A/N: okay, here's the second chapter. This will involve serious flashbacks that SesshouMaru has. There is also extreme InuYasha and SesshouMaru OOC in this chapter, so please bear with me on this.

Disclaimers Apply. I do not own any InuYasha characters. I do however own Lorelei and Gaelin; they should show up in either this or the next chapter.

InuYasha stayed by the window for a couple minutes, still in shock. I he couldn't believe that he had seen SesshouMaru cry. SesshouMaru never cried in his entire life, even when his mother and father died, he didn't cry. And what really got InuYasha, was that SesshouMaru didn't even try to hide it.

InuYasha walked back to the futon, sat down, and saw that tetsusaiga was right next to him. 'Why didn't he take it from me,' InuYasha pondered. His stomach grumbled, and he decided that he would go in search for the kitchen and look for something to eat.

InuYasha got to the door when it slid open, and someone walked right into him.

"Oh my god, I'm so sorry! Are you alright? Great, not Lord SesshouMaru's really going to have my head served to him for dinner...." The female wolf-youkai continued to ramble on about how SesshouMaru was going to kill her and stuff like that. InuYasha put his hands on her shoulders to get her to stop. She had dark red hair with black streaks in it, and wore a black leather dog collar that had a metallic purple spike every half inch. She wore a long black velvet dress that had a hood attached to it. Her nails were painted black with silver swirled in the center, and none of them looked the same.

"Breathe okay, just. Breathe. I'm fine. Are you okay?" InuYasha asked calmingly.

"Yeah, I'm sorry. Lord SesshouMaru told me to bring you some food; but I need to know what you want. I'm Lorelei by the way." After she said that, SesshouMaru appeared behind her.

"I thought I told you to get. Him. Food. Did I not?" Lorelei turned around sharply and looked at SesshouMaru.

"I'm sorry, I-I'll get him something." Lorelei stuttered before she briskly walked down the hall. SesshouMaru walked into the room with InuYasha and slid the door shut.

SesshouMaru walked over to the window that over looked the castle grounds, and rested his arms on the windowsill. InuYasha sat on the futon again, and waited for SesshouMaru to say or do something, anything, but he didn't. Then he smelled tears. He couldn't understand it. InuYasha walked over to SesshouMaru, who was caught off guard when InuYasha placed his hand on his shoulder. SesshouMaru's eyes were crimson red, and his teeth were bared as he pinned his hanyou brother to the wall. After seeing that it was his brother that was there, and not a truly threatening enemy, he came back to reality; his tears were still streaming down his face. SesshouMaru let go of InuYasha, and fell to his knees in a silent weep.

InuYasha caught his breath again, and slowly walked over to his brother. SesshouMaru didn't move away at all. SesshouMaru looked up at InuYasha, tears staining his beautiful youkai skin. He stood up and took a step towards InuYasha, then suddenly stopped. SesshouMaru's eyes glazed over with a distant look. InuYasha moved to him, and gently waved his hand in front of SesshouMaru; but it didn't work, SesshouMaru was having a flashback that no one could get him out of.

-SesshouMaru's Flashback (SesshouMaru is 6) -

SesshouMaru walked into the nearby village, holding the toy ball that he had so recently stolen from his now crying half-breed brother. The village was a basic village; it had huts, a priestess, women and children, and their men were warriors fighting a war at the moment.

The children were playing a game happily, with their mothers watching them like hawks. One of the mothers spotted SesshouMaru, and a worried look came upon her face. She talked to the rest of the mothers, and as she spoke she was pointing towards SesshouMaru. The mothers quickly stopped the children in the middle of their game, and hurried them into a hut far away from where they were just playing.

Soon afterward, a priestess came out with a bow and arrow, and aimed it at SesshouMaru.

"Leave this town now! If you don't, I will shoot!" The priestess shouted across the town. SesshouMaru hung his head in defeat. He did not want to hurt the people in the village, nor did he want to be hurt. All he wanted to do was play with someone other than his father, brother, or step mother.

SesshouMaru turned on his heal, and brusquely walked away.

-End Flashback...Back to present time-

SesshouMaru was still in his comatose state, and InuYasha was still trying to get him out of it. Lorelei had come back with a huge tray of food, and left it with him to eat "alone." InuYasha decided that he would place his brother on his futon so if he came to, he wouldn't fall on his face.

InuYasha wrapped SesshouMaru's arms around his neck, (well....this is an A/U and I don't feel like adding the fact that SesshouMaru had his arm chopped off by InuYasha, so in this fanfic, he has his arm.) and carried him bridal style to the futon. He carefully laid SesshouMaru down, and placed the blanket on him. InuYasha sat next to the futon, and ate his food.

-SesshouMaru's Flashback (SesshouMaru is 14, and InuYasha is 11. I'm taking liberties in how old they are, I was thinking that InuYasha was about 3 years younger than SesshouMaru.)-

It was midnight, and SesshouMaru couldn't get to sleep, so he began to wander the halls of his castle. He couldn't really tell that it was midnight because most of the castle was pitch black, but occasionally there would be a room that would be completely bathed in moonlight.

SesshouMaru didn't want to wake his father because he didn't want to be scolded. He decided that he would go either to hid brother's or step mother's room, even though he despised them for not being a true youkai. They had comforted him once before, and that was when InuTaishou left abruptly on business without saying goodbye.

