Haku turned and stared at the boy. He was shouting, meaningless words, but his hair. It was a gorgeous yellow. He watched as it swayed and twisted. Then his attention turned to the mouth. Even when speaking nonsense, it was completely beautiful. His body was long and slender, and Haku could image it perfectly molding to his. Oh god, if he didn't leave soon, he'd have a hard on in front of the enemy. Haku remembered his face though. He remembered everything. He would find this boy again at a later time and date.
So image his surprise when he found the boy sleeping in the forest. Haku smile and gentle shook him.
"You'll catch your death of cold, sleeping on the ground," Haku said, leaning extremely close to Naruto. The boy slowly opened his eyes, revealing beautiful blue eyes before immediately squinting, hiding them from Haku's view.
"Sasuke, go away," he muttered before sliding back to sleep. Haku looked him over before silently picking him up.
Sakura yawned and stretched one arm far into the air. She stumbled into the room where everyone else was assembled. Everyone, but Naruto, that is.
Their client asked,"Naughty Naruto stayed out all night again, didn't he?"
"Ever since you told us that story, he's been in the training all alone, night after night.....An idiot with an obsession," Sakura announced loudly, rubbing her eyes. "If he exhausts his chakra, he could kill himself...and be lying dead somewhere right now."
"...I hope he's all right. It's not good for a boy to spend night after night alone outside," Inari's mother whispered quietly. Kakashi looked up at this.
"There's nothing to worry about," Kakashi said smiling. "Naruto's a goofy kid...but he's also a full fledged ninja."
"Is it he have killed himself?" Sasuke muttered. "That idiot."
Kakashi slightly turned his head. He rose from his seat on the floor quickly.
"What is it?" asked Sakura.
"Sakura, stay here and protect our client. Sasuke, come with me," Kakashi demanded. He slowly uncovered his eye.
Haku speed quickly away. He could feel the Charka of that teacher and his student. He had to lose them. However, first things first. Haku stopped. He walked up the tree before slowly depositing Naruto into one of the larger, but still hidden cracks. He ripped off a piece of the orange pants and took off. Naruto never stirred.
Haku turned back. He lowered his charka. He moved to where there were some plants and continues picking them. He looked up, pretending to be shocked.
"Excuse me, have you seen a load mouth boy around here, miss?" Kakashi asked.
"I'm a boy," Haku lightly told them with a smile. "I saw someone sleeping not to far from here. He had blond hair and snored really load."
That would be Naruto, Sasuke thought.
"But his friend took him away from here not to long ago," Haku told them.
"Friend?" Kakashi asked quietly.
"Yeah. This dark hair guy. Looked like him," Haku lied pointing at Sasuke. "They left half an hour ago. It's amazing, even with all that activity, you're friend still didn't wake." Sasuke and Kakashi sweatdropped.
"A full fledged ninja, eh?" Sasuke muttered to Kakashi. Haku glared for a moment, fighting to get his emotions under control. Then, Haku's face slowly went back to normal. Kakashi watched, but remained silent. Who was it? Could it's too early. No, it wasn't him. Who could it be? What is going on?
Haku stood and brushed plant residue off his clothes. He smiled politely, bowed, and as he turned away said, "When you see your friend, tell him thank you for helping me with the plants yesterday." Haku picked up a basket and walked off.
Naruto awoke in a cold place. Cloth over his eyes restricted his sight. He started choking; a needle blocked his airway. He slowed down his breathing, trying desperately to get air. When he did so, it seemed to allow him to breathe with only minimal pain. When Naruto attempted to sit up, stinging pain around his body alerted him to several more needles. While they obviously were not live threatening at the moment, Naruto was not sure exactly what to do. He drifted off, thinking of ways to escape.
The next time Naruto awoke a boy with long hair dangled over him. Of course, a second later he realized this must mean that his blind fold had been removed. He smiled when he saw Naruto's open eyes and brought over a bowl.
"Would you like some water?" The boy asked. "You can't handle anything to eat, the sedative in your body will just make you puke it back up."
"eh? Where am I?" Naruto croaked out.
"You're in my master's closet. Please don't make any noise. He might kill you should he find out you're here," The boy whispered to Naruto. Naruto ignored him. He groaned and slightly. Immediately, nausea struck him.
"Please don't move any more. You'll just make yourself sick!" the boy whispered to him. Naruto nodded, being obedient for once, and he lay back down.
"Rest," the boy whispered again. "Sleep."
Before fully drifting off, Naruto asked, "Who are you?"
The boy smiled, kissed his forehead, and replied, "My name is Haku."
A/n so did u guys like it? i know it's kinda short, but i hope my writing will get longer the more i write, so.. R&R!