Chapter Fifteen

"WHAT A HAUL, WHAT A HAUL." Happosai was shouting


Happosai was crushed by Ranma's kick. Ranma then tossed the underwear to the crowd of women who then retreated.

"I thought you learned your lesson last time." Happosai

"You wont survive this time Happosai." Ranma

"You little...wait a minute you called me Happosai. Instead of old freak." Happosai


Happosai was hit from behind and then was kicked back by Ranma.

"That hurt." Happosai said starting to get up from the ground but was kicked again by Ranma.

"Ranma..." Happosai was interrupted by Ryoga's attack. Happosai created a crater on impact with the ground

"Ryoga." Happosai said and punted Ryoga into orbit. "That takes care of him."

Happosai didn't see Ranma's kick till it was to late. Happosai went flying into the brick wall.

"You're suppose to warn an old man." Happosai

Happosai received a bon bori to the head which sent him back to Ranma. Ranma started throwing fast strong attacks. Happosai hit the ground but jumped up and clung to Ranma's breasts. Ranma grabbed Happosai and didn't let go.

"So you do love me Ranma. I'm so sorry." Happosai said and started rubbing his face in Ranma's breasts.

"Now shampoo." Ranma

"What?" Happosai

Shampoo attacked with her sword. "AHHHHH." Happosai screamed and tried to get free of Ranma but it was no go. Happosai saw the sword coming and knew they were serious. Happosai decided to quit playing around. Happosai let his battle aura flare. This broke him free of Ranma just before shampoo's attack hit. Ranma dodged because Happosai's attack made shampoo over step her range.

"Ha ha ha." Happosai started laughing and noticed a group of weapons coming his way. He started blocking the weapons but then he had to worry about some of Ryoga's bandanas. One caught him on the arm.

Damn where did he come from. Happosai

When Happosai's attention was directed at Ryoga Ranma jumped for Happosai and slammed him into the ground. Ryoga came charging up and jumped into the air. Mousse threw Ryoga his umbrella and Ryoga came down with incredible force which was being magnified by his umbrella just before Ryoga hit Ranma rolled out of the way and Ryoga let his battle aura rage. Ryoga hit Happosai full force on the head. This caused a huge crater to form in the middle of the street.

"I got him." Ryoga said standing up.


"What? AHHHHHHHH." Ryoga was hit by a chi blast that sent him flying.

"TAKE THIS!" Mousse yelled as he unleashed everything he had at Happosai. This ranged from knifes and other bladed objects to massive objects to bombs and yes even the kitchen sink. Every object hit where Happosai was.

They saw movement and then Happosai emerged from the pile of objects.


Mousse took what Ranma said to heart and took off running.

(Stupid mousse.) Shampoo whispered and attacked.

"Shampoo no." Ranma said and followed suit.

Happosai started dodging sword, fist, and foot. He was watching Ranma more than shampoo because shampoo wasn't that much of a threat.

"Enough of this." Happosai said and his battle aura flared. This threw shampoo to the wall. Ranma let her aura flare up also. Ranma then attacked. This caught Happosai off guard because he wasn't expecting Ranma to be able to counter his flare like that. Happosai took several hits. Several being around a couple hundred when it comes to Ranma. Happosai fell to the ground and Ranma just continued his assault. Ranma moved and Happosai received another pounding from Ryoga. Ryoga jumped out of the way this time.

Happosai slowly got to his feet. He wasn't ready for this. He let himself get caught off guard and he thought that he could get them to leave him alone or at least not play so ruff.

Shampoo attacked Happosai from behind. Happosai sensed the attack just before it hit. The sword slit his back open and blood started to fall from it.

"Bitch" Happosai said and threw a chi blast in shampoo's face. Shampoo went flying to the wall. This time when she hit it she continued thru it.

Happosai then got hit by a small car.

"Where did that come from?" Happosai said and then felt the impact of a larger car.

"What the?" Happosai got up and a truck hit him.

"Owww." Happosai was then crushed by a cement truck.

