Later it is, the last insane chapter! Oh boy! I hope you like the end, and sorry it took so long! Anyway, here you go! Please don't ignore the subliminal messages in the fic...
Disclaimer: *sigh* I don't own them...Trowa, Quatre, and Duo escaped!!!!
What's with Trowa?
Part 3
By Jaden "Flare-Girl" Maxwell
Quatre looked into the mirror and cried, his beautiful blond locks had been dyed red, Trowa soon decided that blue was too common. Quatre certainly knew that he hadn't seen that many blue haired people, but he certainly knew that nothing was going the way it should be right now, so he accepted it.
"Cat!" Trowa yelled, "Are ya ready to go!? Duo's gonna be mad if we're late!"
"I'm coming Magical Fairy Princess Trowa…" Quatre promptly smacked himself for accepting his friend's alter ego. (Subliminal Message:
Trowa and Cat— I mean Quatre, hastily made their way to the ballroom, well, Quatre wasn't moving so quick, but he kept up. Anyway the poor boy was horrified at the condition of his ballroom. Drunk Maguacancs everywhere, Quatre's sisters were doing something, and there was a rack of other people there too. It was definitely a Duo party, complete with a moon bounce. No, I won't even worry about describing the rest. I'll leave that to your imagination.
On the other side of the ballroom, Duo sat in his throne on top of a heavily decorated dais. To his right sat a very scared and shivering Heero, and to his left was a very disgruntled Wufei, complete with the frilly wedding dress.
"R-relena…must hide." Heero whimpered, imagining Relena everywhere he looked.
"Injustice," Wufei muttered. "But this sash is made of a lovely silk."
Duo caught sight of Trowa and Quatre entering the ballroom, he stood up. "Magical Fairy Princess Trowa!!!" He sprouted magical fairy wings and flew over to where Trowa and Quatre stood.
Quatre was dumbfounded by the sight, but decided not to ask. He remembered Duo's last answer to one of his questions.
"Thanks for inviting us Magical Fairy Prince Duo! I was so happy to get out of that cramped room."
"No sweat Tro-chan, hey sprout some wings and fly back to the throne with me, kay?"
"Sure!" Trowa agreed as he sprouted his fairy wings.
Leaving poor, confused, and stupefied, Quatre behind, Duo and Trowa flew back to the dais.
Duo turned to Trowa once they had landed, "Tro-chan, I have a confession. I love you! Please marry me!"
Trowa stared for a minute, then looked over toward Quatre. "Sorry Duo-kun, but my love belongs to the cute little redhead over there, Quatre!"
"A peasant?" Duo asked, "You'd prefer a peasant? Oh well, like I always say, Salmonella-fied eggs!"
(Subliminal Message: will review!)
Duo took his mystical magical bag of doom, from which he can pull anything he desires, except for dates, out of hammerspace. Out of the bag came the "Date-o-matic."
"Okay," Duo muttered as he scrolled through the list of possible dates. "Britney Spears? Naw, too fake. Justin Timberlake? No, he's a guy, and he goes with Britney. Relena Peacecraft? No way. Ah! Here it is! Hilde Schbeiker, she's a cutie."
The delirious Fairy Prince hit the button next to Hilde Schbeiker, and poof! Hilde appeared right next to him.
"Huh?" Hilde gasped. "Duo! What's going on?"
Before Hilde could say another word, Duo sprayed some of the hairspray in her face, seconds later, a perfectly normal person had become a lunatic.
"Hilde, will you marry me?" Duo asked.
"Yeah, but let's get married in Zechs' bedroom on Earth! Noin told me that it was a nice place!"
"Whatever you say!" Duo exclaimed, and in a flash they disappeared.
Trowa had transported Quatre to the thrones, and held him tightly in his arms. "Cat, I could never be with Duo! So now, it's time for the wedding!"
"Wedding?" Quatre squealed in horror.
"Yup! Uh-huh! What kind of girl do you think I am? We must get married before moving any further into this relationship!"
"Trowa," Quatre wined, exasperated, "You aren't a girl at all! And we have a totally romance-less relationship!"
Trowa's eyes welled up with tears, and he sank heavily to the ground, burying his face in his hands. "Salmonella-fied eggs! Salmonella-fied eggs! Waah! Quatre, why? I don't understand! Why don't you love meeeeee?! Salmonella-fied eggs!"
Quatre's heart sank, he couldn't stand seeing his friend so upset, insane or not. Finally he resolved that it would be best to play along with Trowa's little game.
"Okay, Trowa, I'll do it. Let's g-g-g-get m-m-m-married."
