Meilin walked into the hospital room and saw Syaoran reading the letter Sakura had left behind, for the millionth time. She sighed as she walked up to him and put a comforting hand on his shoulder. "She didn't leave you, you know. It sounds like she had some things to take care of and she'll be back as soon as she's done."
"How do you know that?" Syaoran said in a monotone voice without even looking up from the paper.
"Because I know she loves you." She sat down next to him on the bed and took the paper from his hand and put it on the table beside the bed.
He looked out the window into the sunny sky and the green trees. The hospital room was on the third floor so he got a beautiful view of the park beside the hospital and there was barely any noise to disrupt the peace.
He sighed and shook his head. "She said to live my life and not try to find her. To me it's sounds like she doesn't want to be with me anymore."
"She's only been gone for three days! After all that's happened to her I think she deserves some time to herself to think things over, don't you agree?"
"What if.... When she thinks things over, what if she decides she doesn't want me in her life anymore? It would explain why she's not here right now. She's not here because she doesn't want to see me and have to break up with me."
Meilin let out a frustrated groan and said, "She's not here because she needs to think things over, I already told you that! Her last boyfriend turned out to be a psycho that tried to kill her and now maybe she wants to have some time and let the past go before she can fully commit herself to you and this relationship."
Syaoran tried to put on a smile but failed. "I guess your right. She needs room to breathe."
Meilin slapped his arm playfully. "There you go!"
"So any news from Eriol and Tomoyo?" Syaoran changed the subject.
"Bob thought it would be better if they didn't find out about it until they came back. It wouldn't be right to ruin their honeymoon."
Syaoran nodded and leaned his head on her shoulder. Meilin hugged him and comforted him.
"Are you still going out with Lee?" he asked out of nowhere.
Meilin pulled back surprised, "What?"
Syaoran tried to look innocent. "What?"
Meilin laughed. "Yes we are still together and don't worry I think it's safe to say he's over Sakura."
Syaoran smiled a little. "Good."
Syaoran was laying down in his bed at his apartment staring at the ceiling thinking. It had been 6 days since Sakura had gone. There had been no news from her yet. Her apartment had been emptied and the landlord had said that she had told him she no longer wanted to live there and moved out. There was no way to get in contact with her and the only one who would be able to find a way would probably be Tomoyo, her best friend, who was suppose to come back from her honeymoon that day.
A knock on the bedroom door, disrupted his thoughts. "Come in."
Meilin's head popped in the doorway. "You have visitors."
Meilin had volunteered to stay with him until he got better.
Syaoran nodded his head and she opened the door to let Tomoyo and Eriol walk in. Syaoran sat up abruptly, hoping that they had some news as to where Sakura might be but their expressions told him they didn't know any more than he did.
"Hey man, how you doing?" Eriol asked as he put a hand on Tomoyo's shoulder and stood by the bed.
Syaoran shook his head and placed it in his hands. "I don't know. I don't know anything anymore. It's like I'm lost without her. My world has no beginning or end."
Tomoyo sat down next to him and held his hand. "The landlord gave me a letter from Sakura." Syaoran's head shot up and looked at her with a ray of hope in his eyes. Tomoyo continued, "In it she explained that whatever it is that she's off doing right now, is very important. She didn't say where she was but she did say she wasn't running away. She asked me to trust in her decision and in her. Now I'm asking you to trust in her. She loves you, you know that, now you just have to be a little patient until she gets her life straightened out."
Syaoran sighed and looked down. "Why couldn't I help her then, if that's all she wanted?"
Eriol sat down next to Tomoyo and answered him, "Maybe because she needs to do this for herself. It took a lot of guts for her to do what she did. You know better than I do that sometimes when women fall victim to psycho's like James, they end up becoming so scared and vulnerable that they just stop living their life and spend the rest of their existence in fear. But Sakura... she was able to stand up for herself and that's a very rare thing. She stood up and faced her fear, many people only dream that they can do that. She's probably just a little shaken up and needs some time to think and meanwhile I think you should take her advise and just live your life."
Syaoran yawned and looked at him. "Is the speech over?"
Eriol shook his head and stood up. He motioned for Tomoyo to follow him. "Bye Syaoran."
Eriol also said good bye to him as they left the room and closed the door behind them.
Meilin walked up to them and asked, "How did it go?"
Eriol shook his head. "The only one who can help put him back in his right mind now is only Sakura."
Meilin sighed. "Well we don't exactly know where she is now do we?!"
Tomoyo hugged and said, "It'll be all right. I know Sakura and I trust in her decision. She won't let Syaoran down."
Meilin eyed them both suspiciously. "Do you two know something that we don't?"
