To all my dear readers,
First off, I'd like to apologize for not updating in over 6-7 years. No excuses can make up for not updating and continuing the story. The only things that I can say was I got burned out. Not from writing fanfictions (trust me I love writing them), but school was a main factor. The degree that I had gone for, it involved a lot of analytical papers and I just grew tired of writing. I could go on and on about various medical emergencies and such, but I think that this note would get longer if I do.
However, now that I have graduated, I can safely say that I will start updating most of my fanfictions. Seeing the continual support of this series made me try and continue on and I want to for you all.
Now to pose a question for you all. I want to know the following:
Do you guys want me to continue with the story as is given the continual update to the Pokemon cannon in the series where it is? Include the new things in the cannon later?
Or would you like me to rewrite the series to follow the new canon of Pokemon?
I am fully prepared to go with either option. Please let me know in either a review or a PM. I owe you all for the hiatus I was on and I think this is the best way aside from putting out a chapter.
Thank you very much!
-Shadow Guardian of the Gate