A Mimoe fic
Pg 13-R
Summary: 2nd season, Mimi's come back, but things are diffrent, hearts have changed.
Havent they?

She was settled in now, or so they told him. 'Coward' he thought angrily. 'Can't even face
her'He ran a lean fingered hand through his navy hair. Longer now, falling a little below his
ears. The girls seemed to like that. He did. He shrugged his white dress shirt off and
pushed his Calvin Klein glasses back up. 'Somethings never change' Joe Kido approached
the full length mirror with a critical eye. Taller still, then any other digidestined,
lanky, but he had grown into his body. The bullies had made that an absolute necessity.
He was muscular now, strong enough to play fight with Taichi, or throw a well placed punch.
He could hold his own well. It hadn't always been that way. And he could easily overpower
the slender Yamato. But it wasn't enough. It was never enough. Something was missing.
Perfection was needed. He sighed, and left his reflection for a broader expanse of what was

Look at the Stars,
Look how they shine for you,
and everything you do,
Yeah, they were all yellow.

Joe passed his desk, snatching a slim leather book off the mahogany surface, and continued
forward, his destination the moonlit balcony his bedroom showcased so well. Joe had left
his childhood apartment and had taken up residence with his brother Jim. On many levels,
things were better for the Kido sons. No more abuse. But for the youngest child, his
emotional scars were far from healed. The stars gleamed coldly against their black velvet
backdrop. 'Teardrops on Silk' somebody Joe once loved had said that. Somebody with a purity
only angels could acquire. The azure haired boy steeled his thoughts and leaned on the stone
balcony overlooking the thrashing sea. Cold. The ocean harboured the souls of the damned, the
waves were their grasping fingers, shrieking and screaming for redemption were their was
none. He blinked away a tear. There was no time to cry anymore.

I came along
I wrote a song for you
And all the things you do
And it was called yellow

The teenager opened his leather notebook, leafing through the ink filled pages. He had carried
this memento with him for years. Since his long ago trips to the Digital world had stopped,
Since she had left. He smiled indulgently as he let himself go back. go back to the memories
and to her. Back to sunlit days and fear filled, cold, nights. He remembered when he had been
alone with her, and half afraid of her, he smiled. Afraid of a tiny, pink loving girl, who
couldnt hurt a living creature and was awestruck by something as simple and pure as a
Joe remembered one cold lonley night, when she had woken from a nightmare, wide-eyed and
tearstreaked, and oh so achingly lonley. Just like himself. She had found herself alone, and had
crawled over to were he slept. Their digimon had been elsewhere, though close-by. She had
scurried over to his bed roll, and gently shook the still awake teen. "Joe" She had murmured,
her crystalline, amber eyes shining with tears. "Yea?" he had dumbly replied. He had known
instictivly what she had needed. "um, can I stay with you? I-I-I'm kinda scared" Joe sat up,
gazing sadly at the homesick girl. Knowing that it made no diffrence that it was him, She would
be asking Sora, TK or Matt the same thing. "Ok, we all need somebody sometimes." She had
smiled then, breaking his heart like she had a thousand times before. "Thank You so much Joe!"
and she had slid into his arms so quickly he didnt know it had happened. But he thanked god
as much as he cursed him, because he knew that he wasn't what she wanted, he could never be.
She had spent the night in his arms, and Joe had spent the night silently crying. It was
the last time he ever did.

So then I took my turn
Oh what a thing to have done
And it was all yellow
Your skin
Oh yea your skin and bones
turn into something beautiful
and you know
you know I love you so
you know I love you so
you know I love you so

He drew himself away from the memories. Things changed. People changed. But...She was back
and he was hiding. He mentally questioned himself. Their had been no promises, no pacts broken.
She had had no choice in moving. But that day in the airport, she had kissed Tai on the
cheek, and Yamato, even TK, but him, she had been cautious, leaving her goodbye to him last,
by chance or choice, he would never know. She had pulled his awkward form to her shorter
level with a tiny porcelain hand on his shoulder, and she had kissed a butterfly print on
his unsuspecting lips, closing her eyes and leaning her angelic forhead against his own.
"Don't forget me Joseph Kido, and remember your worth it all." And she was gone, leaving
the empty hollow void he had known she would. and leaving him to become a slight recluse and
an emotional black hole. Nothing that got in would resurface, and not much came out.
Happiness was lower on Joe's list then most. His heart was broken, and he wasn't needed.
But he still loved her, he loved her angelic memory as much as he hated her for her involintary
desertion. His heart was dying, and they all knew it.

