(A/N: welcome to my new fic, entitled 'Elisir'…which, in Italian, translates into 'Your Love'...I think. Please be aware that the entirety of this romance-themed story is of a homosexual nature, and will include much non-explicit male/male romance.
Please read on, if you please…

by The Great Red Dragon

Chapter 1

The first light of mornings spread over the infinite number of skyscrapers of a city-conquered planet. Airways and 1000-foot traffic-lines began moving at quicker pace, and the little window-squares of the many buildings began to illuminate with light of their own.
In one of the higher floors of an apartment-scraper, lights that flicked on formed a square of tiny, separated illuminations around an unlit window that remained dark. Traversing inside, we find a small, three-room accommodation consisting of only a kitchen, and bathroom, and a bedroom. It was messy, to say the least: clothes lay tossed all over the floor of the bathroom, covering a blue towel-rug. In the kitchen, the dishes were halfway-done, although soapy water still lay undisturbed in the basin of the metal sink.

In the bedroom, it was as dark as ever – only shadows illuminated the outline of a two-man bed, a commode in the corner, and an in-set television in the wall facing the bed. Above the bed, on the wall, there hung an impressive katana-like sword: a slightly curved, sheet-thin blade, and a long, ornate handle.
Beneath this majestic sword there lay the bed…now, with wrinkled gray sheets, moved-about pillows, and two occupants lying in it. Light that slowly slithers in from the cracked venti-shutter dimly illuminates the scene for our eyes to see.
The two individuals snoozing soundly in the bed were both small and seemingly identical in stature. Large, dented oval-shaped ears, almond-shaped, luminous eyes, and short, fine fur that covered their bodies seemed their signatures.

The one of them that slept on the right side of the bed seemed to be the smaller of the two, with fur so light in color it was almost peach, with even lighter fur lining his large eyes. He lay on his stomach, with his right arm underneath the pillow that he rested his head on. His left hand lay stretched out across the mattress, where it met hand-in-hand with the other creature's, whose fur was a deep shade of orange. There were noticeable muscles rippling underneath his dark fur, all over his body, and the decressions of even darker fur around his eyes gave him an eerie sort of ominous appearance. The same darker shade of fur was found in two patches on both of his pectorals and on the in-lining of both of his legs, like a rottweiler or a Doberman. There a gold earring inserted near the top of his right ear, and spiny, unruly fur in a row across his scalp and between his ears gave the impression of a self-styled Mohawk. Unlike his bedmate, he was lying on his back, with his right hand resting behind his head. His left hand lay subconsciously clasped in the peach-colored creature's and his head lay positioned in the same direction.

Surely the both of them were two of the 626 illegal genetic Experiments created by Jumba Jookiba.

The blanket had been kicked away, and now lay in a heap on the floor. This revealed both of the Experiments wearing shorts…for what reason was unsure, but it made the scene look very summer-esque: the peach-colored Experiment wore green above-the-knee trunks that looked an awful lot like swimming-shorts. The crimson Experiment was wearing blue Speedos.
As the world around them began moving busily, resuming the ongoing trog-race, these two remained peacefully asleep and blissfully unaware of any unpleasantries going on in the outside world. Even in their unconsciousness, they looked peaceful: their breathing was relaxed, and even their faces held the hint of a smile. They had not moved around much during their sleep, so their hands still remained resolutely clasped together, their claws still holding the other's gently, palm-to-palm.

Slowly, sneakily, the light that had broken in from the outside through the kitchen window began to make it's way further throughout the apartment and into the bedroom, Through the door that stood only a crack open, the sunlight pierced through in sharp lengths of rays and eventually fell upon the peach-colored Experiment's back. He groaned slightly as the warmth awakened him, and he withdrew his left hand from the grip of the other Experiment to pull the pillow over his head. He shifted, dis-arranging the bedspread beneath him even more. He lay in a new position while the other Experiment rolled over and onto his side, still fast asleep.
For several minutes, the peach-colored Experiment held this position, until his body deemed him awake enough to emit a yawn. Slowly, rently, he pulled his head out from underneath the pillow, supported himself up with both arms, and with his large ears lying back in sleepiness, he yawned widely, displaying rather small, evenly-spaced fangs that lined his gums. Eyes shut lazily in morning light, he smacked his dry mouth and lips quietly, looking slowly around the room in morning-ritual. He yawned again, and settled himself back down on the mattress, this time on his back. He blinked and his eyelids fluttered as he tried adjusting to the morning's sunlight, which was slowly turning the gray ceiling of the bedroom a golden shade of yellow.

