Disclaimer: Listen up cause I am only saying this once. Don't own any of this stuff so there you go.
Shinji Ikari sat up out of bed in a cold sweat. He ran his hands through his short hair and headed to the bathroom. He made one stop at the medicine cabinet and looked at his own blood shot eyes. He let out a frustrated growl. He had to be at work in a couple hours and that stupid dream would not leave him alone.
He couldn't figure out why he of all people was having dreams about the angels. He lived all the way in New York. The Angels only appeared in Japan, and had been gone for years now. Why couldn't he shake this feeling? Why were the images of a giant purple monster haunting his dreams?
He shook his head and reached into his medicine cabinet to pull out his suppressant. Of course a prescription this high couldn't be found in legal medicine, but Shinji was ready to do anything to get rid of these dreams. Then he walked over to the shower cutting it on. He leaned against the sink one more time while he waited for the water to warm up. If it would warm up it was. His landlord was suppose to fix the damn water heater, but Shinji learned quick in NY that there was a key difference between "suppose to" and "did".
He rubbed the stubble across the chin, "Hmmm, need to shave or the boss will kill me." He pulled out his razor and looked at the blade. It had long since grown dull, but he didn't have the money to by new blades. He hardly had the only for his apartment. He shook his head and shaved. He stuck his hand under the running water, "SHIT!" Just the way to start off a December in New York. A cold shower. Of course by now the seasons had returned. It was times like these that Shinji missed the concept of no winter.
Of course, he couldn't remember his life back that far. He couldn't remember anything till about 10 years ago. He remembered waking up in the middle of central park. The only thing he knew was his name. He had found a little money in his pocket. Japanese Currency? Was that were he was from? He had just forgotten about that. He had stayed at a local mission until he had found a job. Of course the job he got wasn't the best. He had worked his way through college and even gotten his degree in Law. He ended up getting a job with Social Services. He worked with children who had been neglected or abandoned by their parents. For some reason, he found he could relate with them. He had often wondered if his parents were looking for him or if they even missed him. A sinking feeling told him probably not.
Shinji shook off his thought and stepped into the shower. He had gotten used to taking quick showers to keep from freezing. He got dressed and stepped out of his apartment. There stood an elderly lady holding two cups of coffee. One was in a paper cup with a lid. Shinji smiled, "Thanks Mrs. Jenkins."
"Don't mention it child. You got money for lunch today?"
Mrs. Jenkins shook her head and held out a paper bag, "You are a horrible liar child."
"Take it dear. I fixed way too much food last night."
"Funny how you keep doing that?"
"Must be my old age, now you better go or you will miss your bus."
Shinji looked at his watch and took the coffee and lunch before running down the hall, "Thanks. See you later."
Mrs. Jenkins shook her head, "Such a dear boy. He tries so very hard."
Shinji ended up missing his bus anyway so he had to walk the 12 miles to work in the snow. He had gotten a couple of blocks away when he saw a SUV pull up beside him, "Hey Shinji, need a ride?"
Shinji opened the passenger door and stepped in welcoming the warm inside of the car. He leaned back and enjoyed the warmth, "Thanks Mari. I owe you one."
Mari chuckled, "Can't have our best lawyer getting a cold. So, you got any cases today?"
"Nope. Got the date moved back another week. I'm telling you this city will be the death of me. How can people not care that a child was murdered?"
Mari sighed, "His parents were barely getting by Shinji. With people like that-"
"People like what!"
Mari looked at Shinji. His anger was visible in his eyes. She gave an apologetic smile, "Sorry Shinji. I didn't mean anything by it…it's just people can get lost in this city real easy, and if there isn't anyone to miss them, then no one cares."
Shinji looked out the window, "Stop the car."
Mari did. Shinji stepped out and walked up to a homeless man and handed him the lunch from Mrs. Jenkins. He then got back into the car. Mari shook her head, "When's the last time you had a decent meal?"
"I would have to have to have a definition of "decent meal" before I answer any questions."
Mari smiled and punched Shinji playfully in the arm, "Luigi's at noon."
"Umm…I think I have a meeting."