I swam across
I jumped across for you
Oh what a thing to do
'cuz you were all yellow

It was time. He relized, bathed in moonlight and ebony black, he knew it had to end somehow.
and he wasnt stupid, he knew why he was hiding. He was afraid because things had changed, they
were older and wiser. Their days or reveling in innocence and dreaming of the future were over
the future was now. And be it hell on earth, a heart shattering venture or a soul crushing bought
of nonchalence and dismissel on her part. It was time to face his demons and let go.

I drew a line
I drew a line for you
Oh what a thing to do
'cuz you were all yellow

"Joe!!" Taichi shouted, waving the cerulean teenager over. "Over here!" The young man wandered
over with an unpracticed, relaxed gait. Creating the picture of easygoing calmness. "Hey guys"
Joe wasnt fooling them. He was moody now, uneasy now and then, but he sometimes let his
undercurrent of pain slip and it took full reign, bursting out in the form of anger, he had
gotten himself into many fights because of it, but he always came out on top. He was stronger
then he knew. "Shes not here yet. typical Mimi" Joe stiffened at her name. Struggling to
relize that he was trapped of his own free will. It became obvious at the mention of the
name he had tried to forget. That name was the personification of everything he had lost
everything he had loved. Sheilding himself again, he nodded amd went to the counter, buying
himself an iced tea.

And your skin
Oh yeah your skin and bones
turn into something beautiful
and you know
for you I'd bleed myself dry
for you I'd bleed myself dry
for you I'd bleed myself dry

"Hi guys I'm here!" Joe almost tripped when he heard that voice. He wasn't ready for her,
for this! It was so painful. He had missed her more then his own mother! He had finally come
to terms, healed himself enough to carry on, but it had taken years! She couldn't just waltz
back into his world and destroy his heart and soul again! " Guess who surprised us and
showed up Mimi!" He stood stalk still and put his drink on a nearby, empty table, fully
prepared to flee. He had stood up to bullies twice as strong as Taichi, fought Dark masters
and won, but he was once again trembling in fear of a itsy bitsy female. He felt pathetic
and stupid. He didn't want to feel like that. He wouldnt. He clenched his fists and jaw,
standing straighter. He was older now. He didn't need anybody, he lied to himself even as
he waited for another word from her infinitly sweet lips, like a dying man wants water in
the desert. She still held that mastery over him. and she still didn't relize it, or didn't
care. "Did...he come?" Sora smiled and nodded. and the soft haired brunette raised trembling
hands to her face, she let out a gasping sob, catching a watching Joe by surprise "I-I'
,,s-sorry..B-but I've missed J-J-Joe so much...I've...l..loved him"
Tai patted the emotional Mimi on the shoulder. "Everybody knew that but him, Mimi." Mimi shook
her beautiful head vehemently "How could...he not k-know?..Where is...he?" Sora peered around
the overwhelmed girl and saw the thunderstruck Joe several feet away. Looking lost and
delirious but happier then Sora had ever seen him. Mimi noticed her friends gaze and twirled,
her caramel locks floating around her, and leaving Joe out of breathe and attempting not
to cry "Joe!" she cried, taking a few tentative steps to the rapidly blinking young man.
"Oh Joe, Joe my sweet Joe!" in mere seconds she was in his arms, neither knew who moved, but
both Joe and Mimi held on so tightly neither were aware where one stopped and the other began.

It's true
Look how they shine for you
look how they shine for you
look how they shine for you

Joe was in shock. It was all so unbelievable, just by hearing those words all the ice
surrounding his soul had melted, the mist had dissapated. He loved the slender wisp of an
angel he embraced. and he was so filled with love he couldnt not show it. The floodgates
opened and the tears fell. "Mimi...I..." The girl holding him just as hard snuggled into
the black silk shirt he wore "I know." she smiled "You've changed, your so handsome, and
strong." Joe nodded "I've been in a lot of fights..." Mimi shook her head "I mean stronger
inside" The navy haired boy nuzzled her hair, trying to reign in the emotions that gripped
his heart anew. All he could whisper was "oh." as he tried to breathe easier, and fight away
the tears. "I wish it could be this simple Mimi. I-I wish I could just hold you and heal
myself." He gripped her harder "I've dreamed of every worse case scenario in existence, about
your homecoming...but I've never dreamed of this." Mimi looked up at the much diffrent Joe
"What do you mean?" Joe looked down at her breathtaking eyes. He had dreamed of those eyes,
had loved them for as long as he had first seen them. The forcefulness of his emotions
scared him, the suddeness of their onslaught disarmed him. "I'm afraid Mimi, I-I've been
alone for so long..." He looked away, tearing his gaze from her own, but refusing to let her
slender body part from his by an inch. "I've closed everything off from me, but I've never
let you go. I think I love you to much, and I'm afraid." Mimi shook her head "I've loved
you just as long. I've ruined everything by leaving..." Joe frowned, marring his handsome
features for a moment "No, Mimi..I just need time to think...I love you." and he was gone.

