Something I got out of Watching a Movie
Disclaimer: I do not own the Magic Knights Rayearth Characters, the belong to Clamp.
I no, I did not finish my other story. Well, I got a perfectly good, excuse, I got writer's block! My first one too! Now, I don't know whether to be glad or mad! Well, anyway, dis is gonna be short, so I'll find something to rite for the other one, k? now plz, READ N REVIEW! The more the better. That's where I get my inspiration, thank you!!
Chapter 1
"Fuu?" a certain, little red head asked, concerned. "Are u sure u want to do this?"
"Yeah Fuu," the beautiful blue haired girl added. "I mean, it's not really rationally ya no? I mean, isn't that something that I'm more likely to do?"
"Hikaru, Umi," the kind, n sweet blonde, said, smiling, "I no, but, I want a little time by myself, you no?"
"We no," Hikaru said, "we feel the exact same thing."
"That's rite, n u don't c us running away to some forest in some kingdom, as a peasant!" Umi yelled.
"I no," Fuu said, w/ a sigh. "but. . ."
"No Fuu," Hikaru said. "you can't just leave, I mean u'r the princesss!"
"I no!" Fuu said, suddenly raising her voice, tears forming in her eyes, although they don't fall. "I no all that! It's just that, I want to be on my own before I marry some stupid idiot of a prince, n never act myself, ever again!" When Fuu finished her speech, Hikaru and Umi stared at her, shocked. Than out of no where, they screamed.
"WHAT!" Hikaru n Umi yelled.
"You no what?!" Umi said, fire burning in her eyes. "Forget runnin away temporarily, u can run away for good! I mean, no one is gonna force u to marry some feather brained prince."
"Yeah!" Hikaru exclaimed, jumping up and down excitedly. "Then, we can go with u!"
"That's great Hikaru!" Umi said, as the two started discussing how they should runaway too.
"No," Fuu said, getting their attention. "You guys can't runaway! U have no reason too, and besides, I'm only gonna runaway for two weeks or so, no that long!"
"But Fuu. . ." the two started.
"Fuu?" Kuu, the elder princess said, knocking on her sister's bedroom door. "Fuu?!" she yelled, thinking that Fuu was still mad about the engagement, she walked in. When she came in, she found that Fuu's head was under the blanket, n seemed like she was turning the other way.
"Fuu, I no that u'r still mad about the engagement," she started. "But, that was the same way with me and Hibiki, remember? And, look at us now, we're deeply in love w/ each other. I guess, that I'm just trying to say that a blind engagement isn't all that bad." But throughout the entire talk, Kuu notice that Fuu didn't even move. "Well, anyway, Mother and Father forgot to tell u that the prince u'r marrying is from the kingdom Cephiro." Kuu said. "Fuu, quit ignoring me!" She yelled, pulling the blankets off, to only find a bunch of pillows that formed the shape of a body, and a note. "MOM!!! DAD!!!" Kuu yelled at the top of her lungs. "oh god!" she said, as she read the note, although in her mind, she thought, 'Way to go Fuu!"
"What's wrong dear?" her mother asked as she rushed in, followed by her father.
"Yes," her dad added. "what in the world is going on here?"
"See for yourself," Kuu said, giving them the letter.
Dear Father, Mother and Kuu,
I know that by running away like this is extremely irresponsible of me. I apologize for all the inconveniences that this may cause, but I refuse to marry some feather-brained prince, who thinks about nothing but himself! This may be irrelevant, but it is true in practically all cases. And by forcing this marriage on me, I believe that I have the right to reach that conclusion. Therefore, unless you reconsider, I bid you adieu.
Your usually obedient daughter,
P.S. I shall also come back when ready. Do NOT send soldiers after me, for they will not find me, considering the fact that I train them. So if you send them, it will just be a waste of time. Also, do not question Umi and Hikaru for they do not know where I am, and only know that I have left. And, I believe that I should wish you luck in succeeding to find me. Take care!
Need help w/ title!
So pls tell me in my review what title should be!
Oh, n dis is pretty short, maybe 5, 6 ch.
Thank you!