It was about midnight when Bakura drunkenly barged into Ryou's room. He was yelling about lord knows what when he grabbed his frightened little hikari. Ryou thought of screaming, but he didn't have a chance. Bakura was a very horny drunk, as well as mean, meaning he currently had Ryou pushed up on the wall pillaging his mouth. Ryou had to fight back a moan, for all of Bakura's harsh actions, he was a very good kisser.

Bakura soon grew tired of just kissing his little one, so grabbing a handful of Ryou's snowy hair he through him to the bed, following in suit. "Your my little whore." Bakura slurred out before once again kissing Ryou. Ryou made no move to get away, knowing it only made Bakura mad.

Ryou lay on the bed unprotesting to the removal of his night cloths. Bakura chuckled a little when he finished removing all of Ryou's cloths. "Well now my little toy, what game shall we play tonight?" Bakura said his voice a little slurred by the alcohol he had obviously been drinking. "Hmmmm? Bakura pulled his sliver knife out and ran it along his tongue before his sadistic smile took over his pale features.

Ryou's eyes opened more out of reflex of knowing what that blade felt like, but when the blade struck his skin and he felt nothing Ryou didn't know how to react. Bakura didn't seem to notice that Ryou wasn't screaming, he was far too fascinated by the blood seeping out from the newly formed cuts on the smallers body. Bakura went on with cutting Ryou's supple chest while he did nothing but stare at the roof above him. It wasn't until Ryou felt his legs being pulled apart that he realized Bakura was naked and about to slam is erection into his body. Ryou let our a small squeak that seemed to fall upon deft ears as Bakura entered him. Once again Ryou was thrown for a loop, he felt no pain, it did feel wonderful though, much like what Aya had done with him earlier that day. Ryou decided to ride out these new feelings with Bakura.

Ryou woke up when the light came in through his window. Ryou's slowly slit open his chocolate eyes hissing at the bright light and hiding under the covers. Something moved beside Ryou as he hid under the covers. He looked over at a sleeping Bakura, 'wow he must have got plastered last night for him to be sleeping here' Ryou thought to himself.

Ryou finally worked up the courage to face the morning light. He slipped easily out of the bed feeling no pain as he did so. Ryou had to thank Aya better for this stuff. Ryou got dressed and left quietly. He really wanted to see Aya.

And so it progressed, Ryou spent more and more time with Aya and no one seemed to notice. It had been the same when he was younger, no one had ever noticed what he did, or were he went. It was sad really, but it confirmed the thought that he truly was unimportant to anyone except the one who called him angel. Aya.

Things started to go down hill when Bakura noticed something was wrong with Ryou.

Bakura had been watching Ryou carefully for the past week, something was definitely wrong with his other half. Ryou just didn't seem like himself. He was different. Bakura had decided to ask Ryou, just incase he was just imagining it.

"Ryou?" Bakura called to his lighter half as he entered the kitchen.

"What is it Bakura?" Ryou asked as he turned on the burners on the stove so that he could continue to make supper.

"Have you been feeling alright lately?"

Ryou froze for a second before speaking. "Never better Bakura."

Bakura picked up on his moment of silence. "You lie." He said as he moved closer to Ryou.

Ryou's eyes grew big as he took a step back, placing his hand on the burner in the processes of stopping a fall.

Bakura watched in horror as Ryou's hand made contact with the burning surface. It scared him more when Ryou didn't remove his hand.

Ryou watched Bakura as his face paled and he looked as if he would scream at any moment if fear. It was then that Ryou decided to look down at the heated, burned flesh of his hand. His eyes stared at the flesh for a moment before he looked past it to Bakura.

"What the hell is wrong with you?" Bakura's voice was laced with what almost sounded like fear.

"Nothing at all." Ryou said as he walked by the stunned Bakura.

It was hours later Ryou heard Bakura on the phone to Malik. "It was just like that, he didn't move at all, it was almost as if he couldn't feel it." "Don't tell me I'm over reacting Mailk, I'm NOT!!" "I don't know, Maybe......"

As soon as Ryou heard that he knew that Malik most likely had an idea of what he was doing and that he needed to leave if he didn't want the pain to come back. Ryou packed his bag gave a call to his very close friend Aya and left. He left everything he didn't need. He did not however leave a note, he was just going to disappear. It wasn't like anyone noticed he was there anyway.

As Ryou got into Aya's waiting car and they drove off a flickering thought of regret passed through his mind, but one look at the man next to him in the car and the burn on his hand, Ryou knew he never wanted to come back.....Ever.

Look for chapter four soon(I hope)

Sorry for the delay in this one. Hope you all enjoyed. Please review.