"No one does that to shampoo." Mousse said breathing heavily


"There's no need to. I got him." mousse said and then was hit by a chi blast which sent him flying off the roof and into the ground on the other side of the city.

Happosai then rushed Ranma but was stopped by a umbrella hitting him in the head. Happosai found himself hitting the same wall that shampoo had hit. And like shampoo he found himself going thru it but unlike shampoo he continued thru the following walls. Ranma ran to shampoo to see if she was alive.

"She's alive." Ranma

"We need to get her to a hospital." Ryoga

"No. We need to get Happosai while he's week." Ranma

"Ranma this isn't worth dieing over." Ryoga

"Then go back. I'm going" Ranma said and picked up shampoos sword.

Ranma then followed Happosai. Ryoga looked at shampoo and then followed Ranma

"Look at this." Akane

"They really went at it." Ukyo

"Ranma's out for blood." Nabiki

"Who's that?" Akane

"Its shampoo." Ukyo

Akane, Nabiki, and Ukyo both ran over to shampoo.

"Lets get her to a hospital." Nabiki

Akane picked her up and they headed for dr tofu's.

"This just in. There seems to be a disturbance in the nerima area. It appears that a series of explosions are going off and craters are appearing. We advise citizens to take cover. We now return you to you regularly scheduled program." TV

"Soatome. Do you think that would be them fighting the master?" Soun

"Most likely Tendo." Genma

"What do you mean." Nodoka

"Oh its just that Ranma, Ryoga, shampoo, and mousse have been planning to kill the master." Soun

"Oh what a happy day it will be if they succeed where we failed. A Tendo?" Genma

Soun nodded

"You tried to kill a man?" Nodoka

Genma gulped.

"Kasumi I need the blood in here quick." tofu

"Is he going to live?" Kasumi

"If that man with that saw hadn't been there we probably wouldn't have been able to get mousse off of that pole before he died. It's questionable now." Tofu

"DR TOFU. DR TOFU." Akane shouted

"Go see what's wrong." Tofu

Kasumi went into the waiting room where she saw a Akane carrying shampoo. "Bring her in here Akane."

Akane followed Kasumi and put shampoo on a bed

"Dear she can wait she isn't critical." Kasumi

"Thank you Kasumi. Can you help me here." Tofu

"My god." Ukyo

"Please wait out in the waiting room." Kasumi

Akane, Nabiki, and Ukyo went into the waiting room.

"What happened?" Ukyo

"They're fighting to the death." Nabiki

"Its not worth this price." Akane

"Shampoo and mousse were going to try and kill him anyway. There odds were better with Ranma and Ryoga." Nabiki

"But now its just Ranma and Ryoga against Happosai. They lost last time so what is going to happen to them?" Akane

"I don't know how the fight went but I am guessing that shampoo and mousse did there share of damage before being taken out of the fight." Nabiki

"Ranma and Ryoga wont lose." Ukyo

"Ranma give it up. You cant beat me." Happosai

Ranma threw a chi blast at Happosai and Happosai jumped it which left him open to Ryoga's attack which happened to be a shower of bandanas. Happosai was hit by most of them and he started to fall and was hit by another one of Ranma's chi blasts before he could hit the ground. When Happosai hit the ground he took off running again and was knocked down by Ryoga's umbrella. Before he could get away Ryoga slammed him into the ground causing another crater to appear. Happosai got up and threw a chi blast in Ryoga's face. It knocked Ryoga back but didn't have the effect it did on shampoo.

"Ok that's it. No more holding back. You have angered me and I will now show you my full power." Happosai said and let his battle aura glow and grow.

"I can do that to." Ranma said glowing blue. He however didn't go big. He knew that would drain him.

Ryoga glowed green and did the same as Ranma.

They both knew that Happosai couldn't go on much longer. He had so many cuts and breaks that he was doing well just to be standing.

All three combatants knew this was going to be a test of there chi power and whoever had the stronger was going to win.

