Code Lyoko

Problem Solved

Disclaimer: Code Lyoko, and any other of the names or characters used, do not belong to me…I wish they did.

. If you choose to review, please be nice, I'm not a very experienced fan fiction writer, so if I make a mistake, just let me know…if you like my fanfic, then I will probably update a lot, if you want…just know that…thanx! .

Key: Everything in Italics is the characters thoughts….

Chapter 1

Missing You

Ulrich heard a knock on his door as he was pacing back-and-forth in his room. It was a bright early morning on the campus. He was waiting for Yumi, who would soon be arriving from a two month vacation away from the school in Japan. His excitement overwhelmed him. He was a little too anxious.

"Yeah, come in." He noticed it was Jeremy, and Aelita who came in, as he was still pacing around his room.

"We just wanted to see if you were ready, but from what we see, I'm guessing you are…so…we'll be waiting outside the front for you." Jeremy and Aelita made their way downstairs to the front doors to meet up with Odd.

"THANKS!" Ulrich called back. He decided to stop pacing, after all he couldn't stand there all day and wait for Yumi, he had classes to attend before she arrived. Although he probably would stand there and wait all day for her.

"I wonder what she will be like, or even look like; I mean it's been two months that I haven't seen her now, I should get going to meet the rest…MAYBE SHE'S HERE!"

Ulrich grabbed his school stuff, and a letter addressed to Yumi, he figured he could just give it to her later. He left his room, and opened the double doors to the outside of the school. It was a lot brighter than he expected. He spotted Odd, Aelita, and Jeremy by the benches.

"Hey, Ulrich, where've you been?" Odd knew he was probably up in his room to busy thinking about Yumi to come down.

"Just upstairs. Getting ready. Writing a letter…for Yumi." He took it out remembering it was in his pocket.

"Oooo, can I see? Can I see?" Odd tried to take it out of his hand.

Just as he had, a black-haired girl came running towards the gang, a smile lit up her face. Her hair touched her shoulders.

"YUMI!!!" the gang called in unison, and came to greet her. Ulrich thought…

"Well, she looks the same, I can't put my finger on it, she just looks beautiful and simple, like she always has. I want to do something special to greet her…I really missed Yumi.

"Ulrich!" She noticed him right away. Ulrich walked up to her and put his arms around her, giving her the biggest hug, she's ever seen, he whispered in her ear, "I really missed you Yumi."

She was so surprised for that, everyone was. She was so happy she was back. Ulrich pulled away and smiled. She smiled back.

"Wow, Ulrich you really know how to give a greeting, if you know what I mean." Odd complimented. The others laughed.

"It's so good to see all of you, I was so excited to come! I was meaning to call one of you to let you know I was here, but I just wanted to surprise all of you. I missed all of you so much!" Yumi was more cheerful than usual.

"It's great to have you back Yumi." Jim said that to her surprise, he smiled, the others dropped their mouths, and lately Jim had been acting well nice.

"Thanks Jim. Great to see you." He waved as he went into the building.

"So, Yumi how was Japan? Was it fun?" Aelita, asked her.

"Yeah it was great, but a long time to be there, and especially hard to communicate with people, where we went, not to many spoke English. And I'm not very fluent in Japanese yet. Oh! But I met this kid named Riku, he was really nice, he spoke English."

Ulrich didn't really care who she met, he was just happy that she was here. They all noticed they were going to be late if they didn't hurry up and get to class.

"Hey guys, its 8:25, class starts in five minutes, just so you know…and we better get Yumi there so she'll at least know what we're doing today." Jeremy announced.

"Ok, I'll meet up with you guys in a bit. Go ahead without me." Yumi waved, as Odd, Aelita, and Jeremy headed to class.

"Hey Yumi? This is for you," he pulled out an envelope with her name on it, "I was saving it for when you came back, you can read it later if you want." She took it and studied the envelope for a second, she noticed he must of wrote it not to long ago.

"Thanks Ulrich. I'll read it later. Should we get to class? It's about to start." They headed inside. Ulrich hoped she would read it soon. It was a letter that he put a lot of effort into writing it, and he wanted it to be a present to her, telling her a lot of things he never had before.

They both took their seats in the back next to the others. Everyone was talking the last minute before class started. Sissy was especially being loud, and annoying as always.

What Yumi didn't notice was that she must've dropped the letter when she walked in the classroom. It fell out of her pocket. But Sissy sure did notice. Just as class was starting, Sissy spotted the letter on the floor, and put it on her desk. She saw the name Yumi wrote in red on the front, and recognized Ulrich's unbelievably neat writing. Did she dare open it?

. Hope you at least liked the first chapter, it could've been better, but I was in a rush. If you did like it I will update soon. Please review if you have time!!! Thank you! .