He came across InuYasha's room, which had its door closed, but moonlight was pouring into it. The door had this unnatural glow to it, and it was just hypnotizing. SesshouMaru slid the door open, careful to not to make any noise and wake up his brother. He found InuYasha on the floor, shaking as if he were cold. SesshouMaru quietly moved over to the futon, pulled the blanket off, and laid it on top of InuYasha. SesshouMaru slid under the covers next to InuYasha and held him close as if he were SesshouMaru's teddy bear. Soon after, SesshouMaru fell asleep, and InuYasha stopped shivering, but not because he was warm, even though he was. He stopped shivering when he felt SesshouMaru's breath on his neck and woke up.

InuYasha turned around to face SesshouMaru slowly, which woke him up. InuYasha caught his breath when he saw the amber, lustful eyes of his brother. SesshouMaru pulled InuYasha closer to him, making his erection, (which was caused by InuYasha in the first place) even harder and making SesshouMaru moan gently. InuYasha pushed into SesshouMaru and kissed him firmly on the mouth. He pulled away quickly and got up, went over to his futon and sat down. SesshouMaru followed InuYasha on all fours, desperately trying to keep his erection from getting stronger. He got to InuYasha and kissed him gently yet forcefully at the same time. InuYasha lie down and let SesshouMaru crawl on top of him, rubbing their erections together, and continued to kiss his brother in the process.

SesshouMaru began to hump his brother harder and harder, trying to get to his release, but savoring the pleasure dearly. Their eyes began to glaze over with pleasure, and SesshouMaru pumped harder elicting some delicious moans from InuYasha and himself. SesshouMaru released into his yukata, and was soon followed by InuYasha. SesshouMaru nuzzled his brothers' neck and rolled off of him, but was surprised when InuYasha rolled on top of him and gave him a passionate kiss. SesshouMaru's hands moved to InuYasha's hair and tangled themselves in it, making the kiss even more passionate and deep. Then, InuYasha pulled off, and lie down next to his dear, delicious brother, and fell asleep. SesshouMaru wrapped his arms around His InuYasha, and fell asleep as well.

-End Flashback-

It was dark now, the full moon was out, and InuYasha was still sitting next to SesshouMaru, waiting for him to come out of his comatose state, watching him slightly lovingly, trying not to startle his brother. There was true concern on his face, and he didn't know why he felt this way. He had remembered what had happened between them when he was eleven, a long time ago and tried to suppress the memories from those nights, but they came back when SesshouMaru kissed him three days ago.

The distant look in SesshouMaru's eyes began to dissipate, he gasped and began to breathe labouringly (if that's not a word, please forgive me...I'm horrible at English, even though it's my native language). InuYasha began to stroke the side of SesshouMaru's face, trying to calm him down. SesshouMaru leaned into his brothers' touch, and brought his hand to InuYasha's, and kissed it. InuYasha was stunned; even though they had done this since he was eleven, and only occasionally until InuYasha decided to go out on his own. InuYasha took his hand out of SesshouMaru's and walked over to the window. He didn't want to do this again; he loved Kagome, and he didn't want to risk this, not now.

InuYasha looked at the cliff that was about 300 yards away as he tried to stop everything that was going through his head. He wanted everything to stop; the feelings that he had for Kagome, his feelings for Kikyou, everyone hating him, and the returning feelings for his brother. SesshouMaru got up and walked behind InuYasha, pulling him against his firm body.

"What's wrong?" SesshouMaru whispered into his brother's ear, causing him to jump slightly. He began to play with InuYasha's hair ((TIME TO DROOL INUYASHA FAN-GIRLS!)), the silver, silky hair that flowed so gently when it caught the wind. The moon gave him this unearthly glow that made his tanned skin look even more stunning and his hair look like it was ablaze with calm, silver flames.

"I feel like I'm hurting Kagome every day. And by being with you, I feel like I'm betraying her, and hurting her even more." InuYasha stated calmly. InuYasha looked towards the light that had just come out of the castle, seeing that Lorelei was coming out, and walking away with someone by her side. "Where is she going? And who is that with her?" He asked SesshouMaru quietly.

"She's taking a night walk in the forest with her twin brother, Gaelin."

"Why exactly do you have wolves living with you? Did you owe them something?"

"No, I do not owe them anything; they, on the other hand, owe me their life. They were exiled from their pack because they have the curse of the black rose. ((I'm going to ad powers that are EXTREAMLY similar to those of Kurama's, and they aren't like most wolf demons at all.)) They can manipulate plants with their Ki, creating dark, evil plants that have an aura that looks like black fire.

"I have let them take my forest as their own territory, which helps me as well because no demon that isn't those two can enter unless they're with them. They go into the forest every night, getting rid of the dead bodies of demons and humans alike, and sleep out there 'till dawn." SesshouMaru explained as he continued to run his fingers through InuYasha's hair. He licked the shell of his brother's ear, and walked away, leaving a stunned InuYasha to his own thoughts and dreams.
A/N: Sorry it took me so long to update it, I'm moving soon, and I kept getting writers block. Now the thing about Lorelei and Gaelin is that like Hiei, they are forbidden children, and like Kurama they can manipulate plants. They are twins, and Lorelei is much like my self. Gaelin doesn't exist, he's just someone that I made up, and decided to make my imaginary brother. Just so you know, it will take a while for me to get another chapter up since I'm moving.