Happosai threw two blasts, one at Ranma and one at Ryoga. Ranma and Ryoga both retaliated by throwing one at Happosai. Once this was started you cant get out without getting hit. Happosai knew he was in trouble. He had underestimated Ranma and Ryoga. There chi blasts were stronger than he had thought they would be. And when ever he diverted more chi from one to the other he would lose ground. He was losing anyway. Both the chi blasts where canceling out his.

we've got him Ryoga. Just a bit more. Ranma

We're doing It. Ryoga

if I'm going down. I'm taking one of them with Me. Happosai

Happosai diverted all his power to Ryoga's. The blast instantly consumed Ryoga. At the same time Ranma's consumed Happosai. Ranma walked over to Happosai's body.

"Ranma." Happosai said in a weak voice

"You choose the wrong one to try and take out. Even though Ryoga's chi isn't as strong as mine, he can take anything. You should have figured that out by now. Me on the other hand you would have had to overcome my chi but you would have and you would have killed me. Now that you know you lost you will die." Ranma said and brought the sword down on Happosai.

"Shampoo are you alright?" Kasumi

"Shampoo fine." Shampoo said sitting up "where this?"

"This is my husbands clinic." Kasumi

"Where Ranma and Ryoga?" shampoo

"We think that they are still fighting with Happosai." Kasumi

"Where Happosai?" Shampoo

"The radio said that the battle was a few miles north of here." Kasumi

"Where mousse?" Shampoo

"He's in the next room. Shampoo before you do anything you should know that mousse was hurt badly." Kasumi

"What?" Shampoo said and was out of the bed and went into the next room over.

"Shampoo. Wait you shouldn't be in here." Tofu

Shampoo walked over to mousses side and sat in the chair. She took mousses hand. (Stupid mousse.) Shampoo

Tofu and shampoo heard Akane and Nabiki say "Ranma" while Ukyo said "Ryoga." They went out into the waiting room and saw a battle wary Ranma and Ryoga. They saw Ukyo clinging to Ryoga while Akane and Nabiki were smothering Ranma with hugs and kisses.

"Where Happosai?" Shampoo

This killed the happy rejoice

"Right here. I thought you would want him as proof." Ranma

"But you kill Happosai not Amazon." Shampoo

"You helped. If it wasn't for you and mousse we probably wouldn't have won." Ranma

"By the way where is mousse?" Ryoga

Shampoo fell to the ground crying.

Everyone looked at Ryoga

"What? How was I suppose to know?" Ryoga

After talking for a while with tofu Ukyo and Ryoga went back to Ukyo's. Shampoo and mousse stayed at tofu's clinic since mousse was hurt so bad and shampoo wasn't going to leave him. Ranma, Akane, and Nabiki went home.

Once mousse healed enough to travel they went back to china with Happosai's body. There they received a hero's welcome. Cologne got shampoo and mousse alone and said "tell me the truth. What happened?"

In Chinese "well Ryoga and Ranma had been planning to kill Happosai so we joined them. When Happosai appeared we went into battle. After fighting him some I wounded Happosai. He then took me out with a chi blast. Mousse was enraged and attacked. He injured Happosai but Happosai just retaliated with a chi blast which took him out. Mousse landed on a pole and nearly died." Shampoo

"So how did Happosai die?" cologne

"Ranma killed him. But he did not say how other than he used my sword." Shampoo

"I see. So how are things back in nerima?" Cologne

Mousse and shampoo grinned knowing that this would surprise cologne. They then went about explaining everything they learned.

"I never would have believed it." Cologne

"Ryoga honey would you take this to table 17?" Ukyo

"Sure." Ryoga said drying his hands on a dish rag and then grabbing the plates from the counter and stealing a kiss from his wife. He then took the plates to the waiting customers.

"Would you quit flirting with that wretched girl and hurry it up." Kodachi

"That's my wife and if you don't like the service you can just leave." Ryoga.

"I came here to try this food because I heard that it was the best restaurant in nerima. I'm not leaving till I try it." Kodachi

Ryoga went back to the kitchen.

"Hon, can we treat her bad so she doesn't come back?" Ryoga

The customers at the counter started laughing.

