
(Definition of title: [n] a state of being dumbfounded or petrified)

HELLOOOOO! TY FOR READING! (glomps you all) . Me so happy! A Night To Remember was supposed to be a one-time thing, but I decided I wubbed you guys lotses and wrote a sequel! . I suck at summaries, you must know, but I've been told this story is pretty good. .

I'd like to thank my beta-reader/twin-seperated-at-birth, KageNoKatana. I WUB YOU! . TY FOR LETTING ME USE RYNN AGAIN! She's awesome, you really outta read her stuff.

I'd also like to thank all my reviewers... YOU GUYS ROCK MY SOCKS!!!!!!! Please review this!

Disclaimer: I do not own Naruto, but if I did, Kankurou wouldn't have such a big nose and he wouldn't wear that dumbass hood. However, the series belongs to that Guy-I-Can-Never-Remember-His-Name, and we shall all bow now to his greatness.


Oh, btw, I thought this was kind of funny, in my own terms of thought, but, I went to that mall last night, I'd just gotten my allowance, and I wanted to splurge. So, I went to Hot Topic, bought a beanie, then I went to the anime store, and picked out two posters, and a keychain (all NARUTO stuff, of course) and then, I was goin past this glass case, and I saw (GASP!) the Konoha head-protector. For 34.99. So, I bought that, instead, and left the store. Then, I realized: I don't want the Konoha one. I'M SAND-NIN-GIRL FER CRYIN OUT LOUD! So, I returned it, and bought a Naruto pillow (GASP!) with Sasuke and Sakura on one side, and Iruka and Kakashi on the either (has anyone besides me noticed that those two couples are the most abused in the whole series besides Naruto and Sasuke?) and some keychains of Kiba, and some keychains of Hinata, and some Ranma 1/2 pins. Oh, yeah. Da gurl love ta splurge.

But, since no one ever reads the author's notes, I will return you to the thing you actually wanted to read. (Now you've made me sad...)

Bold headings: Time difference

Things in the arrow things Change of Location

Chapter One: Vacation

Kankurou groaned angrily, brushing his hand across his forehead. Ever since he'd become Kazekage, it seemed absolutely unavoidable that he wore a long, white and blue robe, which proved to not be very itchy, but was very, very hot. And while the large hat he had to wear provided some shade, it was still very uncomfortable.

Only four more hours until I can go home, he thought happily. Only a little longer and he could go home and take off the robe and hat, and, he thought with an inner smile, go to work on the surprise birthday party he was throwing for his fiancée, Kyu. She was currently on a mission with Temari, Shikamaru and Gaara, and hopefully had no idea. But, unfortunately for the young Kazekage, Kyu had an uncanny way of knowing what he was going to do.

"Kazekage-sama," a nearby assistant whispered.

"Hmm?" Kankurou shook himself awake and looked around. He was in a hot, stuffy room full of assistants and petitioners. Crap. "Um... Yes, continue," he said absently, waving for the nearest person to start talking.

Two hours later

The young tormented Kazekage sighed heavily, fishing through his pockets for his house key. Finally finding it, he opened the door and stepped into the cool shadows of the foyer. This house, unlike every other in the village, had a wooden interior, but kept the sand exterior to act as a guard against the desert sand storms. He reflected with a comfortable smile that a certain three occupants of the house had refused to live there otherwise.

A year had passed since Kyu, Shikamaru and Rynn had come to the Sand, and, with their help, several changes had been issued. No one, on penalty of a cruel punishment, was allowed to make them feel unwanted, not that any of the Sand would. Also, no one was allowed to try to injure Gaara, emotionally or physically, on pain of death, so said Kazekage-sama. Kankurou's smiled widened. Oh, yes. Several changes. But the biggest was that Temari and Shikamaru had gotten married a month after the former Konoha Chuunin had moved to the Sand. Shikamaru's parents had come from Konoha to witness the union, and, to Temari's over-whelming joy, every single person on the Sand village had turned up, whether they had been invited or not. While Temari and Gaara had been able to stand firm throughout the entire process, Kankurou had been forced to take a quick recess, since he had gotten so emotional; not because his sister was getting married, but that the village no longer hated them. Several had approached him and told him plainly that they were overjoyed that he had become their Kazekage. And, he thought, his smile threatening to break his face in half, he and Kyu were going to get married, as well.

