Author's Note: I was bored with nothing to do, so I wrote this.

NOTE: NO Meiling/Syaoran romance, as it is currently illegal to marry your cousin now; Sakura is slightly OOC, but like, only 5%.

Disclaimer: I do not own Card Captor Sakura

Accidents Can Happen

By: Wings of Jade

Part I: The Accident

One day, Li Meiling returned to her house with the angriest expression ever on her face. She slammed the door shut, scaring their butler, Wei, and caused a near explosion by flinging her bag and its contents onto the living room rug.

Her cousin, nineteen-year-old Li Xiao Lang, or Syaoran, positioned at the sofa reading a book, raised an eyebrow. His brown hair was halfway in his amber eyes, which was looking at his book through thin glasses.

"Did somebody mess up your hair again?" he asked sarcastically.

"Funnily enough, yes," retorted Meiling. "It's that--that--airhead Masaru--first he comes and trips me on my way to class, then he steals my books and draws cartoons all over them, and then he squeezes a whole freaking bottle of COLD WATER onto my head, and then he claims we're related! I hate that baka so much! I HATE HIM I HATE HIM I HATE HIM I HATE HIM I HATE HIM I HATE HIM--"

"I get the point, Mei-chan," said Syaoran in a bored voice.

"Why does he have to ruin my life for me?" she said tearfully. "I am trying all I can to succeed in school, but this idiot here won't let me!"

"Indeed," commented Syaoran. "So--do you want me to punch him or run him over with my car?"

Meiling stopped ranting.

She stared at him. "You would seriously run him over with one of your cars? For me?"

Syaoran shrugged. "Not literally, but you get what I mean." Meiling had an evil glint in her eye.

"Okay, run him over with that big green one with eight windows."

"Done." Syaoran returned to his book.

The thing was, Meiling would come home twice a week in an uncontrollable beast rage, screaming about some guy or girl who was ruining her life. It wasn't like she was unpopular; it was just that people seemed to think she was a perfect target for pranking on, even though she was:

1) Mega-rich

2) The cousin of Syaoran, who seemed to have a reputation at the school of being the most intolerable guy there ever was

3) Mega-rich

4) A tattle-tale

5) The kind of person who had lots of girlfriends who could claw people's eyes out

6) Mega-rich

7) Did I mention mega-rich?

Yet, it seemed like everybody was against her. But then, 'everybody' would usually get punished by Syaoran.

"Get on with your homework now, Mei-chan," said Syaoran, glancing at the clock. "You wouldn't want to get into trouble for that, right?"

"What's the point?" grumbled Meiling. "It's going to get stolen by someone anyway!"


On Saturday, Syaoran took his 'big green car with eight windows' out for a ride. He drove mostly around the neighborhood, but then he got bored, so he took it to the marketplace and went around for a bit. Many people were there, and Syaoran took great delight in slapping his hand against the horn and making people make way for him.

Then, he looked at his window and lo and behold, there was Masaru, hurrying from the market doors, clutching several plastic bags with assorted vegetables. Syaoran took his cell phone and dialed Meiling's number.


"Hey, Meiling," cut in Syaoran smoothly. "I see Masaru. He's the guy with black hair, right?"


"Okay, okay, I get the point," he muttered. He clicked his cell phone off. Then he began to go back a little to get a better aim at Masaru...


"Sakura-chan!" called a voice. "Sakura--oh, for God's sake--KAIJUU! GET OVER HERE! QUICK! IT'S AN EMERGENCY!"

Nineteen-year-old Sakura barely stirred from her sleep.


Sakura sat up immediately and started dressing.

"Coming, Touya!" answered Sakura, her short auburn hair swinging back and forth as she ran to her brother's room. "What is it? Did you get sick or something? What's going on?" There was her older brother, sitting at his chair like nothing had happened.

"Liar," snarled Sakura.

"Oh, hey, kaijuu," he greeted casually. "Dad told me to tell you that you have to go to the supermarket and get some food for dinner."


"Because I cleaned the fridge, silly." Sakura groaned.

"Not again. Okay, I'll do it." She straightened her clothes and went downstairs. She made herself a small breakfast and grabbed the keys to the car.

Half an hour later, she was driving through the parking lot at the marketplace, with food in the back, and trying to escape. There was a long green car in front of her, driving like a turtle, and honking horns at everybody who got in his or her way. Frustrated, Sakura urged her car a little closer to the one in front of her, itching to get out of the market. Then, wouldn't you know it--


"The car!" cried Sakura.