"No Ryoga honey. She has a lot of important contacts and if she likes it then she may recommend it to her associates. That would really help us out so unfortunately we have to be nice to her." Ukyo

"Alright but I'm not going to treat her better than anyone else." Ryoga

"I wouldn't dream of asking you to do that." Ukyo

"And in other news the reconstruction from the terrorist attack in the nerima area is nearing completion..." TV

Ranma turned off the TV. "So now I'm a terrorist. First I was a strategic military strike, then a meteor shower, and now I'm a terrorist. I thought I was getting ride of the threat around here." Ranma

"Well the underwear thefts have stopped. And the food thefts are back to there normal levels. Since things have quieted down I haven't been making much on bets but it also means that there are fewer expenses. You and Ryoga not fighting has cut the cost drastically. Same with you and Akane. And you and shampoo. And you and mousse. And..." Nabiki

"OK. I get the picture Nabiki." Ranma

"I was just teasing you Ranma." Nabiki

"I've noticed that you like to tease me. In regards to a lot of things." Ranma

Nabiki blushed.

"I love doing that to you." Ranma said and kissed Nabiki

"Hey not fair. I was in the kitchen cooking for you and I find out that you are out here making out with another woman." Akane said setting down a tray of food. She then sat down next to Ranma and he kissed her.

"Thanks for cooking." Ranma

"I was happy to. I love cooking." Akane said serving Ranma and Nabiki

"Not to long ago I would have thought that you would never do anything like this. I thought that Ranma would be the one doing it." Nabiki

"Well I thought that since he's the one teaching the classes and you bring in money in your own way that it was my responsibility to learn to do this." Akane

"Akane you don't have to. I'll help. You know I will. I didn't know you felt that way about it. I thought you liked doing it. Kind of like the way Kasumi did." Ranma

"I do. Its just I feel a responsibility to do it also. Don't you feel a responsibility to teach your classes?" Akane

"Well yeah. But..." Ranma

"And don't you enjoy it even though you feel you have to do it?" Akane

"Yeah. But..." Ranma

"Well its the same way with me." Akane

"Ok you win." Ranma

Nabiki was about to take a bite when Akane said "I hope you like it. We didn't have one of the ingredients so I added something else instead." Akane

Nabiki looked at Ranma

"What?" Ranma

"You first." Nabiki

"Why me?" Ranma

"What's wrong Ranma?" Akane

"Ranma, I'm not eating anything Akane cooks unless you say that its decent or good. We wouldn't want Sakura to get hurt would we?" Nabiki

"HEY." Akane

Ranma sighed in defeat knowing Nabiki was right. She normally is. Ranma took a bite ready for it to be bad.

"Its good." Ranma said surprised

Nabiki looked at Ranma

"Really?" Akane

"Yeah. You try it." Ranma

Nabiki gave Ranma an unsure look but if Ranma said it was safe to eat, it was because he wouldn't risk harming the kids. Nabiki took a bite.

"I'm impressed Akane. This is probably your best dish yet." Nabiki said equally surprised as Ranma

"What?" Akane said and took a bite.

"What did I do different? Every other time I would add something different it would turn out bad. Why is this different?" Akane said sounding like she was getting ready to cry.

"You've learned what you can substitute. Before you didn't know. Now you do. You can cook now. You're a good cook. Just like Kasumi." Ranma said in a comforting voice

"Really?" Akane said unsure.

"Really." Ranma

Akane hugged Ranma tightly.

"Akane?" Nabiki

"Yes Nabiki?" Akane

"Can I have some more please." Nabiki

Ranma and Akane looked at Nabiki shocked. Nabiki finished it off quicker than Ranma could.

"Uhhh...sure." Akane said serving Nabiki more. She started into it right away. Akane and Ranma just stared at her.