Not time soon, of course. Kyu refused to get married before she was seventeen, and (he couldn't help but wiggle with glee at this [A/N: Give the guy a break, huh? He's in love!]) today was Kyu's eighteenth birthday. Kankurou himself had turned twenty in May, so he had a feeling she wouldn't want to put it off anymore.

Looking around, he saw almost sadly at the house was very quiet, seeing as the loudest occupant, Inuzuka Rynn, was currently absent. The place was just as he left it: dark and cold. (A/N: I have a theory that it's really cold in their house since they have wooden walls, which prolly serve to keep the heat out, maybe?) And, he thought miserably, he would be going upstairs to a dark and cold bed, totally barren of the bubbling life force he had grown to love so much. God, he hoped Kyu would come home soon.

Kankurou groaned, throwing his hat in some random corner. Slight depression wasn't going to keep him from getting a nap. Finally, he was home, in his nice, cool house, all alone... in the quiet... without people asking him for things...

"Kan-kun, is that you?" called someone from upstairs.

"Kyu?" He faltered slightly. "Um... Yeah."

"Can you go get my laundry from the basement?"

(At this point, Kankurou gives the camera an "I knew it was too good to last" face)

"Yeah..." He sighed and went downstairs to where the laundry system was. Going upstairs a few minutes later, laden with a basket of clothes far too small for him, he kicked open the door to his room and asked, "What're you doing home?" to the slim, black-haired girl standing next to the bed, folding clothes. Her backpack lay open next to her. The closet stood open, and half-empty, clothes thrown around the room. Oh, didn't he know what that meant. "Going somewhere?"

"Hello to you, too," she said, grinning at him a little, taking the basket and setting it on the bed.

"Sorry, hi," he apologized, hugging her from behind, brushing her long, silken hair away from her neck and kissing the soft skin tenderly. "So, where're you going?"

"Home." She picked a few shirts out of the basket and folded them neatly.

"Um... you are home," he said, clearing a space on the bed and lying back, groaning with contentment as his weary body relaxed.

"No, to Konoha," she laughed, putting a few outfits in the backpack.

"What?!" he yelped, sitting upright. (Amazing how a threat to lose a his girl makes him get his energy back)

"It's ok," she laughed, sitting on his lap and putting her arms around his neck. "I'm only going for two weeks."

"Two weeks?!" he whined. "That's... fourteen days! ...336 hours! 1,209,600 seconds!" (A/N: Yes, I did all that math myself, thank you! hides pocket calculator behind her back)

He would have continued on his mathematical quest to keep her there, but Kyu stopped him.

"Kan-kun, you're scaring me," she said plaintively, putting a hand over his mouth. "It's only for two weeks, ok? And I REALLY wanna see my family," she added, pouting slightly. "I haven't seen them in a year."

Kankurou sighed heavily, kissing her palm. "What if something—"

"Shikamaru and Rynn are both going with me," she interrupted. "The chances of me getting kidnapped are VERY slim."

"So, Gaara's staying with me?"

"Um, yeah. He wanted to stay home and keep working on that seal." Kyu turned slightly, still on his lap, to continue folding clothes. "Temari's staying, too, she wants to stay with her students."

Kankurou groaned slightly. Gaara had been working for the past year on finding a seal for the Shukaku (Sorry fans, but da tunaki? Yeah, it's gotta go.), which, of course, meant several hours in libraries with his nose stuck in books. Sometimes, the other five (Kankurou, Kyu, Temari, Shikamaru and Rynn) helped him, but normally, he went by himself.

