A/N: My first ever fic.

REVISED ON DECEMBER 28, 2005 (on WordPad, so sorry! Haha...)

Disclaimer: I do not own Inuyasha.

Chapter One: Signing Up

"Attention all seniors!" boomed the speakers for the usual morning announcements. "Former student Sesshomaru Taisho is opening up a summer camp for all elementary and middle school students of Tokyo. Counselors for Camp Shikon are needed, so if interested, seniors, please sign up on the clip-board in the main office. Also, the custodians have requested that certain students not put spitballs over the boy's bathroom door..." the woman's voice continued to announce other school news.

"Hey! Isn't that the camp Sota and Kohaku are going to?" asked Sango to her friend Kagome.

"Erm, I think so. My mom said that I should be a counselor if I could. She wants me to 'be the big sister' or something," Kagome replied with a slight shrug.

"How about all three of us do it!" screamed an excited redhead with a tone making her sentence more of a statement than a question.

"Why?" questioned Sango and Kagome in unison.

"Oh, I dunno. Nothing else really to do this summer."

"Err, don't we have to get college applications down?" Sango suggested hopefully. She really didn't want to waste her entire summer with a bunch of kids, even though she had already been accepted to a few colleges of her choice, and was also on the waiting list for several others.

"Already done it! Kagome told me that you and her already got that out of the way too!" Ayame chirped cheerfully, ruining Sango's lazy plan. The brunette glared at Kagome, who laughed nervously.

"Plus, there'll be time for that. The camp's only a few weeks. You guys can watch over your little bros too!"

Kagome and Sango nodded in reluctant agreement, not wanting to have their best friend sign up all alone.

"Do you think there'll be any cute guys there? I mean, our age? It is a camp for little kids anyways--" Sango said, breaking the silence as the three walked down the hall, towards the office.

"Well of course," Ayame teased. "At least for you." Sango looked confused. "It's just soo obvious you have a thing for that guy in your English class. Oh, what's his name? Miroku Houshi? Perhaps he'll sign up too."

"AYAME! I do NOT have a crush on that pervert! Who could?" retorted Sango right after a blush crept up on her cheeks.

"Sure you don't," mocked Ayame.

"Hmph. Well, you like that Kouga Ajire dude that's in your science class!"

"I do NOT! How could you say such a horrible, horrible thing?" Ayame coughed, then muttered incoherently, "Besides, he still has a crush on you, Kagome..."

Kagome just leaned her back against the wall with a slight chuckle, obviously not hearing Ayame's last remark (as she wasn't supposed to), crossed her arms in a relaxed way, and watched her friends argue over boys. 'Ayame and Sango could do so much better than Kouga and Miroku. But their friend--" Her thoughts were cut off by the green-eyed girl.

"Okay! Let's go sign up before the bell rings!" Ayame said grabbing the wrists of her two best friends and dragged them towards the main hall.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - /

Kouga cackled, slyly slipping a good number of small dry paper wads and a couple straws from his bag to his pocket.

"Hey, isn't that the camp your brother opened up that was on the announcements?" asked a boy with a black rat-tail to his hanyou friend.

"Half brother," corrected Inuyasha. "And yes, that is the camp. He's making me be a counselor since he's 'in need of them' or something," he added with a slight shrug.

"Do you need someone to come with you to hold your hand?" scoffed Kouga as he patted Inuyasha on the back.

"Feh. Of course I don't. Do you think I'm a damn baby like you?" replied angrily as he shoved Kouga away.

"Why you little –" snapped Kouga rolling up his sleeves.

Just as the hanyou turned to face the angry Kouga, Miroku stepped in between the glaring opponents with a hand in front of each.

"Now, now, children."

Two glares came Miroku's way.

"Don't argue over such small things."

Inuyasha and Kouga scoffed and cooled down. Sure, they hated each other's guts, but does that really get in the way of friendship?

"Plus, there are two counselors to a cabin, is that right Inuyasha?"

Inuyasha nodded. "Yeah, so what's your point?"

"My point is, there is a chance of being paired up with a female in the same cabin," said Miroku thoughtfully, now, instead of holding his two friends back, was stroking his chin.

Inuyasha and Kouga rolled their eyes at their perverted friend.

"You never stop thinking about your chance to be even in the same room as a girl, can you?" Inuyasha asked Miroku with his arms crossed.

"Well, now that I think about it…" said Miroku scratching the top of his head.

"Never mind. Don't answer that. Let's just go sign up to help widdle Inuwashie poo," Kouga mocked as he pinched Inuyasha's cheek, then sprinted down towards the main hall with an angry half demon chasing after.

"And not only when I'm conscience either. I once had a dream about that fine lady in my one of my language classes…" mumbled Miroku, oblivious to what happened in those past ten seconds, casually walking behind his friends.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - /

"U.. in... do. There! Kagome Higurashi, Sango Taijiya, and Ayame Uindo!" said Ayame happily as she checked her penmanship on the names she wrote on the clip board on the desk. "We were the first three to sign up!"