The driver from the car in front of her seemed to notice too, for the door opened and he or she climbed out. Sakura also stepped out. She was full of rage. The driver was a guy. Figures, she thought. First he wouldn't let other people get out of the parking lot, then he goes and--Sakura checked--ruins the car headlights and now he's staring at me like he has a right to stare at me...and while she was thinking all this, she couldn't help noticing that he was extremely an annoying sort of way.

"I'm in a hurry at the moment," said the boy. "I never knew you were so close behind me--I'll pay you later--"

"What?" Sakura said in disbelief. "Pay me later? You realize you were driving at 10 km per hour and blocked every single lane, and then you start driving backwards and break my car headlights? And that's it? Can you pay me time? I don't think so."

Syaoran glanced behind him. Masaru was getting away. Meiling would be furious if he didn't give him a warning.

"I really, really, really have to do something, okay?" he repeated. "I have to go somewhere really quickly. Here." He threw her a piece of paper with his name, phone number, address, license plate number, and driver's license number.

Sakura was shocked. "You don't even say sorry or apologize to me, and now you don't even have manners to at least help me with the car?" She didn't mean to sound spoiled, but she had had several car accidents before and none of them involved drivers who abandoned people so fast. What kind of a person was he, some sort of rich idiot? Judging by his car, heck yeah.

"I am really in a hurry," he repeated yet again. "I really have to go somewhere, and it's really important. If you want me to pay for the damage, I can give you all the money you want, but right now, I really have to go." And without another word, he stepped back into his car and drove off.

"You--" Sakura stared after him in disbelief. He ditched her, just like that! Without even saying sorry! Steam practically curling out of her nostrils, she climbed into her car and drove off, cursing with every turn she had to make.


Ding, dong.

Wei opened the door and found himself looking at a very pretty girl with auburn hair and startling green eyes. "Uh, can I help you?" he inquired, not sure who she was.

"Yes," she answered politely. "My name is Kinomoto Sakura. I'm looking for Mr. Li Syaoran. He ruined my car a couple of days ago."

"He ruined your car?" repeated Wei. He racked his brains. Master Li might have mentioned it once or twice...I suppose I'll have to let her in and then call Master Li.

"Please come in," he said, gesturing for her to wait inside. Sakura stepped inside. Her eyes immediately widened at the sight of the main hall--it was huge! It could have fit the Titanic and still have space to walk through! A fountain was in the center, gently spurting water. Stairs were on the right, and on the left. There were three doorways; one on the left, one on the right, and one in front of her.

So, this is how rich that kid is, she mused.

Then, from the left stairway came the culprit, Li Syaoran, accompanied by the butler.

"Oh, hey," he greeted casually. "It's you. Come into my study, I'll talk with there."

The nerve, thought Sakura savagely. "Okay." She followed him through the right door way and found herself facing another hall with three doors. Syaoran opened one of them and stepped in. Inside was a desk, a shelf with books, a dresser with some pictures, a closet, and another shelf with binders and things. He sat behind the desk and Sakura seated herself at a comfortable chair.

He handed her an envelope. "I believe this is enough to fix your car. If it isn't, feel free to contact me, and I can give you more." Sakura waited.

"Is something wrong?" Syaoran inquired pleasantly.

"Tell me, Mr. Li--"


"Syaoran, then. Tell me, have you ever been taught manners before?"

"Is that supposed to be an insult? This is more than enough money to fix your car. Are you not satisfied? Or maybe, did you let me ruin your car on purpose so you could weasel some cash out of me?"

"Excuse me? Just because you think money can solve all problems doesn't mean every other person does too," retorted Sakura. "When you backed into my car, all you said was that you were in a hurry and you needed to go, as if I was holding you down or whatever. But did you once say sorry? Did you apologize once? No. No, like all other little rich kids around here, you think you're so great that you don't even need to apologize to someone lower than you--"

"--I did not say you were lower than me, nor did I say that I thought I was great," cut in Syaoran sharply, leaning forward. "I am sorry for ruining your car, I did not realize that you were so close behind me. Really, I'm sorry for everything. Take the money and fix your car, please."

Sakura leaned forward as well, her eyes blazing. "Next time, cut out the sarcasm" she said sweetly. She stood up and turned to leave. Then she paused. "Oh and by the way, apology accepted..."

Syaoran felt relieved.


His stomach plummeted.


This is only the beginning of the story; don't worry, the other parts will be coming soon--this is a three-part story, just like 'Sorry, Wrong Admirer'. Oh, and by the way, for fans of 'I Choose Sakura', I have decided to post up the Tomoyo x Eriol and MAYBE the Ronin x (some other girl) on my website soon. Just click on the homepage link on my profile page.