"Why are you home so early?" he repeated, sitting back against the pillows.

"Oh, we finished the mission," she said, with a shrug. "Scroll recovered, Yatta Yatta. Temari and Shikamaru are at the school, and Rynn went to the library with Gaara, to help him look up seals."

"Oh." He tugged on the back of her shirt slightly. "Why can't I go with you?"

"You gots's responsibilities," she answered. "You gotta stay here and take care of the village."

Kankurou groaned miserably. "Oh, yeah..."

She sighed slightly and leaned back, resting her neck on his shoulder, stroking his neck gently. "I really do want you to go, though. You still have to meet my parents."

"Oh, yeah, the over-protective parents who would probably kill me on sight?" He shivered slightly. "I do wanna meet them, just... when they're old enough that they need walkers to move two inches."

She smiled slightly and went back to packing, going into the bathroom to get her toothbrush and other things needed for all that hygienic stuff. "Do you want some help?" he called, looking at all the clothes. His old room in Konoha had nothing on the mess around him.

"Um, yeah, could you find my red tank top?" she called, looking for her shampoo and conditioner.

Kankurou opened the rest of the closet, revealing a shelf full of red tank tops. "Which one?" He glanced over his shoulder.

"Oh, you know... The one I wore last week." She came back in the room and tossed her toiletries in her backpack.

"Uh..." He picked some random red top and gave it to her. "This?"

"Yeah." She tossed it in her backpack. (It never ceased to amaze him how she could toss things in her pack and they ended up neatly.)

Kankurou sat on the floor next to the bed, as there was suddenly, once again, no room on the bed. Glancing under the bed, he saw the box containing the present he had bought her. Shit. "When are you leaving?"

"As soon as Temari and Rynn get packed. Probably in a couple of hours."

"Hours?" Kankurou began to look through his various strange and unusual skills. Could he, in fact, put together a party fit for chicks in at least an hour? (And if he could make the party so nice, she would stay with him? A/N: When did Kankurou get selfish? I must amend this as soon as possible!) Probably not, but he could try, right?

"Hey, you know what, you can't be here," he said suddenly, standing up, mentally calculating just how many friends Kyu had made in the Sand village and how much food a couple of chicks on diets could eat. "I'm having... a couple of friends over."

"Oh, why?" she whined, sitting down on the floor next to the bed and crossing her arms on the blankets, resting her head on them. Her lip quivered. "I thought you'd wanna spend tonight with me."

Crap. He's gone from wonderful, beloved fiancé who lives to make her happy as hell to evil bastard who ditches his girlfriend on her birthday/leaving date. "Um... I will, babe, I will." He nodded energetically. "Just..." Her lip quivered uncontrollably. Dammit, why did he have to be so weak to that?! "Take a nap!" He tossed a few articles of clothing on the floor, drawing tiny whimpers from Kyu as the so-far-clean floor was tarnished. "You must be tired!" He pulled back the covers and patted the mattress.

"You could take a nap with me," she said, smiling innocently.

"Oh..." He shifted his weight from one foot to the other. God, wouldn't he like to?

Kyu seemed to take his silence as an insult. "Kan-kun, I know you're upset about me leaving, but you don't have to be mean," she said, sitting up and putting the clothes she wasn't going to be bringing with her in a neat pile next to her. (A/N: I don't know if I mentioned this, but Kan-kun is the nickname KageNoKatana came up with for Kankurou, and I adopted, since it was so cute!)

"I'm... not." She raised an eyebrow suspiciously. Oh, crap. Eyebrows meant she was close to figuring out what the hell he was doing. "Ok, look." It was better to surrender now. "In case you haven't noticed, today's your birthday."

She faltered, and the eyebrow went safely back down. "It is?"

"Yeah, it is." He crossed his arms offensively. "So, I wanted to throw a surprise party for you." At this point, his voice started to crack. "But then, you decided it was time for vacation, and then the shirt and then the ... the nap... and..."