Eriol and Tomoyo shared a look and replied together, "Like what?"
"Like where Sakura is and what she's doing?" Meilin took a couple steps towards them and trapped them against a wall.
Eriol stood in front of Tomoyo protectively and laughed nervously. "Uh... Why would you think we know that? Oh look at the time! We have to go somewhere! See you later Meilin!"
Before Meilin could stop them or even get a word out they ran out of the apartment.
Syaoran ran into the building where he and the other undercover agents worked at until they were given an assignment. It had been over 2 weeks since he had last seen Sakura and in his mind everyone looked like Sakura. On the way to his workplace he had almost crashed into a post box because he thought he had seen Sakura walking down the street but like the last few times it had turned out to be somebody else.
He ran into the Men's Restroom and splashed cold water on his face. He looked at his reflection in the mirror. "You're losing it."
"You really are losing it if you're talking to yourself!" Eriol's voice came from the doorway, startling him.
"Welcome back to work. So you and Tomoyo moved into the new house?" Syaoran asked as he got a paper towel and wiped the water from his face.
"Yeah, it was terribly hard work. I swear she has more shoes than all of my things combined!" Eriol laughed. "Come on let's go. Bob should be here any minute with your new partner."
Syaoran followed him out the door, looking at the floor as he walked. "I can't believe I'm never going to have you as a partner for undercover jobs from now on. It seems too good to be true."
Syaoran laughed and raised his arm. "Ok, ok! So what do you think my new partner's like?"
"I don't know but I heard it's a woman."
Syaoran stopped dead in his tracks. "A- a woman?"
Eriol turned and faced him. "Yes. You see my dear they're human like us except they have way too many shoes!" Eriol said to him in a fatherly tone.
Syaoran slapped his arm. "Why is my new partner a woman? I don't want a woman for my partner!"
Eriol raised an eyebrow at him. "Why not?"
"I- I just - I just don't okay?!" Syaoran started walking and went ahead of him.
"I think you'll change your mind after you see her." Eriol caught up to him.
"Why would you say that?" Syaoran looked at him.
"Because.... I've seen her and she's good looking, Syaoran!"
"Need I remind you that you're married? And besides it's not like I'm going to fall in love with her or anything! Remember I only love Sakura!"Syaoran opened the door to the big office and walked in, Eriol following him.
It seemed like all the agents were there having a party.
"Did we miss a memo or something? Why does it look like there's a party going on here?" Syaoran asked as he looked for Bob.
"Maybe because there is?" Bob's voice came from behind him.
Syaoran turned and faced him. "What's going on here?"
"I'll get to that in a minute but right now..." He looked at someone on the other side of the room and nodded. Then he turned back to him and continued, "Syaoran, I would like you to meet your new partner."
Slowly, a woman dressed in a navy blue skirt and white shirt walked out from behind two people standing next to Bob. She was wearing dark sunglasses and her wavy auburn hair fell on her shoulders.
She smiled and took off her glasses, revealing a pair of jade eyes. "Hello, Syaoran."
Syaoran's mouth dropped open as he gazed at the woman in front of him. He didn't know if this was another hallucination or if it really was the woman he loved that was standing in front of him.
"Sakura?" he asked in a shaky voice.
Her smile grew bigger and she stepped closer to him. "It's me."
Syaoran's heart swelled up and he pulled her to him, hugging her. "It's you. It's really you."
"It's really me," she repeated with a quivering voice. She buried her face in his chest.
Neither had noticed that the room had suddenly become very quiet, and everyone was looking at them.
"Now that you're here in my arms I never want to let you go," Syaoran whispered in her ear.
"I never want you to let me go," she whispered back.
Syaoran pulled her back and looked at her again making sure it was her. Sakura laughed. Meilin ran up to her and hugged her. Lee walked from behind her and shook Sakura's hand.
Tomoyo walked up to Syaoran and held up the camera to his face. "So tell us Syaoran now that you are reunited with Sakura, what are you going to do next?"
A couple walked down the hotel lobby, holding hands. A man in a black trench coat, carrying a briefcase, was walking in front of them. He turned left and continued walking. He stopped when he came to the door leading to the basement and looked around to see if anyone was near. When he didn't see anyone, he opened the door that read, "EMPLOYEES ONLY" and walked in.
He opened the suitcase and took out a small bomb. He placed it under the radiator and was about to hit the activating button when someone knocked him out with a metal pipe.
"Ouch! That's going to hurt in the morning," said the woman that had been walking in the lobby earlier.
"In the morning, that's going to be the least of his problems," said the man that had been walking with her.
The woman giggled. "Syaoran!"
The man mimicked her in a childish tone, "Sakura!"
