A/N: I really like this story. My other stories were a bit on the awful side..err, they WERE on the awful side. I think this is a big improvement from them. Anyways, you don't want to watch me blab -and probably won't even read this- so one with the story.

Disclaimer: sniffles My god guess what?! I own Inuyasha!!!! umm..err.. ok so maybe I don't own Inuyasha, but I do own the faerie language in this story!

!!Thank you everybody who reviewed!!

Chapter 1: Eternity

"Mom, I'll be back in a while!" Kagome said, as she started to leave the house with her empty basket to go gather fruits.

"Ok, but make sure you come right back, or I'll have the whole village come search for you!" Mutsumi called out as her adopted daughter shut the door.

Kagome sighed exasperatedly, and made her way into the forest. She started humming her sparkling wings fluttered slightly, even if Kagome couldn't fly because they had become weak, she still loved her wings.

"Finally." Kagome muttered as she found the fruit patch she always went to. She kneeled down onto the ground, and set down the basket, and started picking the berries.

"Wow girl. You've changed a lot in the last 15 years." A man stated from behind the 17 year-old. Kagome whiped around and stared wide-eyed at the man in front of her.

"Asshole, this time I won't let you get away with what you did to me!" Kagome screamed, and lunged herself at the man in front of her.

"Whoa whoa whoa. Wait a second, you're not who I'm looking for." The man growled as he stepped to the side and watched Kagome fall to the ground. But Kagome just got up whiping the dirt of her face and dress. Then she looked up at the man, and noticed something different. He was to young to be the man she had known so many years ago.

"Sorry about that, you just looked so much like someone I knew." Kagome muttered and picked up her half filled basket and started to walked off.

"Wench." The guy growled out. "Do you really think that you could just try and attack me then get away with it?" The man ground out and grabbed her shoulder, spinning her around so she was face to face with him.

"Yes." Kagome scoffed at the silver haired man and tried turning back around.

"Well you are highly wrong, bitch." He said digging his claws slightly into her shoulders.

"You have no rights to call me bitch, or even say that I don't have the rights to kill someone who I thought I knew." Kagome tried pushing the man away, but it was obvious that it was no use. "Morte tesortala!" Kagome screamed, and continued to struggle against the mans hold. "Kaish baqu ghora mortela no destora te memaqua!" Kagome leaned forward and bit the man nose, hard. Her fangs (A/N: yes this faerie has fangs.) digged into it drawing blood, and the man finally let go of her, pushing her onto the ground.

"You fucking bitch! Why the hell did you do that!" He yelled, holding his nose.

"If you didn't notice you weren't letting go of me!" With that Kagome stomped off back to her village.


"Kagome! You're home!" Her mother gave her a crushing hug, and Kagome coughed a bit to show her that she could barely breathe. Mutsumi immediantly let go of Kagome, and gave her a worried face.

"Are you ok?" Mutsumi asked feeling Kagome's forehead for a fever of some sort.

"Mom, I'm ok. You were crushing me, that's all. And I wasn't gone that long." Kagome's mom sighed at the truth.

"Can't a mother worry anymore these days?" Mutsumi shook her head and walked back towards the table.

"I'm going to go to bed now, ok ma?" Kagome started heading towards her room without even waiting for an answer but Mutsumi stopped her.

"Honey, you have to do something for me." She said quietly and Kagome stopped and turned around.

"Yes?" Kagome asked, concerned.

"Come sit down first, then I'll tell you." She said and Kagome sat down across from her mother.

"You have to go find something. There's a letter that's been sent from Naraku's Castle, he says that you have to find Eternity." Mutsumi said, tears gathering in her eyes.

"What's Eternity?" Kagome questioned and looked at her mother with confused eyes.

"Eternity, well Eternity is something you'll have to find..umm it's hard to explain, I guess you could say it's.."


Must Read:

A/N: Mwhahahahahhahahahaha! I'm evil! Ok, well I have something for you all to do! Instead of just read!

Must Read: Ok, well it's kinda like a contest, kinda not. My faerie language isn't that confusing, if you've noticed, Kagome's said the some words more than once. If any of you can guess what one of the words mean, you get the next chapter dedicated to you! Also, the word doesn't have to be in this chapter, it can also be in the prologue. And so on when it gets into further chapters. But, you can not guess the meaning of words that have already been guessed correctly. If the person gets it wrong, you may continue to guess it.

A/N:I hope you guys like the guess-a-word thingy-ma-bob... :P