Look how the shine for
look how they shine for
look how they shine for you

He had fled again! He mentally berated himself. Screaming inwardly, he collapsed on his couch,
luckily Jim wasn't home. He leaned forward and put his face in his hands. "I'm so stupid!"
he shouted to the walls. He ran his hand through his hair, mussing the blue strands up. "I had
her, I held her, she loves ME. Not anybody else. Joe Kido." he groaned "The cold hearted
basterd who's to stupid to hold onto the one thing he's wanted for years and finally had."
He picked up the closeset thing, a convenient porcelain vase, and hurled it against a wall
letting out an angry growl "I'm such an idiot. I'm so dumb I-I...I" he looked around, not
finding an easily thrown object, and relized what he'd done. falling back onto the coach,
he gripped his head "I am emotionally unstable" Joe sighed and wiped away an angry tear.
standing up and retreating to the confinement of his bedroom. Everything was too surreal.
Life was suddenly so wonderful, he didn't know how to deal. He threw himself onto his bed.
and attempted to sleep.
The knocking woke his fitful slumber. And he dragged himself out of bed feeling as though he
had a huge hangover. Joe threw open the door, thinking his brother had locked himself out
again "Jim, did you leave-" He stopped mid sentance, joy and pain combating for surpremacy
within him. Pain won, par usual in the world of Joe Kido. and he stumbled over his words "Mimi!
how d-did you g-get here?!" She was looking perfect as she always did, although she could be
completly naked and look totally at ease. Perfect perfection, an angel on Earth. Joe cleared
thoughts of Mimi naked from his mind. He had enough problems, he didn't need sex complicating
things further. The girl he loved so deeply eyed him sadly. "Will you talk to me?" Joe was
taken aback, but he nodded and let her in. She slid her shoes off her tiny feet and surveyed
his apartment,"You and Jim live here?" Joe nodded, and gestured for Mimi to sit. She did, and
Joe sat beside her. "What are you afraid of?" The teenager looked at the girl. "Afraid?" Mimi
frowned, "Yes, afraid. Why can't we be together?" Joe's battle waged again, this time joy
winning. "Y-you want to BE me with ME?" he smiled, and Mimi looked at him sadly "Joe, I've
wanted to be with you for a long time." This time, Joe crossed the first bridge, he reached out
and grabbed Mimi's hand. making the girl hope. "Mimi, I was just afraid, that was so fast, I
mean, after wanting something, without ever hoping to really get it, and then having it in
your arms t-to BE love you. It can be overwhelming. Especially when you've closed
off from people because it hurt so much." Mimi's gorgeous crystal gaze had filled with tears,
" could you not know...I've loved you since...well...I don't even know. I made it so
obvious...didn't you even notice Matt and Tai back off??" Joe shook his head. "I didn't even dare
to think..." Mimi collapsed in his arms. "We can be together now Joe. We've wasted so long..
we need to make up for lost years."
Joe smiled, knowing she spoke the truth, she peered up at him and he solomnly gazed back.
He bit his lip, inching closer, he wanted it so bad...Mimi was quicker, she reached up and
pulled his lips to her own and it was...magic. She tasted like rose petels and cotton candy
he tasted like something smoky and male. Years of pent up emotions poured into that kiss and
hands roamed, tongues played, passion grew, Mimi reached for the buttons on Joe's shirt, but
Joe broke away, panting. "Mimi? are you sure? We can stop..." Mimi smiled softly, love
glowing in an almost plausible aura around her "I'm ready Joe, I want you to be my first...
I've known you would be for a long time. I'm ready Joe, if you are." Joe nodded and stood up.
drawing the small girl along with him, they went to his bedroom. Joe was gonna be better now.
Sometimes, you had to let go, and learn to love again.

Look how they shine
Look at the stars
Look how they shine for you
and all the things you do

The end
Do you like it?? I do!!!! review please! I love you all!