The door to the basement opened and police officers rushed in to take the bomb and arrest the unconscious man.
Bob walked up to the couple. "Good job you two. Another case cracked wide open!" He patted Syaoran on the shoulder. "We're not leaving for headquarters until tomorrow afternoon, you guys got any plans?"
Sakura started to say 'no, not really' but Syaoran cute her off by saying, "Yes, actually."
Sakura looked at him and he smiled at her.
Bob smirked. "Well then I guess I'll leave you two alone." He patted Syaoran on the back and whispered, "Good luck." Then he walked away.
Sakura crossed her arms and stared at him. "So what are these plans that we have?"
Syaoran grinned, "It's a surprise." He kissed her on the cheek and took her hand. They walked out of the basement. "We'll go upstairs and get changed, then I want to take you someplace special."
Sakura eyed him suspiciously. Syaoran just laughed and led her to their room.
Syaoran was standing outside the bedroom, waiting for Sakura. "Are you done yet?" he asked impatiently.
"Almost!" She stepped out of the bedroom dressed in a beautiful pink, halter top gown that came down to her knees. She twirled in front of him, making the bottom of the skirt to go up a little. "So? What do you think?"
Syaoran admired her, then grabbed her hand and pulled her in for a gentle kiss. "I love it. I love you."
She smiled and placed her hands behind his neck to pull him in for a kiss. "I love you too."
He deepened the kiss by snaking his arms around waist and pulling her closer. After a few second he pulled away. "If we continue this, we'll never get to go out."
She smirked. "Then maybe we should stay in."
He grinned and kissed her forehead, making her groan in disappointment. "Don't worry, you'll like this surprise..... I hope."
She smiled and replied, "As long as I'm with you, I'll love anything."
"Well then lets go." He took her hand and led her out of the hotel room.
After the short ride in the car, they arrived to a big hotel. Sakura looked at it with confusion. "Another hotel? What can you do here that you couldn't do at our hotel?"
"Well this one is more elegant, like you." Syaoran went to her side and opened the door for her. She took his offered hand. When they got to the hotel lobby he stopped. "Close your eyes." When she was about to protest he placed a finger on her lips. "Trust me."
She slowly closed her eyes and let him lead her to the garden outside. When Syaoran stopped her, she felt his lips brush against her's softly, then he whispered in her ear. "Look."
Sakura opened her eyes and gasped in surprise. All around them the trees had been decorated with white lights and there were white and pink flowers everywhere. They were standing next to a small white table all set out for two. She smiled. "I'm in heaven."
Syaoran laughed and pulled her close to him. "No, I am. Because I'm standing next to an angel."
She relaxed in his arms. "I love you so much."
He kissed the top of her head. "I love you so much more."
She laughed. He pulled her back and helped her sit down. A slow, romantic melody started playing from the hidden speaker in the trees. She tilted her head in wonder. "What's all this about?"
He smiled. "I just want to show you how much I love you."
She took his hand across the table.
Two waiters came out from behind the trees and served their dinner.
From behind the trees, our two favorite evil cupids were filming the event.
"Aww. They're just perfect for each other aren't they?" Tomoyo asked.
"Just like us," Eriol replied. He smiled and kissed his lovely wife. "I can't believe I'm sitting in a tree filming my best friend and his girlfriend."
Tomoyo giggled and slapped his arm playfully. "This is a big night and they'll thank us later for catching every minute of it on film!"
Eriol shook his head. "I hope you're right."
After desert, Syaoran looked at Sakura and smiled. "Would you like to dance?" He offered his hand. She smiled back and took it. He put his arms around her waist as she placed her arms around his neck. She rested her head against his chest and he kissed the top of her head. Syaoran smiled to himself and pulled her even closer.
"I want to spend the rest of my life with you."
She slowly lifted her head and looked into his eyes searching for something, then smiled. "Same here."
Syaoran noticed something shiny in the trees and sighed in disappointment and then another idea struck him. "What do you say we go back to the hotel?"
She grinned, "I say.... Lead the way!"
He smiled and took her hand as they walked back to the lobby. Syaoran turned back and winked at something in the trees.
"He saw us." Eriol said.
"He didn't propose! That chicken!" Tomoyo was fuming.
"Uh, sweetie, maybe he just wanted it to be something personal." He put an arm around her.
"Are you saying he didn't want us to be here? That's so mean!" Tomoyo's eyes started watering.
"No, no, no, no! That's not what I meant. Look at the way I proposed to you, we were alone on the beach, just us. That's probably what he wanted, to be alone with her."
"Oh, ok. But Sakura better spill all the details on the plane!"
Eriol smiled. "She probably will but until then what do you say we go make the best of our night?"