"Ooh. Lucky us," mumbled Sango sarcastically under her breath.

Just as the three girls started out of the office, two boys came crashing into them, sending all five on the floor.

"Hey! Watch it!" yelled Kagome as she picked up her bag and got to her feet.

"You watch it, wench!" riposted Inuyasha.

"What did you just call me?"

"You heard me, WENCH. I called you a WENCH."

Miroku walked in that moment mumbling something about bikinis when he saw the girl he was just thinking about on the floor. 'Oho, what's this? My lucky day,' he thought to himself.

"Lady Sango, what a nice surprise. Here, let me help you up," Miroku said with a very wide smile across his face and outstretched hand.

"Uh, thanks," a hesitant, blushing, and paranoid Sango nearly mumbled, taking the boy's hand.

"My pleasure."

While Sango dusted herself off, she felt a hand creep down from her lower backside. A vein popped.


Meanwhile, Kagome and Inuyasha argued on.



"Loser pig-headed wannbe!"


"Man whore!"


Ayame and Kouga sat on the chairs set in the office to get free entertainment from their friends.

"Ah! Pervert! Hentai! ERGH!"



"Hey, Kouga. Do you think we should stop them? The bell's about to ring and I don't wanna be yelled at again for being late."

"Okay, I suppose if we must," replied a disappointed Kouga.

The two wolf demons separated towards the two battles. Kouga to the insult fest, and Ayame to the biggest slap-a-thon ever.

"Hey! Don't you talk to my woman like that, mutt face!" shouted Kouga.

"What? What are you defending that wench, you wimpy wolf?"

"She's not a wench, and I am definitely not a wimp!"

"Okay, you're right about that, but since when did you stop calling me your woman? Oh yeah, never…" interrupted Kagome, sarcastically adding the last part.

"Feh. Whatever! Let's just go."

Whilst this argument was going on, Ayame was tsking –ahem. I mean yelling her head of at- Miroku.

"Do you have no respect for women? Do you? Huh? ANSWER ME!" screamed the redhead.

"Um… Sorry?" Miroku whimpered.

"Don't you go be apologizing to me, mister! Apologize to the woman you groped! And not for the first time, either!"

Miroku turned to Sango. He had never been more frightened of the sweet, cheery redhead more than now.

"I'm sorry, lady Sango…" Miroku winced when Ayame glared, but then realized the look angrily wasn't for him. She glowered over to where Kouga, Inuyasha, and Kagome stood. He realized that Ayame scowled when he heard the words 'my woman' come from Kouga's mouth.

"Um, Ayame? You okay?" Sango waved a hand in front of her friend's face.

"What? Oh! Right. HOW DARE YOU MIROKU!" Ayame formed a fist and lifted it up.

"I said I was sorry!" Miroku raised his hands in front of his face.

"Don't you lie to me!"


"Uh, Ayame? He did say he was sorry…" Sango told the girl as she bit her lip.

"Oh. Heh. Must've not been paying attention! Okay, well, the bell is definitely gonna ring soo soon, so we better get going," answered Ayame, now back to her usually cheery self.

The girls picked up their things and headed to class, as Kouga and Inuyasha scribbled three names on the clipboard, then dragged an unconscious Miroku to class.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - /

"Mr. Houshi! MR. HOUSHI!" screamed Ms. Kaze. Sango elbowed Miroku on the arm.

"Wha? What happened?" muttered Miroku.

"Mr. Houshi! Are you up now?"

"Huh? I wasn't sleeping. Well, maybe a little, but mostly since I was uncon –"

"I will not fall for your 'I was knocked out' nonsense today, Mr. Houshi. Now read page 36, paragraph 3."

Miroku bent down to get his book, but he just couldn't resist what sat in the chair next to him.



"Mr. Houshi! Mss. Taijiya! Out, NOW!"

"But, Ms. Kaze, it's not my f–" Sango said defensively, but cut off.


"No really, it was my fau–" said Miroku trying to explain, but was also cut off.


A small sigh and grumble could be heard from the two 'trouble makers.' Sango and Miroku walked out the door, trying to avoid the red slits-for-eyes from Mrs. Kaze.

"You just had to do that during class, didn't you?"

"I just couldn't resist such a beauty in front of me, lady Sango."

"When you say 'beauty,' are you referring to me or the back of my skirt? Hm?"

"Well, I… Uh…" He couldn't really answer that, could he?

"Just forget it." She said before she mumbled 'pervert…' and they both leaned against the wall, and Sango made sure there was a good out-of-arm-length distance between them.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - /

A/N: Okay, this is my first fic EVER, and I dunno if I did a good job. Please review!

Also, I'm sorry if this first chapter was too short.

And thanks to babystigmata and Steph (that's not her registered name. Actually, she hasn't even registered… yet. I'll make her. Evil laugh) for the idea and helping me out soo much with this.

Remember, REVIEW!