"Ok, ok, you can stop," she cooed, going across the bed to cuddle him gently. "That was really sweet of you! I forgot about it, altogether... I feel dumb, now." She smiled, kissing him gently. "Thanks!"

He grinned, his arms encircling her waist. After a whole day of giving people what they wanted, he was finally going to get what HE wanted. Maybe.

"Is that nap invitation still open?"

An hour later

Three backpacks stood forgotten by the door, lonely in the shadows. Their owners were currently in the living room, surrounded in snacks and wrappers. Kankurou hadn't been the only one who had wanted to make the day special for Kyu; even Gaara had pitched in to help decorate the living room. And Temari and Shikamaru, instead of going to the school, had gone out to get food and drinks, employing the assistance of Temari's three students to help them carry all the bags home. It wasn't an extravagant party; only the six of them were there, although all of Kyu's friends in the Sand village had sent over presents via Rynn and Gaara FedEx, with notes attached with the general statement of "Omigosh, Kyu-kun, you have to come over when you get back!" Kyu herself sat on Kankurou's lap in the midst of the little huddle, leaning against the dark-haired Kazekage with the air of one who was supremely content and slightly tired. Then, Rynn got bored with sitting and talking.

"Open my present!" she ordered, producing a package wrapped in a red wrapping paper with prints of dogs on it.

Kyu sighed, trying to look annoyed as she could be, and set down her drink (only to have it picked up by Kankurou and drained). "Thanks, Rynn-kun," she said, producing a genuine smile as she ran her finger under the table binding the wrapping together. Over the year that they had been living together, Kyu's slight annoyance of the red-haired ball of energy had dissolved, and they two had gotten very close, seeing as they would probably by sisters-in-law if Gaara ever made up his mind to ask Rynn to marry him.

Rynn shifted her weight, obviously impatient. "Come on, just open it! I can't wait any longer!" she finally snapped.

"Oh, but that puppies are so cute!" Kyu cried, admiring the wrapping paper.

"Look." Kankurou reached around her and ripped off a portion of the wrapping paper with one of the dog heads on it. "Problem solved. Now open it!"

Kyu grinned and ripped off the paper. "Ohh..." She smiled happily, showing everyone the box. "You got me a cell phone!" Looking at the back of the box, she saw the listing of contents and functions. "You got me six cell phones..."

Rynn nodded happily. "Actually, I got you seven, but the other one's in Konoha, Nii-san wants you to call him as soon as you open it."

"Nii-san?" Kyu looked blank. "OH! Chuimaru-kun!" She nodded, opening the box. Rynn's eldest brother, Chuimaru, had been on Kyu's team when she had been in Konoha, along with Aburame Shino's older brother, Aburame Yashi. The three had always been friends, but hadn't been able to contact Kyu since she'd moved. "Which... um..." Kyu produced six cell phones, all in different colors. "Which one is mine?"

"The light blue one," Rynn answered, pointing out a light blue phone who's color matched Kyu's eyes almost perfectly, Kankurou noticed dreamily. "It already has the number in it."

"Ok!" Kyu picked up the phone and turned it on, going to the speed dial.


"Hello?" said a slightly deep voice on the other end.

"Chuimaru-kun!" Kyu squealed, going into a fit of joy on Kankurou's lap. "It's Kyu!"

"Kyu? What's up, bitch?" She heard Yashi chuckle slightly in the back round.

"Is Yashi there, too?"

"Yeah, man, we've all been waiting for your call. Everyone's here!"

"Who's everyone?" Kyu stood up and went into a corner while the other five killed each other for the red phone with a pattern of flames on the back (Gaara got it in the end.)

"Um..." There was a pause. "Well, us, obviously. My parents, my sister, my brother, Yashi's parents, his brother, your parents, the Harunos, and the Yamanakos..."

"Ino's there?" Kyu's eyes narrowed. She had never forgiven Ino for trying to steal Kankurou from her last year.