Trowa jumped from the ground in amazement, "Really! Okay, you didn't have to agree, 'cause I was gonna make you do it anyway." He clapped his hands, and in a flash, the entire ballroom was transformed into a chapel-like setting. Quatre suddenly found himself dressed in a navy blue tuxedo, and Trowa (for once in the day) was in a nice white tuxedo…with a big red heart on the back of the jacket.
(Note: Sorry, anymore cross dressing would've made me go mad, well…I'm already crazy, but you know what I mean.)
Duo was back, this time in his priest's get up, with a very delirious Hilde holding onto his legs, taking a long swig of bourbon.
"Hey Duo, Zechs' room was lotsha fun! Let's go back!"
"Later, babe, later." Duo replied.
"Oh please, please, let's get this over with…" Quatre sighed.
"Yeah, the faster this is over, the faster me and Cat can get to *sleep.*" Trowa added with a series of winks."
Quatre whimpered.
(Subliminal Message: Reviewing is essential...)
Outside the ballroom…
Dorothy Catalonia, leader of the Romefeller foundation, and one of the most respected women in the Earth-Sphere, steadily walked down the hall toward the ballroom.
"Okay, today is the day. I shall proclaim my love to my one and only, Quatre Raberba Winner!"
She reached for the large handles of the ballroom doors and jerked them open. "Quatre!" Dorothy trilled, "I have come to— oh my god! Quatre!"
Dorothy shrieked in horror as she saw Quatre in Trowa's arms, about to be kissed, sealing the traditional wedding.
"Quatre! I came all the way here to plead my love to you and you're getting married in your ballroom!!!"
Quatre pryed himself out of Trowa's grip and tried to explain, "Dorothy! Wait! Trowa's….he's…"
"I don't want to hear it!" Dorothy yelled, "Goodbye forever, Quatre! Don't forget out dinner meeting at six tomorrow, okay? Ciao!"
"Umm…okay…" Quatre said, turning to Trowa. "Alright Tro-chan, we're married. Now you can go back to the room and get some rest, some sleep."
The former blonde smacked himself for saying the little word that set off Trowa's very confused hormones. "sleep"
"Sleep, you want? Sleep you'll get, Quatre!" Trowa grabbed the boy and in a flash the disappeared, and re-appeared in Quatre's room.
"Ready for sleep?" Trowa replied, batting his eyelashes. "Salmonella-fied eggs!"
"Trowa, I meant that we could take a nap, you know rest." Using that smart brain of his, Quatre came up with an alternative. "Maybe we could cuddle! Cuddling is fun!"
"Oooh! Cuddle, sounds sweet! Hey Cat, you're my big sweet teddy bear!" Trowa squeled as he moved over on the bed, patting a spot for Quatre.
Quatre gave up, secretly praying that everything would be normal in the morning, and that Trowa wouldn't remember a single thing. He layed down next to Trowa, who immediately pulled him into a death hug.
"Now, isn't this nice?" Quatre asked.
"Mmm…hmm…" Trowa replied, "I'm sleepy now, see you in the morning, Cat. Meow."
A few minutes later, Quatre wasn't totally sure that Trowa had actually fallen asleep, or if he was playing a trick.
"Salmonella-fied eggs?" Quatre whispered.
No reply.
Relieved, Quatre began to drift into a peaceful sleep also…
(Subliminal Message: You must review....)
The next morning…
Trowa woke up and stretched, he was in his room, in his normal clothes, in his bed, alone. "What in the world happened last night?" Trowa asked himself…or was it all a dream. It was a dream, it had to be, there was no way he went that mad yesterday. Yeah, that explains why he woke up exactly where he went to sleep the night before, or at least that where he thought he fell asleep. Gods…it was way too much to think about now, after a nice hot shower, he'd sort it out. Before Heero dragged them all off to some type of mission.
After his shower, Trowa proceeded to make his usual morning rounds, which consisted, of returning his trademark bang to it's normal position.
Trowa opened the medicine cabinet to retrieve his industrial strength hair gel, when he realized…
"I- it's g-g-gone…"
One peaceful simulated mid-morning in the L4 colony cluster, Heero, Duo, Quatre, and Wufei sat in one of the many dining rooms of Quatre's mansion. They were doing normal things, hacking into top secret files, playing Pokemon, drinking two hundred dollar gourmet tea, and coming up with new injustices, you know, the normal stuff. Until a deafening scream was heard.
The End
Oh my, this concludes my temporary insanity, which will return soon...I promise! ^_~
And you'd better have listened to those messages...
Webmistress of the Duo Forever Fan-club