Tomoyo grinned, "I say... Lead the way!" she copied Sakura.
They laughed and got out of the tree.
Back in the hotel, Syaoran laid back in their bed and placed his arms behind his neck. Sakura was in the bathroom getting changed. She opened the door and stepped out in a short white sleeping gown. "Now you really do look like an angel."
Sakura giggled and then noticed the single red rose that was sitting on her pillow. She eyed him and he shrugged. She walked over to the bed and sat down, picking up the rose. She gasped when she noticed there was something attached to the rose. An engagement ring was tied to the rose by a red ribbon. Her head shot up and looked at him. His smile said it all.
Sakura jumped on him and hugged him, drowning him in kisses. "I love you. I love you. I love you!"
Syaoran laughed. "I love you more."
He took the ring from the rose and got out of the bed and bent down on one knee. "Sakura, will you marry me?"
Her eyes lit up. "Yes."
He smiled and placed the ring on her finger. She admired it. "Mrs. Sakura Li. I like the sound of that," She whispered. Syaoran laughed and kissed her deeply, slowly lowering her to the bed.
The next day on the plane, Tomoyo was fidgeting while waiting for Sakura and Syaoran. The plane was about to take off and they still weren't there. "Where could they be?!"
"They're just late, honey. That's nothing new. It's expected when Sakura's with him." Eriol laughed.
"Don't laugh!" She snapped. "I want- no need- to know what happened last night!"
Eriol sighed. "He proposed, she said yes."
"Don't give away the ending!" Tomoyo yelled. All the agents on the plane were looking at them.
The door opened, and Sakura and Syaoran, who were laughing very hard, ran inside and took their seats across Tomoyo and Eriol.
As their laughter died down, so did all the other noises in the plane. Everyone was looking at them anxiously. Sakura giggled nervously and showed them her finger with the ring on it. Everyone started cheering for them.
Sakura was shocked. "Wow. I didn't know they cared that much."
Syaoran laughed, "Are you kidding me? They helped set up the whole thing last night. Apparently, they really want you to marry me." He smirked and pulled her in for a kiss.
She giggled. "Not as much as I want to marry you." Then she noticed the anxious Tomoyo sitting across her.
"Details, girl!"
Sakura giggled and switched seats with Eriol and while the plane took off Sakura told Tomoyo about how Syaoran had proposed to her.
"Aww! I wish I could've gotten that on film!" Tomoyo whined.
Sakura blushed, then exchanged a mischievous look with Syaoran and giggled nervously. "Well if it'll make you feel better, you can film our wedding."
"Oh I was going to do that anyway!" Tomoyo laughed. "Like I was going to just sit down and not film my best friend's wedding!"
Sakura shook her head and switched seats with Eriol again to sit next to Syaoran. She smiled and put her head on his chest.
Syaoran put an arm around her and pulled her closer. He bent down and whispered in her ear, "I'm going to love you more and more with every passing day, for the rest of our lives."
Sakura looked up and grinned. "You better." They laughed and shared a passionate kiss.
Syaoran did keep his word. He loved her more and more with each passing day for the rest of their lives...
The End.....
This may sound like a cheesy song but I want to sincerely thank all of you from the bottom of my heart for reading this story!
I hope you guys liked it!
Please review and let me know what you thought of it! Please? Please?
I would like to thank EVERYONE who ever read and reviewed this story! I don't think I can name you all but I want to say I LOVE all of you!
Thank you to all of you who reviewed the last two chapters:
Ngoc1231, Cherrysinger, La SaLLe - 6Re3n ArCh3r 15, twilight-star1, kokoro, Kimiko-Sama, orlandosangel, chanel-chick, EviL PunK, ori-chan, Lily20, teh NEZUMI, lil-asian-cherry, TPfan333, Apri-Chan, Carmela-chan , digi harpy, Mei fa-chan, Babi3 A, cherryblossom88, Pure Heart , Nadeshiko Blossom, l x lmystikalxstarzl x l , angel-demoness7, ayuki-:3, Rinoa Leonheartilly, Wolf Jade, czakali, Shahnaz, INVU4URAQT, craftyhime-chan , nipagirl12193, midnite cherry blossomz, sakura kinamoto, Ukari-chan, mikee , heheangel kisses, BeatBabe, Kawaiicherryblossomangel, A FAN, Takai Tenchi , synchrogirl, Magic Key, sherina tan, nikky-firelover, cool aya, sayurixstrife, schoolqueen, Pinaygrrl, Star-Sapphirex, Fl1p G0t R1c3, likewhoa , heartluv , VcChick , luckyducky7too, FlowerLover, Earthbrat, Native Wolf Cub, destined4heartbreak, Yuri Sawamura , candygirl,