Disclaimer: I don't own Yu Yu Hakusho! Of any of the characters in that show. All of the other characters are mine!
Chapter 5
Damion walked down the hall and entered her bedroom, she didn't really need to buy groceries because she was a vampire. She was surprised that Kurama didn't question her. Now all she had to do was find him. Turning a corner she collided with a solid object. 'Funny I don't remember there being a wall there.' She looked up only to come face to face with. . .
"Keith. What are you doing up here? Your ass should be guarding the keys!"
"I decided to take my break."
"You don't have a break!"
"I do now. Reiku gave me a shift change."
"A. . .shift. . .change?"
"Yup, I've got another person watching them for me. Here let me help you up."
I can help myself up thank you!"
Damion picked her self up, batting away Keiths' hand in the processes. Keith just smiled at her frowning face. He thought it was cute when she got mad like this. She dusted her self off, noticing that Keith was staring at her. She knew he liked her, but she didn't like him. Not in the least.
"Go find a wall to stare at Keith cause I have no time for this!"
"Why in such a hurry?"
"I…need to find some one."
"Really? Maybe I can help?"
"Nope. I can find him on my own than you."
Keith was just about to walk away when he smirked cause he had just remembered something.
"Oh, Damion! Did you hear they found a new prisoner. If I recall correctly he went by the name of…Kurama?"
Damions' breath escaped her lips as she heard that name. I couldn't him…It just couldn't be the same Kurama. He's to stealthy to get caught. She closed her eyes and took a quiet deep breath she turned to face him, then as best she could, she glared at him.
"Well for your information, Keith, I don't really give a damn about the information on this new prisoner. Now get back to your station Keith! And I really don't believe that lie about you having a shift change. Reiku will be very mad if and when he finds out that you were away from your post…if you don't want him to find out then I suggest you get your ass down there…NOW!"
As she finished her sentence she stomped away leaving Keith in a stunned silence. Then a smirk appeared on his face, he knew that she had a thing for Kurama she just wouldn't show it. Then again she was right about his job, he needed to get down there or else Reiku would have his head.
Turning the corner she broke out into a run, she had to get to the cells and fast. If Reiku had already been there…oh she didn't want to think about it. Being in this place Reiku had the slight advantage. She just had to find him, and not make it look so obvious that she was looking for him.
Scene Change
Hiei shifted, groaning a little as the sleep was lifted from his eyes. Crimson eyes scanned the now darker room. Shutting his eyes again he stretched and sat up. A groan caught his attention. Pulling the covers back he found Austin fast asleep beside him. He would have been in awe of her if he hadn't realized what had just happened.
"Damn it! I can't believe I did that! How could I bee so weak!" He growled at him self as he got dressed and grabbed his sword. That shouldn't have happened. Why did that happen. He knew why, that temptress had somehow tempted him, and he got weak enough to actually get in bed with her.
"Well, it won't happen again. I will not fall prey to her temptation again." He began to round a corner he ran into someone…a female. He knew her to no other than Damion.
"Hiei! What are you doing here?"
"Trying to stop Reiku you idiot! Why else!"
"Don't take that tone with me Demon boy! I'm in a hurry!"
"Hurry for what…master Reiku calling? Oh better not keep him waiting!"
"Shut the hell up!"
Hiei was just quick enough to dodge her punch. She growled as she glared at him. Her gray eyes bore into his soul. Hiei wasn't intimidated, he just glared right back at her his crimson pools meeting her gray ones. After about a minute or so Damion sighed.
"Look I need to get out of here…I really am in a hurry."
"So go already…what are you jus t standing around for!"
"I'm going to ask you for your help."
"What, my help? I wouldn't help a vampire if my life depended on it!"
"If a friends life did? Would you?"
"Yes…he is in the dungeons. I need to get there before Reiku does."
Hiei stared at her for a minute, a little unsure about trusting her. Closing his eyes he gave a sigh then opened them again. She looked away and ran past him.
"You may join me if you change your mind."
Hiei looked after her then closed his eyes. He had to make a decision and fast. On one end he could find and destroy Reiku, on the other he could find Kurama, help Damion and defeat Reiku with help.
"Since when do I need help."
A.N. End! For now, sorry it took so long to update! Please, please, please, review! Ja ne!