Disclaimer: I don't own Slayers, or this song. But I really enjoyed writing this fic.
Chapter Twenty - The Point of Know Return
A Song by Alphaville
Lyrics – Centered Italics
Narrative – Black
The wind still blew though the windows of Hellmaster's tower. Zelgadis, Lina, Xellos and Zelas all waited expectantly for the Lord to return. The dusty sun was setting outside and Zelgadis was starting to wonder if Phibrizzo had been killed in his battle with Dynast. Zelgadis hadn't thought that was possible, but they had been waiting for a very long time.
Zelas and Xellos didn't talk, not to him, Lina, or to each other. Zelas leaned her slim body against one of the smooth stone walls and Xellos sat in one of the windows looking out onto the spanning desert. He was also healing himself. Zelgadis wanted to ask them questions about their decision to turn against Hellmaster, but seeing their behaviour, decided it was enough that they had made the decision – to his and Lina's benefit. He still didn't trust them though. It was impossible to trust someone wholly mazoku.
Zelgadis looked at Lina. She was lying flat on her back with one of Phibrizzo's books in hand. Her legs were crossed, and she wore an easy expression on her face – like she hadn't ordered the demise of her master. It was that exact expression that made him trust her.
He was working on healing his shoulder still. Gaav had hit him hard. Zel didn't think he would be able to close the wound before Hellmaster made it back, but since he seemed to be taking his sweet time murdering his subordinate, Zel might at least bind it shut. The cut itself would not heal completely for many moons. That was what Xellos told him. Zelgadis didn't like to trust Xellos, but there were sometimes, some moments, where Xellos looked exactly as he had when he proposed Hellmaster's deal to him. It was that time in front of the fire. That face, those eyes, that made Zel believe what Xellos told him.
The sun finally descended below the skyline and the wind changed from very hot to chilly in a single second. The room became so dark that soon the only things Zelgadis could see were the four sets of shining mazoku eyes.
Wait! Four sets?
"Well, what a reception," Phibrizzo said coldly. Evidently, he had been waiting for nightfall to make his appearance. With that he simultaneously lit all the torches in the room and the enclosure lit up magnificently. "Did you all wait here? Just for me?"
"Did you do it?" Lina asked nonchalantly, moving from her place on the carpet into a standing position. "Did you kill Dynast for me?"
"Ah, but of course," then he turned his head as though he hadn't seen her, and addressed himself to Zelas. "And what are you doing here, my dear? Did Zelgadis need your help to stop Lina from running after me? That's awfully shameful, Zelgadis. You didn't hurt her too much I trust?"
gentle taste of orange
A garden of fruit and flowers is what I
Is what I embrace
Zelgadis stared at his master, every moment becoming very slow until Zelgadis could think clearly. He had to be sure of his purpose before he slew his master. What did everything that happened really mean? Zel had been a Shaman. He used to be a person in tune with nature; a person in tune with the elements. Now, that meant nothing to him, because he had given it all away. None of the things that a human wanted were any of his business anymore. It was like he was dead, but walking free in the human world; a place he no longer belonged. He had lived a half-life as a chimera, not able to enjoy any of the obviousness about being a human. That had been his fault. He had believed for so long that no one would want to be near him because he was a monster. How could becoming more of a monster change his situation? He had wanted to be in love with Lina. He had wanted her love, and saw becoming a mazoku as the only way to achieve this goal. How could that reasoning have made sense? When did allowing yourself to be slain allow you to be with the one person you truly cared for?
He raised his eyes and stared at Lina. He had to answer Phibrizzo's question.
ocean blue eyes, in each one's an island
I'm stranded within your
I'm stranded within your love
"She's my lady love," Zelgadis said slowly, realizing that it didn't matter what he said, as long as he started the battle to show Lina that he was serious. His eyes were on her. Her eyes were on him. He had to show her that he meant what he said about cutting their bonds so they could be together.
as I fall deeper than ever
And as we kiss, we're each other's
We're each other's guide into the unknown
He drew his sword and said, "You have my thanks for helping me become a mazoku. I wanted to be with Lina, but you're in our way. I'll have to kill you now." Zel's voice was steady as he spoke, but even with all his conviction, he still had a difficult time pointing the blade at his master. Zelgadis was the devil himself now, so why couldn't he do this?
