The New Drug

This was all Ryou wanted, a release form the pain. From what everyone had caused him. It had all started a few days earlier, an old friend if his named Aya had shown up at the school. Ryou hadn't taken much notice in the beginning when he first arrived, but he had heard rumors. At first he didn't think he needed to see his old friend, but that all changed thanks to a very nice yami of his.

"Your late. Where were you my little whore?" Bakura yelled at Ryou when he came in the front door.

"I.." Was as far as he got before Bakura pushed him back into the door causing him to winch.

"Don't speak." Bakura said before dragging Ryou up by the hair and pushing him up the stair to his room.

Knowing full well what Bakura was going to do to him Ryou started to scream for him to stop and that he was sorry.

"Shut up you little fuck!!" Was the only answer Ryou received before a violent kiss was placed on his lips. Ryou could feel his cloths being ripped from his body as Bakura set to work on their daily retinue.

After what seemed like hours Bakura finally pulled out of Ryou's now bleeding and broken body. Laughing like a maniac as he did so.

He left Ryou alone in the bed. Ryou just stared at the roof, tears sliding down his pale face. His could handle all of this if he just didn't feel it at all. It was then he decided the next day he would go and see if the rumors were true, that his dear friend Aya had returned.

He decided to skip gym, since it would only draw attention to his new wounds. He wandered out to the back of the school. There was a small group of people gathered around a black car. He heard a woman's voice through the crowd, what she said confirmed that it was Aya.

"It's the Angel."

"What?" Aya turned to look at Ryou's pale figure.

"Hey look it's the goodie two-shoes." One of the people in the crowd jeered at Ryou. Some of them moved closer to Ryou, as if to hurt him for coming there with them. That was till Aya spoke.

"Angel?" Ryou looked up to see his friend. "It is you." Aya smiled at Ryou as he approached him. The other people moving to get out of his way.

Ryou walked up the car and sat on the roof. The people in the crowd giving his nasty looks as he smiled and looked at Aya. "I need some thing Aya."

"Anything." Aya said as he sat next to Ryou pulling out a needle as he did so.

"I need some thing better than this." He said as Aya held his arm and pushed the needle into the soft skin, injecting Ryou with the contents.

"Really?" Aya said as he leaned back. "And what is it you need Angel?"

"Something stronger than morphine. i need something that makes me feel no pain at all, no emotional and no physical. Can you help me?" Ryou asked, the morphine in his blood now taking affect.

"As a matter of fact I can. You know the right person to come to Angel. Come by tomorrow and I'll have enough for the next three months for you."

"Wonderful. So what do I owe you Aya?" Everyone looked at Aya strangely. He never gave anything free to anyone, what the hell did this goodie boy have that they didn't, why was he getting special treatment.

"Just come by and I'm sure will work something." He said smiling and kissing Ryou on the cheek before Ryou turned to him and said.

"I got to get going now Aya. I'll see you tomorrow. Thanks for the morphine." Ryou smiled as he walked down the street towards home. 'No pain he thought, no more pain'

"Yo Ryou!! Wait up!!" The voice of one of his so called friends yelled as he was walking.

Putting on his best 'I'm fine and life is good' smiles he turned to face his friends. "Hi guys."

"You weren't in gym class, we wanted to make sure you were OK." Yugi said as he stood at Ryou's side.

"I wasn't feeling well so i went to lie down. I'm feeling better now." Ryou half lied. I was true he wasn't feeling well, and now that he had morphine in him he felt fine. he had forgotten how wonderful it felt to be high. even if it was on painkillers. It felt so good.

"Oh, well that's good." Yugi said.

"Look Yugi, I would love to stay and talk, but I have a tone of work to do and I have to get home."

"OK." Yugi said, looking a little sad that his friend was leaving.

'Friend? Did I just think that?' Ryou asked himself. 'Yeah some kind of friend, I hope you burn Yugi, Ryou thought to himself while placing a reassuring smile on his face as he walked away. He had also forgotten how easy it was to lie to people who thought they were doing something good.

Continuing down the street he wondered what else would come back to him.

The house was dark when he arrived. Signifying that Bakura was in a bad mood, usually Ryou would wait outside on the porch swing till Bakura Came outside to scream at him for not coming so he could beat him up. Today was not different. he wanted his new drug before he tested Bakura. So he went over to the swing. He lied down and stared up. He should have asked Aya for a hallucinogenic drug to, then at least he wouldn't be bored. Well tomorrow he would get all he needed to make life right again.


This is my new fic. I know I need to finish other things, but right now most of them seem way to happy. I also have exams next week so this could take a while, but I will finish this. I'm going to call this a happy b-day thing for you Stef. I had something else, but I can't seem to finish it. So enjoy this.

Thanks for reading, and thanks to Dragon Rider for her story helping start this, and of course Jade for making it all seem good.