"Yeah. Her parents made her. Oh, hey, say hi to everyone."

"Hi, guys!" she called, getting a chorus of "Hello, Kyu-kun!" back.

"Hey!" Chuimaru said suddenly.





"Kyushu, how are you? Yes, Chuimaru, I know she was talking to you," her mother suddenly snapped.

"Is that boy you have over there treating you alright?" her father inserted.

Kyu sighed heavily. "Yes, daddy. And his name is Kankurou."

"You know, if he's cruel to you just once, I'll—"

"Mom!" Kyu cried, cutting her mother off. "I'm FINE. I'm not getting abused, mistreated, ignored, etc., ok? Now, can I talk to Chuimaru?"

"Kyushu, I am your mother, I—"

"Yes, mom, and I want to thank you for bringing me into this world. No, can I talk to my best friend, please?" Kyu rolled her eyes.

"I'd like to speak with this Kankurou, if that's alright with you, though," her dad said firmly.

Kyu sighed. No one messed with her dad. "Daddy wants to talk to you," she said, holding the phone out to Kankurou.

The world dropped out from beneath Kankurou's feet.


"Daddy wants to talk to you," she repeated, pressing the phone to his ear.

Kankurou suppressed a whimper, and assumed his Kazekage voice. "Hello, Gifu-sama." (A/N: Gifu=father-in-law. He's being a suck-up.)

Kyu went back to reading the back of the box, although she kept a keen eye on Kankurou.

"Yeah, she's—" Kankurou froze. "You're gonna do what to me, now?" Kyu hit her head with the cardboard box. "Oh, come on, now, Gifu-sama, you know that's physically impossible!" Another pause. "You can make it work?" Kankurou shot Kyu a look of utmost fear.

"Sorry!" she whispered, taking the phone back. "Um, daddy? I'll have to call you back." Hanging up, she smiled gently and kissed Kankurou's cheek. "Sorry."

"Ok, my present now," Temari said, sitting Kyu down again and giving her a long, rectangular box.

Kyu shook it warily and received a clunking noise. She gave Temari a suspicious look. "What is it?"

"Just open it." Temari sat down on Shikamaru's lap, watching her best friend expectantly while her husband tried to figure out his new phone.

Still slightly suspicious, Kyu opened the box and pushed the flimsy paper wrappings away. "Ooh!" She lifted out a sand-colored Chuunin vest and a black head-protector with the symbol of the Leaf carved with the symbol of the Sand. (A/N: Copied from my big sister, hurricane-rider. Read her stuff, she's a really good writer! glomps sis)

"Now you can be of the Sand, but still be of the Leaf," Temari said, grinning.

"Aww!" Kyu removed her Konoha head-protector from around her waist and replaced it with the new one. "That's so cute!"

"Ok, now Shika's," Temari said, giving her a present Temari had obviously wrapped, as it was with the same wrapping as Temari's present.

Kyu set aside Temari's gift and picked up the new one. "What is it?"

"That's a stupid question, I'm not going to tell you what your present is," Shikamaru said, bored.

"Oh, yeah..." Kyu peeled away the wrapping paper to show a Go board, complete with pieces. "Oh! I love this game!"

"I thought we could play when we get back," Shikamaru offered, going back to figuring out his phone. (He's a super genius but he can't figure out how a cell phone works? Pathetic! Just kidding, I love Shika! Just not like Temari does...)

Gaara tossed her a rather large package unceremoniously. Kyu caught it and examined it. It was a rectangular box, just like Temari's gift, wrapped in plain brown paper with Gaara's scrawl of a plain birthday wish. She shook it, but received no noise. Everyone in the room watched her, wondering what Gaara could have gotten her.

"It's some air-born poison, isn't it?" Kankurou asked, grinning. A look from Gaara shut him up.

Kyu took the paper off and put it in the pile of trash she had made. Pulling the lid of the box off, she let out a small gasp.