The Experiment laid his hands across his stomach as he lay there, staring at the ceiling and looking very content and happy, as he thought content and happy thoughts. His head turned in the direction of the Experiment sleeping next to him, and slowly his mouth formed a small smile. Rolling over, he scooted over the bed until he lay right next to the Experiment whose back faced him. Supporting himself with one arm, he held up his head and looked fondly down at the orange-furred Experiment, who still snoozed on his side. Gently, he placed a hand on his shoulder and slowly slid it down his muscular arm. He leaned over, and tenderly placed a kiss on his neck, elicting a subconscious purr from him.
The peach-colored Experiment smiled once more and petted his friend's arm again.

"I love you", he whispered.

He then rolled over, in mind to get out of bed and get started on breakfast, when he was met by a strong, restrictive arm across his light-colored chest.

"Going somewhere?"

The Experiment smiled once more; he didn't resist and allowed the other Experiment to pull him playfully against his chest. He reached carefully behind himself and stroked the Experiment's head, and answered;

"Nowhere…now that you're awake."

He then let out a small, contented gasp and arched his neck as his muscular companion began kissing it tenderly from behind while hugging him against his chest warmly. The peach Experiment purred and mewed at the pleasant sensation, and reached behind himself and rubbed his friend's thigh softly, delightedly feeling the well-formed muscles underneath the orange fur. The larger Experiment continued to kiss and nuzzle his neck, and slowly protracted a second set of equally-powerful arms. He wrapped these around his bedmate and continued his gentle treatment, while the receiving Experiment writhed and whimpered beneath the affectionate loving.

Their cuddling went on for some time – the orange Experiment kept teasing his mate with occasional little tickles underneath his arms and occasional nips to the lobe of his ear. The smaller Experiment accepted these with small giggles and playful jerks of his head. He placed his two hands over two of the orange Experiment's, and leaned his head back onto his lover's shoulder, eyes shut in pleasure of his treatment.
After a while, silence slowly crept upon the purring, mewing, and giggling couple, as the orange Experiment slowly subsided in his cuddling and kissing. Now they lay silent, save for their breathing, but the larger Experiment still held his smaller comrade close to him, his head now resting close-eyed against his mate's back. The grateful recipient, the peach-colored Experiment, lay in his friend's arms, feeling contentedly exhausted, smiling a bit. He rubbed the dark Experiment's arm across his chest and asked;

"May I turn around?"

His mate took a while to answer. When he did, he raised his head, kissed the back of the smaller Experiment's head, and replied in a warm, mellow voice;

"Of course…why not?"

He loosened his embrace on the Experiment enough to allow him to begin rolling over, but trapped him in a hug once he was on his back. He lay on top of his 'pinned' love and smiled down at him seductively, and the small Experiment smiled back.


The small Experiment did not resist, even with his arms pinned to his side by the one who lay on top of him. He only smiled up, feeling very secure and happy to know that his lover was so close by. The dark Experiment both sensed and saw his happiness, and it made him smile more, too – he always felt the best when his lover was at ease along with him.

"By the way…I love you, too."

With those words, he leaned down to his pinned 'victim', and gave him a tiny kiss on his lips.
The peach-coloured Experiment shivered slightly as an ecstatic chill went down his back as the dark Experiment kissed him…so lightly, yet so lovingly.
It felt so good…the smaller Experiment squirmed his arms free and wrapped them around the other Experiment, nuzzling his strong, furry chest with his cheek.

"I'm glad that I'm with you, Gomy…", he said quietly, smiling as he smelled his lover's scent: calm and relaxing.

Gomora, the muscular Experiment, smiled as well, as affection was presented on him, and he renewed his hug on his love and rested his cheek on top of his head.

"So am I, Niki…and I'm glad to be with you, too."

Nikita said nothing, only continued to hug his mate and nuzzle his chest.
The two lovers held eachother close in their loving embrace, enjoying every moment of their togetherness, and every feeling bit of their cherished affection, inspired by their deep, undying love.
They hugged, cuddled, and kissed in their tiny apartment while the world around them moved furiously, yet left them at ease.

How did they achieve such bliss? How did they find eachother? What hardship had they both endured?
Well, that's what this story is about…