"What? Its good. I think that Sakura likes it also. I am eating for two you know." Nabiki

"Ranma, you know I would have cooked." Akane

"I didn't want you to have to since this was the first day back to school. We cant get there as quick as we use to. And I don't want you getting up any earlier than you have to." Ranma

"Who was it that said I should just continue doing what I normally do?" Akane

"I was, but its different now that we have to get to school again. Before you could sleep later. You need your rest. I'm not going to let you make yourself sick over this." Ranma

"Well it is nice sleeping in. I think I'll let you win this argument." Akane

"Ok, enjoy." Ranma

"I wonder how everyone will react now that it is obvious that we are pregnant." Akane

"They aren't taking my threats serious, I know that." Nabiki

"Nabiki!" Akane

"Well its true. Now I have to make money without being intimidating. I can do it, its just easier when you're intimidating." Nabiki

"Ranma did you tell all your students the new times for the classes since you cant teach during the day now?" Akane

"Um hmm." Ranma nodded while eating.

At school. Ranma took a seat at the back of the class and Akane sat next to him. Ukyo came in with Ryoga and sat on the other side of Ranma. Ryoga sat in front of Ukyo.

"So Ranma, what classes will we be enjoying your company in this year?" Ukyo

"The four core classes. And if you have the advanced first response course or PE." Ranma

"I would be doing PE also but I decided to do cooking again. I'm also doing home Ed. I thought I should take that." Ukyo said rubbing her abdomen.

"What about you Ryoga? Geography again?" Ranma

"Ranma you jerk. I told you to quit making those kinds of jokes." Ryoga

"Sorry man. What is it seriously?" Ranma

"I'm taking this last years core classes. I have to say for an extra period also." Ryoga said looking down

"I'm sorry man." Ranma

Ryoga just nodded.

"Akane is taking cooking again and she would have taken PE also but she would have to sit out on most of it so she decided to take a home Ed class also." Ranma

"Really? That means that well probably be in all the same classes." Ukyo said to Akane

"You're probably right." Akane

"Ranma? What's that first response course?" Ryoga

"Its advanced first response." Ranma

"Ok whatever. But what is it?" Ryoga

"Its a medical course. I can get certified as a paramedic. Last year we learned the basics but this year is the stuff that I really want to learn." Ranma

"Why are you so interested in it?" Ryoga

"I'm going to have two kids to worry about. Kids get into trouble. If something happens I want to be able to help them. Last year I was thinking it would be a good job to have but I learned that I like teaching martial arts more." Ranma

Ryoga nodded his understanding

"What kind of classes is Nabiki taking?" Ukyo

"Since she's a senior she only has two core classes. She's taking English since that's a good language to know for business. She's also doing two advanced business courses. She would have taken a third but she decided to do a home Ed class also. I guess she was thinking the same thing that you were." Ranma

"Your probably right. I think its an instinctual thing that's making all of us want to learn how to best take care of our kids." Ukyo

"Class will begin now." Teacher

A couple months later. At lunch.

"Hey Akane, aren't you due soon?" Friend of Akane.

"Yeah. Probably next month for me. But Nabiki is suppose to be anytime now." Akane

"Is she nervous?" Friend of Akane

"Not really. Ranma is though. He's the most nervous out of all of us." Akane

"No way." Friend of Akane

"Really its true. You see him following Nabiki around all the time right now." Akane

"Doesn't it bother you that he married your sister also?" Friend of Akane

"Not really. At first it did a little but I don't really see anything wrong with it now." Akane

"I think I would freak if I got married and he married my sister also." Friend of Akane

"I thought I would but it doesn't really bother me." Akane

"So do you all have different rooms?" Friend

"No. We share the same room." Akane

"Isn't it weird like that?" Friend

"He he he. I thought it was weird to not be in my bed but it never bothered me to be in the same bed with Ranma and Nabiki." Akane

"How could it not be weird?" Friend

"Because Ranma is my husband and Nabiki is my sister." Akane

"If you say so. I'm never going to get in that position." Friend

"I don't suggest it." Akane

"Then why did you do it?" Friend

"Because I love Ranma. I thought it would be better to share him with Nabiki then to lose him completely to Nabiki." Akane

