A/N: This fanfic takes place in the time BEFORE Rin. I love Rin and everything, but I wanted this fanfic to not involve her; I wish Jaken could not be in here, but he must because he has always been around SesshouMaru as a verry loyal servant.

This is my first time writing a yaoi, so don't kill me if it's awfull. I've been reading yaoi's for a while now, and I believe I know what I'm doing, but just incase it turns out horrible, don't kill me.

I do NOT own InuYasha or the characters in the Manga and Anime; Rumiko Takahashi does, and no one else can. I do however own Lorelei and Gaelin.

He spotted the beautiful hanyou, sitting by the bone-eaters-well, waiting for his wench. He wanted to comfort him, tell him to forget her, but all he could d was stare longingly at his brother. SesshouMaru was hiding behind the trees, maskng his scent so InuYasha could not detect him.

He smelled the saltiness of the hanyou's tears, and couldn't help but take a step towards him. He wanted him, needed him, to love him. SesshouMaru didn't know where these feelings were comming from, but he knew that he had them; and it sickened him a little bit, because it was for his mutt-brother. He took another step towards him, this time it was less hesitant than the last one. His brother was still oblivious to his presance, that was a good thing. He was so breath-takingly close now. He wanted to feel InuYasha's soft skin writhe beneath his, he wanted InuYasha to scream his name in passion, he wanted InuYasha... to love him? He didn't understand that thought, nor did he want it.

InuYasha stiffined. SesshouMaru's hand was now around his neck, and he relaxed. He wanted it all over with, everything. Kagome hated him, and his 'friends' despised him for driving Kagome home again. He had wanted to tell her that he loved her, always had, and always will; but he kept getting scared. InuYasha didn't want to be rejected by her, so he kept his mouth shut about it. He never wanted her to leave...again. He was expecting SesshouMaru to snap his neck in two, to end his life quickly, but it never came. "Why haven't you killed me yet," InuYasha asked softly, attempting to keep his voice under control, but it didn't work.

"Why would I do that?" SesshouMaru responded softly. He licked InuYasha's ear, which made InuYasha stiffen up again. InuYasha didn't dare to move at all, he didn't know what to expect if he did. "You want your pain to end don't you? You want every thing that has caused you pain to go away, correct? I can make you forget everything, little brother."

InuYasha did nothing. He didn't even breath, let alone blink. He was shocked, in all his life, SesshouMaru hadn't acted that way at all. SesshouMaru moved his hand to InuYasha's cheek, and began to gently caress it. The sudden act of affection made InuYasha cringe slightly; but then he felt relaxed that someone loved him, but it also made him feel uncomfortable that it was his brother, the cold, heartless beast that ruled over all of the western land. SesshouMaru's hand traveled to the silky silver hair that looked a little golden in the sunset that fell over both of them. InuYasha allowed SesshouMaru his sick pleasure, even though he had no choice.

SesshoumMaru continued his caresses, and asked his questions again, "do you want the pain that you have resceived, to dissapear forever?"

"Yes," was the only response SesshouMaru got from his brother. InuYasha's tears were beginning to subside, as he found comfort in what SesshouMaru was offering him. He was expecting SesshouMaru to kill him, and that currently he was taunting him just to get even more pleasure out of killing his halfbreed brother, but he didn't expect the next thing that occured. SesshouMaru turned inuYasha around, and kissed him fermly on the mouth. His tongue demanded entrance, and InuYasha was too shocked to repond at all. SesshouMaru's soft, gental fingers tangled themselves into InuYasha's silky silver hair and pulled him closer. InuYasha, not knowing why he responded in this manner, opened his mouth and let SesshouMaru's tongue enter. Their tongues battled for dominance and lustfully explored one anothers mouths.

To InuYasha's surprise, he enjoyed the passion that both he and his brother were enducing upon eachother. He was pulling at his brother's cloths, trying desperately to get him closer. He pulled SesshouMaru on top of him, and was beginning to writhe underneath him, wanting to feel the passion, and warmth of everything that was SesshouMaru. He wanted all of it, and didn't want it to stop.

SesshouMaru pulled away gently, panting, and trying to control his urges to just take InuYasha there and then. InuYasha wimpered slightly, and he didn't know why, but in all that time, InuYasha forgot about everything that had happened to him. He forgot all the pain, all the anguish. He forgot about Kagome, about Kikyou, about Naraku, even about the jewel. He wanted that feeling again. He had been cutting himself in private as everyone was soundly asleep, just to get that feeling; but everytime, his skin healed too quickly. He could never feel the blissfullness of his blood falling to the ground, telling him that everything that had happened was a dream, long enough. He didn't even have scares teling him of all the times that he had tried to forget everything.

SesshouMaru kissed him again, this time a little more gently than before. It was blissful, pattionate, calm, longing, everything that a kiss should be. It was the type of kiss that you could just melt into and never come out of. Both of their hands explored eachothers body as if they had never seen eachothers beauty before. Each of them had soft skin, and each had beautiful silver hair. But they differed as well, and that was through their eyes. InuYasha's eyes had sofened as he got older, and showed what he was feeling; but SesshouMaru's eyes were completely different, they were a beautiful amber, that held so much emotion, but never showed a single one.

SesshouMaru pulled away again, and began to kiss InuYasha at his jawline, making his way down to the juncsion of InuYasha's neck. He sucked at the soft skin gently, he began to nip at it. InuYasha began to moan softly, and arched his neck a little more. He's so responsive..., SesshouMaru thought, as he claimed InuYasha as his mate, biting deeply into his neck. InuYasha stiffened a little bit, but relaxed as more and more blood, the coppery tase of his brother's blood, poured into SesshouMaru's mouth. He finished drinking that beautiful, crimson, blood, and took InuYasha into his arms, and carried him away to his castle in the Western lands.

Three days later, InuYasha woke up in an unfamilliar room. He was laying on a futon that was made of silk and goose-down feathers, and was wearing unfamilliar cloths. They were an off-white colored silk yukata, that had embroydered smoke designs at the collar and at the end of each sleeve. He attempted to sit up, but there was a sharp pain throughout his body that caused him to fall back down onto the futon.

He stayed spralled out on the futon for half an hour before he attempted to sit up again. This time, the pain was bearable, and InuYasha walked over to the window. What he saw was shocking; SesshouMaru was standing at the edge of the cliff, looking down at the rivier below. I wind was gracefully blowing SesshouMaru's hair and yukata around his body, and he looked simply breathtaking.

SesshouMaru turned around, and InuYasha swore that he saw a tear stream down his cheek. InuYasha closed his eyes and shook his head, his brother couldn't be crying; he never cried, he never showed any emotion, ever. InuYasha opened his eyes, and saw another tear fall down SesshouMaru's face.

InuYasha couldn't believe his eyes; his brother, THE Lord SesshouMaru, was crying, and he wasn't doing anything about it. SesshouMaru was slowly heading towards the castle now, and his head was downcast. InuYasha knowticed that SesshouMaru didn't even have his armor or his boa on him, in fact, he wasn't even wearing his usual outfit. This yukata was pitch black, except for the purple embroidered flames taht were on the collar and the edges of the sleeves. InuYasha's mind was on how beautiful SesshouMaru was, that he haddn't knowticed the new attire he was wearing.

SesshouMaru closed the castle door behind him, leaving InuYasha in shock by the window.

Well, that's it for chapter one. I know it's short, but I had to finish it at some point. The next chapter will kinda be song fic-ish. Pleas R&R!