"What is it?" was the general question.

Kyu lifted out a black, woven shawl (A/N: You know those ones girls are wearing now? Yeah, one of those.) with long thread tassels and tiny rubies lining the edges. The shawl was woven into a pattern of desert flowers, not with yarn, but with silken thread, so it felt like liquid to the touch.

"Wow, Gaara, you picked that out?" Temari gasped as the rubies caught the light.


"Arigato, Gaara-kun!" Kyu cried, holding it up to the light so she could see the patterns.

"Jeez, Gaara, just put the pressure on me, why don'tcha?" Kankurou cried, digging in his pocket, although he already knew Kyu would love his gift.

Gaara smirked at him slightly and sat down next to Rynn, who immediately snuggled up to him. (A/N: The Gaara-Rynn fans will now go 'awwwwwwwwwww!')

Kankurou drew from his pocket a small box adorned only in a white ribbon. "Here," he said, dropping it in her lap. "Happy birthday." Nipping her neck affectionately, he sat back and waited for the reaction.

Kyu flashed him a grin and pulled the ribbon off, opening the box. Her eyes widened, but she remained silent, starring at the contents.


"What is it?" Rynn asked, finally sick of the silence.

Kyu snapped out of her reverie and lifted into the light a small pendant on a thin, silver chain. Kankurou grinned, satisfied that he had left her speechless.


"What is it?" Rynn repeated, unable to see the pendant, as it was so small, only the size of an American dime.

"A raven," Kankurou supplied, folding his hands back behind his head. "Carved in onyx with ruby eyes."

Temari's eyes widened. "I remember that!"


Kyu, Temari and Kankurou wandered through the streets of the Sand village, looking into shops. Kankurou, of course, was dressed in his Kazekage robes, waving a fan he had recently purchased, trying to create a breeze.

"Man, I didn't sign up for this job to become a fried egg," he mumbled, wiping sweat off his forehead.

Kyu smiled at him, slipping her hand into his free one. "But you'd be the sexiest fried egg out there."

"Hey, guys," Temari said suddenly, pointing. "Let's go in there."

Kankurou saw a fine jeweler's store and groaned audibly. "Do we have to?"

"Come on, Kan-kun," Kyu laughed, dragging him towards the shop. (Kankurou had refused to be called Kazekage by any of his friends or family, as he said it freaked him out too much. But Kyu probably would have kept calling him by her pet name for him even if there were a punishment for it.) The two girls looked at jewelry for a while, every once and a while finding something they liked, until Temari made a good find.

"Hey, Kankurou doesn't 'Karasu' translate into 'raven'?" she called, standing over a jewelry case.

"Yep." Kankurou looked over some rings.

"Well, look at this." Temari tapped the display case with her nail.

"What's a raven?" Kyu asked seriously, going over to look.

"It's a bird," Kankurou said after a minute of silence for Kyu's ignorance. "It's really large and pecks the eyeballs out of its prey." He looked at the tiny pendant with interest.

"Eww, that's gross!" Kyu whined. "And you named your PUPPET after that thing? I mean, Karasu is scary-lookin' as it is, but still!"

"It's also a very powerful and rare bird," Kankurou continued, ignoring the comment about his precious puppet. "The only ones left are mostly in Palestine. It's a very vicious bird, since its only prey is very scarce, and they have to compete for survival. I looked it up in the dictionary, and the synonyms for it are ravine impetuosity and violence."

"What's impe—Yeah? What's it mean?" Kyu asked, looking at the necklace with a sort of longing.

"The condition or quality of being impetuous," Kankurou said mechanically. "It basically means fury, or violence."

"Oh... That's cool!" Kyu tore her eyes away from the display case.

"Yeah. The raven is my favorite bird," Kankurou said absently, looking for Kyu to the display case and back again, birthday plans already boiling in his mind.

"Ok, well, let's go," Temari said, heading out of the shop.

