Cole and Phoebe walked up to the door. Cole looked at Phoebe and then started to knock on the door. Phoebe grabbed Cole's hand and pulled it from the door.

"Wait…just walk around with me" Phoebe said

Cole and Phoebe walked to the back. Phoebe saw the big barn. Cole opened the big doors and followed Phoebe inside. Phoebe looked around as the memories came rushing back to her.

"Cole…I remember…" Phoebe said looking around, " I remember everything…"

Cole just watched her as she walked around.

"We made love right there in the hay, Michael and I…we were happy" Phoebe said as a tear ran down her face.

"I…" Cole was lost for words.

"I remember you, and I remember Michael." Phoebe turned to Cole

"Phoebe I…" Cole started

"Don't…" Phoebe interrupted, "I loved him, I had a life with him. We had a life together."

"I wanted what you had…I wanted you" Cole said reaching for her arm.

"Don't you understand…? You couldn't have what we had…It was ours" Phoebe said

"Phoebe don't do this…don't blame me for loving you" Cole pleaded.

"I don't blame you Cole…I blame myself" Phoebe said wiping her eyes.

Cole stared at Phoebe, she was so far away, he didn't know how to reach her.

"Where do we go from here?" Cole said putting his hands on his hips.

"I don't know…but I want to leave this place." Phoebe said walking out of the barn.

Cole sighed. Then he followed Phoebe to the truck. They drove in silence for a while. Cole stared down the road and Phoebe out of the window. They were at a loss. Phoebe found her lost past and it had changed everything.

Cole was no longer her lover, but a part of her past that Phoebe could not change. He was different to her now. If she had moved somewhere else with Michael then this would have never happened.

"Cole, I just want you to know, I do appreciate you taking care of me" Phoebe finally said.

"I did it because I love you Phoebe" Cole said

"I just need some space Cole…I need some time"

"I am running out of time Phoebe" Cole said.

"what do you mean?" Phoebe asked.

"It's not just me I have to worry about Phoebe…I have two girls…They need a…" Cole stopped.

"A mother…I know" Phoebe finished for him.

"Phoebe…that's not just it"

"I know…maybe you should just…" Phoebe stopped.

"What Phoebe? Move on? Forget about you? Find someone else!" Cole began to shout.

"I don't know Cole! Just give me a minute!" Phoebe shouted.

They continued to stare down the road, and the rest of the way home was quiet.

When they got home Phoebe walked into the bedroom and closed the door. Cole started after her, but he stopped. He sat on the couch and later fell asleep.

The next day Cole woke up, He walked into the bedroom to apologize to Phoebe and to tell her he had been selfish, and to ask her forgiveness. But when Cole walked into the bedroom the bed was made and there was a note on the pillow.

Dear Cole,

I am sorry for not saying good-bye. It hurt too much.

Tell the girls I love them, and to be good. I love you and

I want you to be happy. I would just confuse things for

you, I can see that now. Don't try to find me, maybe

someday I will see you again. I hope you find the happiness

you deserve. I will always love you.


Cole sighed and then he tossed the paper into the fire.

"You are wrong Phoebe" He said to himself.

One year later……

Phoebe walked into a coffee shop and ordered her usual. She was sifting through the books on the stand as she waited.

Phoebe looked up, her heart fell to the ground as she saw something she didn't expect.

Cole and the two girls sat at a small table outside the coffee shop. They didn't see her, but Phoebe stepped back from the window. She watched as they interacted, enjoying the other's company. They looked happy and Cole looked better than ever.

Instinctively, Phoebe started to walk up to them, but before she could move a woman walked out of the bagel shop. She sat the food on the table and put her arm around Cole. He smiled and whispered something in her ear.

Phoebe couldn't feel her legs, She was over taken with emotion. She wanted to run to him, but she couldn't.

He had found the happiness she wished for him. Phoebe could only see the back of the woman's head now, but she appeared to be happy too. The girls looked well taken care of as well.

"Miss…your coffee" The guy at the counter said.

"Oh, I am sorry…thanks" Phoebe said snapping from her trance…sort of.

Phoebe walked out of the coffee shop and down the side walk. She wished her life had gone different. She thought about Cole everyday, and seeing him again brought everything back.

Suddenly Phoebe felt someone grab the back of her shoulder.

"Phoebe…!I thought that was you…How are you?" Cole asked softly.

"Better now…I guess" Phoebe smiled.

They stared at each other for a moment.

"Is that your wife?" Phoebe asked, fumbling for words.

Cole laughed, "No, no, It's Debbie's Aunt Cora, she is visiting us" Cole said.

"Oh…" Phoebe sighed in relief.

"You thought I could forget about you that easy?' Cole said smiling at her.

Phoebe realized a long time ago, she couldn't live with out him. She just didn't want to interfere in his life. After all, she walked out on him.

"I'm glad" Phoebe said smiling back at him.

"Are you hungry?' Cole asked.

"Starved!" Phoebe said.

"Good" Cole said.

He took her hand, and they walked down the side walk. It was like they had never been apart. Their love was stronger than they realized… it was fate.