"He wouldn't have chosen Nabiki over you. Would he?" Friend

"I don't know. I think it could have gone either way. Nabiki has been more forward with Ranma which seems to put her first at things. For example, she was the first know...with Ranma. Then she was the first to get pregnant. And by chance she was the first to be proposed to. Again by chance she was the first to be married to Ranma and now she is going to be the first to give birth. She's even beating Kasumi there." Akane

"What did you mean when you said by chance?" Friend

"He flipped a coin." Akane

"That jerk." Friend

"He did it so quick that we didn't know what he was doing. Then when Ranma proposed to Nabiki I was heartbroken because I thought he was letting chance decide who he was going to marry but then when he asked me to marry him I remembered that Nabiki said he could marry both of us." Akane

"That still would have pissed me off." friend

"Its not that bad." Akane

Akane and her friend then heard Nabiki say "Ranma! This is it." Ranma started running around not really knowing what to do. He then lifted Nabiki off her feet and without a single jolt carried her all the way to tofu's office.

"I never knew that Ranma could move that fast." Friend of Akane

"I was wondering what he was going to do. Nabiki wouldn't be able to walk all the way there." Akane

"Well now we know that you will be in good hands." friend

"Yes I will. I guess I get to look forward to Ranma hovering around me now." Akane

"Oh joy." Friend

"What I thought you liked Ranma?" Akane

"Well obviously Nabiki likes to hang out with Ranma but she looked like he was driving her crazy and I have a feeling that he'll do the same to you and me since I'm always hanging around you." Friend

"Well, it'll only be for a few weeks." Akane

"What are you going to do when your baby's born." Friend

"What do you mean?" Akane

"You know with school?" Friend

"Oh. We've worked it out with the school so that we will study at home and take a comprehension test. Pass, fail. As long as we get a 70 on it we get an A. Otherwise we fail and have to do the year over." Akane

"Isn't that a bit harsh? And what about Ranma?" Friend

"Well that's a price we have to pay. And Ranma is going to continue coming. He's going to help us study. And besides he doesn't have same deal. He said that he would take off from school to help out but we were able to talk him out of it." Akane

"I still don't think its fair." Friend

"Well he was prepared to do it himself." Akane

"What?" Friend

"Yeah. When he was cursed he got pregnant also." Akane

"Buy who?" Friend

"Me." Akane

"What?" Friend

"I was cursed remember." Akane

"Oh yeah. So what happened? I mean why isn't he you know pregnant. Did he lose it when he changed back." Friend

"No. When Ranma was pregnant he was stuck as a she but then Ranma was hurt real bad by Happosai and Ranma lost the baby." Akane

"Oh...I bet Ranma was angry with Happosai." Friend

"Angry isn't the word to describe it. More like determined." Akane

"That jerk. Someone killed his baby and he didn't care." Friend

"Oh he cared alright. He killed Happosai." Akane

"You're joking." Friend

"No." Akane

"I never would have thought that he would do something like that." Friend

"He had good reason." Akane

"I guess so but that might have been going a little far." Friend

"I don't think so." Akane

A couple weeks later in class while the teacher was teaching Akane said "Ranma!"

Ranma looked over at Akane with a worried look.

"I think we need to get to the hospital." Akane

Ranma immediately picked up Akane and left the class. The teacher and the whole class looked shocked for some reason although they shouldn't have.

A couple months later.

There was a knock at the door.

"I'll get it." Nabiki said and then went to the door to see who it was. She then returned with Ryoga holding a pile of presents and Ukyo holding there child, San.

"Hey." Ranma

"Ranma honey. Its been awhile." Ukyo said hugging Ranma

"Yeah it has. Sorry I haven't been by. I've been kind'a busy." Ranma

"I completely understand. Between my restaurant, school, and San I haven't had anytime." Ukyo

"Ranma's been teaching classes helping me and Akane with school and taking care of Sakura and Keitaro." Nabiki

"I haven't seen them since San was born." Ukyo

Akane walked in with both Keitaro and Sakura

"Here they are." Akane

"Come to mommy." Nabiki said taking Sakura from Akane "thanks for washing her." Nabiki

"No problem" Akane

Akane and Nabiki both sat down at the table. Ukyo joined them. All of them holding there babies.