Mari sighed, "I know you don't have any money. I'll handle it."
"No, I'll be fine. I'll just get me a candy bar and soda out of the vending machine."
"Man doesn't live by chocolate lone Shinji."
"He does when he doesn't have money for anything else." Shinji then opened the door to the car since they were at the office. He stepped out and walked towards the door. He walked through the small room crowded with cubicles and into one of the few real offices. He dropped his brief case and sat down into his chair. He then pulled out a file folder and started to read over it.
At about noon, Mari walked into the room and drug him out and to Lugi's. Shinji was actually thankful to have a good meal for once. Usually his meal did consist of the aforementioned candy bar and soda. When Shinji was walking back to his office, he heard his name, "Shinji! Line 2!"
Shinji walked into his office and picked up his phone, "Ikari."
"Is this Shinji Ikari?"
"Umm…yes. Can I help you?"
He then heard a dial tone. He then heard a whistling. He looked out the window to see a missile heading towards him. He was then surprised to see a flash across his window and crashing through his window. He froze to see a motorcycle sitting in his office.
"Get on Baka!"
"How in the world do you drive that thing in the snow?"
"I grew up in a cold place, now get on!"
Shinji did as he was ordered. The motorcycle then took off out the window just before the missile hit. The explosion rang for miles. Shinji looked back at the burning mass that used to be his work, "My friends-"
"Their gone now. Deal with it," ordered the driver. Obviously it was a female voice.
"How could you say that? How can you be so heartless?"
"Look Shinji. I'm sorry we couldn't save your friends, but we got here kind of late." The driver then appeared to start to talk to herself, "Hey Blue, I got the Baka. Tell the Pilot to start up the jet and have it ready. They found him first."
[Is he unharmed?]
"Of course he is. I was the one sent to save him after all." The driver felt someone tap her shoulder.
"Um, are you okay?"
"Who are you talking to?"
"We survive this ride, and you'll find out."
"But I thought the bad guys were back there?"
The driver nodded to the right side mirror. Shinji looked to reveal two motorcycles and a Jeep. The two motorcycles were swerving back and forth in front of the Jeep.
"Hey Blue, we could use a little cover out here."
[Next right, then the second left. Through the gate and that will get you to the airstrip runway. Count to 10 and then use Plan Alpha 32.]
The driver smirked, "I love Alpha 32. It's so destructive." She then looked back at Shinji, "Hold on tight and don't let go. This is about to be fun."
Shinji gulped and tightened his grip. They darted down an allow and then made an immediate let. They found themselves at a long runway.
"You ever play American Football Baka?"
"Then I suggest you start counting Mississippis."
"1 Mississippi, 2 Mississippi, 3 Mississippi, 4 Mississippi, 5 Mississippi, 6 Mississippi
7 Mississippi
8 Mississippi
9 Mississippi
10 Mississippi."
The Driver swerved just in time as a bullet flew past them. The motorcycle swerved back and forth barely dodging each bullet. Soon, the people following them had no tires left. The Driver yelled at the top of her lunges, "NOW BLUE!" A Missile flew past them blowing up the jeep and two motorcycles. Shinji as a jet where the missile came from.
"Coming in the back!" yelled the Driver. She flew past the jet before pulled a 180 and driving up a ramp onto the jet. She turned off the motorcycle and stepped off, "Get us the hell out of here Misato."
"Already on it."
Shinji fell backwards as the jet took motion. He took and hand held out to him. He looked at the owner of the hand to find a young woman about his age with blue hair almost hanging over eyes, "Good to have you back Ikari-kun."
"Do I know you?"
"I am Rei Ayanami."
Shinji chuckled, "Sure and I am the captain of Nerv itself. Okay really."
"I am not lying Ikari-Kun." The young woman pulled her hair aside to reveal her trademark crimson eyes.
Shinji moved back, "Okay, freaky. What are you doing here?
"Saving your ass. You're welcome by the way," came the voice behind him. He turned to reveal the driver taking off her helmet. Her red hair fall into place. It was tied back with a ponytail. "Name's Asuka Langley Soryu."