He forced himself to move for the first strike.
men do not return, where men do not forget
The sweetest suicide,
as if we don't exist,
"Stop!" Phibrizzo commanded.
Zelgadis stared transfixed, and did as he was commanded.
His master was holding a golden ball in his hand. "Do you really think I would have created my first servant in a thousand years, and not create one of these to accompany him? Don't move Zelgadis, or I'll crush it. You'll die instantly if I do, but you knew that didn't you?"
"Of all the dirty . . ." Lina fumed.
"Don't think that I don't understand your plans Lina!" Hellmaster shouted. "Don't think for one second that I don't understand you perfectly. If you fight me on your own, you'll die."
"She won't die," Zelas said quietly. "These two did not come here on their own. My servant and I will help destroy you, and you'll really visit the underworld, Hellmaster-san." Her yellow eyes flashed dangerously, and she and Xellos went into action before Zel realized they planned to attack in that instance.
Even if his life was on the line, he joined in. He didn't care if Hellmaster could crush his existence with a snap of his fingers, if he showed himself to be a coward now, everything with Lina was over. He had to be the strongest. He was the strongest.
Where men do not return, where men do not forget
The sweetest suicide, as if we don't exist, but live
The battle was one of speed and strength, but still in all the commotion, Zelgadis' golden sphere was not crushed. It seemed impossible, but it remained untouched, and a marvelous conflict ensued. A fight like this, drawing blood like this, were the things that really made a mazoku feel alive – Zel included. And for Lina, he would do anything.
presence of angels, the incense of Indochine
The quietness of
movements, the slowness of Africa
A point of know return, no way
out of here
Nothing compares to you
Anything goes
The tower was breaking, as the rocks fell to ruin, but the battle continued in the skies.
At last, the scream Phibrizzo let out was the silencing one before mazoku death. It had been Zelas who drove the final blow home. Dark energy amassed and dispersed.
They had won.
as I breathe deeper than ever
I'm coming home, I'm coming home to
the unknown
It had not been easy. Xellos had been badly injured in his fight with Dynast, and had still participated in their fight with Gaav. Now after fighting so many dark lords in such a short time period, it was obvious that he was near death. But Zelas cared deeply for her servant and imparted some of her energy to him in order to steady him. Zelgadis watched the two of them carefully. Their relationship seemed strange. She had been the one to push him so far.
Lina was hurt as well, though not as badly. "I felt like I could do it," she said to Zel, teleporting next to him in a flash. "I felt like I could do it once he said that Dynast was dead. As long as I have no one who I have to obey, I can do anything. Are you hurt?"
"No," Zel said. "Just the cut from Gaav."
"And you weren't afraid to murder your master. I'll never forget this Zelgadis. Never." She paused and looked around the skyscape, as though the sight of the still desert scenery was anticlimactic for her. "Let's go," she said. "There's nothing for us here."
"Wait, Lina," Zelgadis said, touching her clothes. "Where will we go?"
"Back to Gourry for one thing," she said, looking unusually serious, and fingering the sword of light at her hip as though it was something poisonous.
Zelgadis was totally aghast by what she said. "What the hell? Why?" But he wouldn't let himself decide what she was thinking until she answered him. There were too many possibilities, but all of the ones Zelgadis thought of sounded wretched. What did she want with Gourry now? Now that everything was over, why would she want to see him now? Bloody hell! Did nothing ever turn out right?
"I'll explain on the way," she said, putting her arm around Zel and helping him to his feet. He didn't really need her help, but since she wanted to give it, he didn't push her away.
Zelgadis watched, as Lina turned and gave Zelas and Xellos one final salute before evaporating into thin air, taking him with her.
"Was all that really necessary?" Zelas said aloud once Lina and Zel had departed.
Phibrizzo appeared behind her and whispered into her ear, "You know it was. They'll be useless servants until they discover how hopeless their love affair really is. Mazoku don't love, but they think that because a tiny portion of their humanity that still exists, they'll be able to act on that. It's really impossible, but we have to give them their chance to realize what their situation really is."