Kankurou and Kyu followed, amused with the little shop owner, who bowed so much he got dizzy. "Maybe the raven's not so gross," Kyu said thoughtfully, chewing her lip in thought.

Kankurou smiled, snaking an arm around her waist. "It really is a pretty damn cool critter, when you think about it."

Kyu smiled up at him, causing his heart to skip a beat; no matter how many times she smiled at him, it still gave him as many flutters as it had the night he'd met her, at Sasuke's birthday. "Today's our one-year anniversary," she said, thoughtfully, rubbing her cheek into the soft fabric of his robe. ("Congrats!" Temari called ahead of them.)

It was? "Yeah, I know," he mused. Good job.

"From now on, ravens will remind me of you," she said, jumping up to wrap her arms around his neck and planting a passionate kiss on his lips.

End Flashback

"That was a fun day, actually," Temari mused.

"Kan-kun, can you put it on?" Kyu asked, coming back into the speaking world, holding out the necklace to him from where she sat on his lap.

"Sorry, but I think it would clash with my outfit," he said, grinning. Shikamaru raised an eyebrow. "Yeah, come'ere." He took the necklace and unclasped it while she held her hair out of the way so he could fasten the chain around her slender white neck. He frowned slightly, his fingers slipping on the tiny clasp as he tried to fasten it.

"Um... You want some help?" Temari offered, grinning at his frustration.

"No!" he snapped, trying furiously to fasten the clasp. He couldn't see it, but Kyu was grinning, as well, holding her hair out of the way. Finally getting the clasp to clasp, he stole the chance to kiss the nap of her neck, his arms wrapping themselves around her waist. Turning around in his arms, she wrapped her own around his neck, kissing him passionately. He tightened his grasp, tracing his tongue across her full lips, asking for entrance, which she readily gave.

Suddenly, a rude knock at the door interrupted the three couples from themselves. "Kazekage-sama?"

Kankurou groaned. "What is it?" he called, Kyu's soft lips finding his neck.

"Forgive me, but I'm Kyu-sama's escort to the border."

Kyu tensed suddenly, standing up. "We'll be out in a minute," she called, going to grab her backpack, closely followed by Shikamaru. Putting on her new sand-colored vest and shouldering her pack, she turned to the sofa where Rynn and Gaara still sat, caught in a deep kiss.

"Rynn, stop!" Kyu called, whacking her shoes together to get the dog-lover's attention. Rynn jumped and broke the connection, standing up and getting her backpack and shoes, leaving Gaara looking almost disappointed.

Kankurou craned his neck to look at they backwards, pouting slightly. "Two weeks?"

"Yes, Kan-kun, two weeks." Kyu crossed to stand behind the sofa, kissing him again (A/N: Like MJ kissed Spider-man in the first movie.). "Don't worry, though. If you stay busy, it'll seem like two days."

"That's still too long," he whined, as she pulled away. (The readers must note that the most he'd ever stayed away from her at his will was fifteen minutes, not counting the missions and meetings.)

She shrugged, while Rynn called her dog, Tsubasa, a not-so-large dog with tan-colored fur.

"Bye, guys!" Temari called from where she was seated on the chair. "Travel safe, and say hi to everyone we know in Konoha for us!"

"We will," Shikamaru called, bored already.

(A/N:; Ok, I didn't know how to end that, so I cut it off there. REVIEW! This isn't really a romance so much as it's a bonding experience for Gaara and Kankurou. And not like that, you incest-lovers! Sickos... But I rated it as a Romance since they don't have "Brotherly Bonding" as a genre... Lol. Up next: Kyu and Co. arrive in Konoha, and are greeted nice and easy. Kankurou starts having seperation anxiety, and Chuimaru asks Kyu for some lessons. Will she accept? AND HOW GOES THE SHUKAKU SEALING?!

Ok, now. Go down.




Yeah, now, see that little button?

Ok, yeah. Press da button and gimme a shout-out!