Ryoga put the gifts under the tree. Then walked over to Ranma and said "hey, Ranma. What are you doing?" Ryoga

"Trying to put this together for the kids. I told Akane and Nabiki that Keitaro and Sakura are to young to enjoy this but they insisted. The instructions are terrible. They're in Chinese. I cant understand what it wants me to do. So I'm just guessing really." Ranma

"Want me to help?" Ryoga

"Yes. Please." Ranma

Ryoga sat down and Ranma and Ryoga worked at putting the play set together.

"Hello." Kasumi

"We're in here Kasumi." Akane

Kasumi came in carrying Jr. She saw that her sisters and Ukyo were sitting at the table so she joined them. Tofu came in carrying presents.

"Where do you want me to put these?" tofu.

"Under the tree." Akane

"Oh right." Tofu said and walked over and put the gifts under the tree. Tofu then sat down next to Kasumi.

"I guess that I should start dinner." Akane said handing Keitaro to Nabiki

"Did you want me to do it?" Ranma

"No. I'll do it. You stay there." Akane

"Ok." Ranma

"Why don't I cook." Kasumi

"You're a guest Kasumi. I'll cook." Akane

"I don't mind. What do you think Ranma." Kasumi

"Akane why don't you let Kasumi help you. You'll get done twice as fast if both of you work at it." Ranma

"Well...ok." Akane

Kasumi handed San to tofu.

"No offence but I think I'll take a break from cooking tonight." Ukyo

"That's fine." Akane

Akane and Kasumi disappeared into the kitchen.

"I'm home." Soun

"We're in the living room." Nabiki

Soun, Genma, and Nodoka entered and sat down at the table.

"Why don't you come sit with grandma Nodoka for a while." Nodoka said taking Keitaro from Nabiki.

San and Sakura both started reaching for Genma/panda.

Nabiki set Sakura on the table and she crawled over to Genma.

'Why me?' the sign read held by Genma

"Because she loves you." Nabiki

Ukyo then did the same with San. San also crawled over to Genma. Genma picked them both up and they snuggled up to him. Nabiki pulled out a camera and took a picture of them.

"This is defiantly a keeper." Nabiki

"Can I get a copy of that?" Ukyo

"Since its Christmas. Sure." Nabiki

"This sure is different from the Christmas parties we've had in the past." Soun

"It sure is." Ukyo

"Well I don't know about all of you, but so far I like this one the best." Nabiki

At dinner.

"ALRIGHT. Akane made her soufflé." Ranma

"Sis, I'm not sure if that's going to be enough." Nabiki

"I made two." Akane

"Like Nabiki said I'm not sure if that's going to be enough." Ranma

"Is it really that good Ranma?" Ryoga

"Yes." Ranma

"It cant be that good." Ukyo

"You try it. It beats anything Kasumi made." Nabiki

"Oh my." Kasumi

Everyone ate dinner and the favorite dish was Akane's soufflé.

"Ok time to open presents." Nabiki said. Nabiki passed out the gifts. She ended with Ranma's. She sat down next to him. And watched intently as Ranma opened it.

"Why are you looking at me like that?" Ranma

"Because I love you." Nabiki

"Whenever you look at me like that I know something's up. So what is it?" Ranma

"Open your present and find out." Nabiki

Ranma opened it expecting it to explode or something. But all there was, was an envelop. Ranma opened the envelop and pulled out a couple of pictures. It was black with a tiny portion circled. Ranma had seen these kinds of pictures before.

"Are you serious?" Ranma

"Umm hmm." Nabiki nodded and smiling broadly

Ranma pulled her into a tight hug.

"Why didn't you tell me earlier." Ranma

"Because I wanted it to be a surprise." Nabiki

"How'd you keep it a secret this long?" Ranma

"I'm not going to tell you." Nabiki

"What is it?" Akane

Ranma handed Akane the pictures.