"I still think your grandiose scheme was too elaborate for what was necessary," Zelas said, smoothing her hair with one of her hands.
"Ah, but it wasn't all a waste. Gaav is gone now."
"Your mission in life," she said sarcastically. "Well, I hope you'll be happy now that you no longer have him to deal with, and his subordinates won't come after you because you weren't the one who 'officially' did it."
"Was it difficult to convince Dynast of your plan? Is that why you were gone so long?" she asked, clicking her tongue on the roof of her mouth.
"No, it didn't take long to convince him. He's an idiot, but he knew I had him pinned."
Zelas sighed, "Then where were you all that time? I had to hang around with those two starry-eyed lovers for hours, and Zelgadis kept looking at Lina with the sickest expression." Zelas stuck out her tongue for emphasis. "What are you going to do to make it up to me?
"I went to go look in on Deep Sea. She was a mess, but played her part well, or so she claims. . ."
"And poor Xellos," Zelas interrupted him, looking down at her servant with ferocious eyes. "There was no need for that one hit you made on him. How are you going to explain that?"
"We had to make it look real," Phibrizzo explained, wagging his index finger.
"Don't bullshit me," Zelas said crushingly. "He was already injured, and he did his best to protect your assets during the fight with Gaav. Lina and that twit would never have defeated him without Xellos' help."
"What are you saying," Phibrizzo said silkily.
"Just don't count on my help next time you feel like executing a plan like this in the future."
Xellos lay hunched up in the corner of the room admiring Zelas. She was really a demon of the highest order. Lina and Zelgadis didn't know what they were missing when they deserted their mazoku masters. Sure human interests were very interesting, but there was nothing quite like the unmanageable passion of a dark lord on a rampage. Just to was watch his master's mind work was enough to sustain him forever.
Xellos prized watching her, even when he was near death.
Lina and Zelgadis appeared outside the inn Gourry was staying at. Apparently, he had taken up a job as a local mercenary with a less-spectacular weapon. Right now, he was sitting in the dinning room, unceremoniously chomping down on the roasted leg of an animal, minus the beautiful woman.
"What are we doing here Lina?" Zelgadis asked, while pushing his back against the outside wall of the inn.
"I have to give him his sword back," she said heatedly.
"You didn't have a hard time stealing it Zel, so don't act like that's why you don't want me to give it back. Listen up," she said looking deeply into Zelgadis' eyes. "I don't think we destroyed Phibrizzo, but he obviously wants us to think that we did. We have to find out what he's up to, and then we can really kill our masters."
"Our masters? You don't think he killed Dynast?"
"I know he didn't. I'd feel different. I'd feel vengeful, and instead I still feel the same pull to be near him."
"So, you want to play mazoku politics?" Zel said, thinking of how hard he had tried to get them alone and now they were jumping directly back into the fray. "How is giving Gourry back his sword going to aid you in that?"
"I want to see who comes after it, and tries to take it from him," she said, still hunching with Zel in the bushes like she was a human and afraid of being found out.
Zel sighed.
"Are you disappointed?" she asked in an urgent whisper.
"Not at all," he said, opening his blue slitted mazoku eyes. "On the contrary, I think this is going to be extremely entertaining . . . for the both of us."
men do not return, where men do not forget
The sweetest suicide,
as if we don't exist,
"Just kiss me . . . once."
Where men do not return, where men do not forget
The sweetest suicide, as if we don't exist, but live
The End
Author's Notes: Hiya. Everyone reading my other fics is probably pissed that I took a timeout to finish this one, but it had to happen. I've had this fic on my plate for way too long as it is. I'm trying to learn how to finish things up and not to rush, but it's hard. And I suck at wrapping things up into a neat little package. I really tried my best with this and tried to make the last chapter like all the other chapters. Maybe I succeeded, maybe not. I love all you guys. Especially Kaeru, who I know has taken the time to read this. Thanks everyone who gave this a shot. And if you saw faults with it, don't be afraid to go hard and tell me what they were. I really want feedback, so that I can learn to execute these things better.