"No your not." Akane

"Yes I am." Nabiki

"Did you know about this?" Akane said looking at tofu

"No. I didn't know at all. I was kind of expecting to see all of you back in the office." Tofu

"Well I was going to but I decided to go to an acquaintance of mine since she's good and she did it for free." Nabiki

"I thought I would just come in if I started showing the signs again." Akane

"Ryoga and I have been being careful." Ukyo

"Sounds like you don't want another one." Ranma

"I want to finish school first." Ukyo

"That's understandable. But I'm happy the way things turned out." Nabiki

"First again it seems." Akane

"Jealous?" Nabiki

"A little." Akane

"Well if you want to beat me you have to be more active." Nabiki

This made Akane blush which in turn made everyone start laughing.

"You mean like you." Ranma

This made Nabiki turn red. Everyone then laughed at this.

"Why do you always do that to me and not to Akane?" Nabiki

"Because its so easy with Akane and its more fun to make you blush since you normally don't." Ranma

"Why you. I'll show you." Nabiki said and then climbed in Ranma's lap and pulled Ranma into a deep kiss.

"Well I'd have to say that Ranma is indeed a man among men." Nodoka

"Was there ever any doubt?" Nabiki said after breaking the kiss

A few hours later.

"I think its time that we be heading home." Ukyo

"Why's that?" Akane

Ukyo pointed at Ryoga who was holding San. She was fast asleep.

"It seems that its contagious." Akane said pointing at Genma and Ranma. Genma had Sakura in the crook of one arm. And Ranma was holding Keitaro who was fast asleep.

"We should probably be leaving also." Nodoka

"We should be getting home as well." Kasumi

Nabiki walked over to Genma and took Sakura from him.

"Have a happy new year if we don't see you." Ranma said to everyone before he and Nabiki walked upstairs to put there kids in there cribs.

"Soun, come see us tomorrow alright?" Nodoka

"Sounds good." Soun

Nodoka and Genma left. Genma carrying the gifts that were for them.

"Good night." Kasumi said carrying Jr.

Tofu whispered to Akane (don't feel like you have to keep up with Nabiki.)

(Why would I feel that way?) Akane

(Because you're competitive and you looked a little jealous of Nabiki tonight. Don't do anything unless you are comfortable doing it.) Tofu

(I wont.) Akane

"Well good night." Tofu said holding the gifts that were for him and his family and then followed his wife and

"Good night dr. tofu." Akane

"Back to the grill tomorrow." Ukyo said walking outside

"You could just let the others take care of things tomorrow." Ryoga said following Ukyo and carrying San and had the gifts in his backpack

"I cant not be working." Ukyo

"Alright." Ryoga said

Akane closed the door.

Ranma and Nabiki came down from upstairs.

"Good night." Soun said heading upstairs

"Good night." The trio chorused

Ranma, Akane, and Nabiki then went to take there bath.

"Aww man the hot water isn't working." Ranma

"Don't worry we'll heat you some water before we go to bed. But in the mean time 'anything' can happen." Nabiki

That night.

Akane whispered to Ranma (Ranma.)

(Hmmm?) Ranma

(Did you want to have another child.) Akane

(I don't know. Do you?) Ranma

(Do you love Nabiki more since she is giving you another child?) Akane

(What? No. I love her yes but not more. And not less.) Ranma

(So do you want to?) Akane

(I would be happy if we did but I'd be just as happy if we didn't.) Ranma

(So what does that mean?) Akane

(It means that if you want another child then I'm ok with that. And if you don't or you want to wait awhile, I'm ok with that too. I'll love you just as much either way. I know its not easy missing out on school and that you would probably want to wait till you finish school before having another.) Ranma

(You're right there.) Akane

(Then we can wait.) Ranma

(But I want to have another baby.) Akane

(Well...we can make it happen.) Ranma

"Ranma!" (Wait! Nabiki's sleeping.) Akane

"Not anymore." Nabiki said getting out of bed. "I'm going to go check on the kids. It'll probably take half an hour. Have fun." Nabiki said walking out of the room.