Summary: After all the difficulties, Sakura and Syaoran finally got together, but only for a short amount of time. Soon, Syaoran has to go back to Hong Kong to train for the Li clan. Sakura waited and waited for him to return. 10 years passed, and Syaoran came back with a woman and that's not all that happened…

Author's Note: I am soooooooo sorry about now updating sooner. But it is just that there was too much schoolwork, and I didn't have the time…I also haven't been on for quite a while and kind of like forgot about this story. Sorry!

Thanks to these reviewers who reviewed Chapter 7: ( I didn't put all of them because I wanted to finish this chapter quickly)

Sakuralover: Thanks for reviewing! I'm REALLY REALLY REALLY glad that you like the last chapter! I really did not have much fun doing my project. Ah! It gets me so frustrating thinking about the project.

jessica: Thanks for the review!

silent-angel510: Hmm…maybe at the end, I should really make someone slap her.

swtscorpiongrl18: It's not that Meiling isn't supporting Sakura, it's just that she has known Suki very long too.

tenshi cherry blossoms: Thanks for the review!

nipagirl12193Thanks for the review! But how is Suki weird?

Reminder of Previous Chapter:

"Okay. Syaoran…are you busy tomorrow?" Meiling asked.

"Nope. Why?" he said.

"Come with me tomorrow at 3:00 to the airport," Meiling said.

"Okay…why?" he asked.

"Just come!" Meiling said impatiently.

"Okay," he said.

"And oh yeah, can you pretend that you remember Sakura and that now Sakura is your girlfriend?" Meiling asked.

Chapter Eight:

Syaoran's POV:

"Uh…why would I want to do that?" I was just shocked by Meiling's question. I had no idea why she would even ask me that.

"Please?" she asked.

"But can you explain why?" I asked.

"Because…it would make Sakura happy," she said.

"Who cares about that Sakura! She slapped Suki on the face! I can't do this to Suki!" I cried aloud. I was just furious.

"Let's ask Suki, do you want to?" she asked.

"Fine! But she'd probably say no," I said. Meiling yelled out Suki's name and she came down.

"What?" Suki asked.

"Meiling is going out of her mind!" I said.

"I'm not going out of my mind!" she said and glared and me.

"I mean…she has a question to ask you," I said. Whenever Meiling glares at me, it just somewhat give me the chills. She could be pretty scary.

"What's the question?" Suki asked and laughed.

"Um…can Syaoran…pretend to be Sakura's boyfriend for tomorrow? Just one day?" Meiling asked. Suki gave her a weird look.

"You want MY boyfriend to pretend to be THAT Sakura's boyfriend?" Suki asked.

"Um…yea," Meiling said and she looked at Suki with sad eyes.

"Fine Fine Fine," Suki said and walked away. I couldn't believe it. Suki is just too nice. She says yes to most of the things we ask her. She's just too nice.

"Since even Suki said yes, would you please do the favor for me now?" Meiling asked and gave me a sad look.

"For $30, I would agree to it," I said with a smirk. Meiling would never give me money since she likes to spend it on her own stuff, like new clothes. I'm pretty sure she would not agree with it, so I won't have to pretend to be that stupid Sakura's boyfriend.

"Fine," Meiling said. I was so shocked. Guess I should've said $80 instead.

The Next Day at the Airport…

Tomoyo's POV:

It was great to be back in Japan again! Eriol and I was at the airport waiting for Sakura to come. She's probably late AGAIN. She's always late.

"Look! It's Meiling and Syaoran!" Eriol suddenly said and pointed at them. I turned my head to where he was pointing. There, I saw Meiling waving frantically with a big smile on her face.

"HIIIIII!" Meiling shouted. She ran up to me and hugged me.

"I miss you so much Meiling!" I said. Then, I saw Syaoran. He was just staring at Eriol and I just speechless.

"Are you so excited that you don't even know what to say? I haven't seen you for such a long time!" Eriol asked laughing.

"Who are you?" Syaoran asked glaring at him. As soon, as he said that, Meiling gave him a strange look. Syaoran saw and suddenly, his whole expression was different. "Oh, hey."

"Syaoran, where's Sakura? She didn't come with you?" I asked.

"Sakura, why would she even come with m…, I mean, she didn't come with me because…um…um…uh…," he said, looking all nervous.

"That's because Sakura was sleeping late again, and she told us to go first," Meiling interrupted.

"Oh," I said. Something was wrong. Syaoran wasn't like his usual self. He changed a lot from when I saw him last 10 years ago.

"TOMOYO!" said a voice. I knew that voice very well. I turned around, and there stood my best friend, Sakura.

"SAKURA!" I said and hugged her. Then, Sakura saw Syaoran and she her smile turned into a sudden frown. She was just staring at him, looking all sad. Meiling then went next to Syaoran and whispered something in his ears.

Sakura's POV:

I was so sad to see Syaoran. He must still be mad at me for doing something I got blamed for. He then went next to me.

"Sakura, I've regained my memory again. I'm so sorry for yelling at you yesterday. I didn't mean it," he said very lowly. Tomoyo heard what he said even though he said it very lowly. She was just looking at us two not knowing what was happening. My eyes filled up with tears and I hugged him tightly.

"I forgive you Syaoran! I was so sad yesterday knowing that you were mad at me!" I said, crying. I then kissed him on the cheek. He then pushed me away.

"Hey! Meiling! This wasn't part of the deal! You only said to pretend to be his boyfriend! I don't care about the $30 anymore! I just cannot do anything that would disrespect to Suki! I don't even know these people here!" Syaoran screamed and walked away. I looked at Meiling, and she smiled uneasily.

Normal POV:

"Um…sorry, but I have to go…," Meiling said and ran after Syaoran.

"What happened?" Tomoyo asked all confused.

"Syaoran…he has amnesia…he doesn't remember me…," Sakura said and burst into tears.

"What did he mean by saying that he would not do anything to disrespect Suki?" Eriol asked.

"Suki is his girlfriend…," Sakura said crying. Both of them gasped.

Author's Note: Finally finished with this chapter! I'm going to try my best to update the next chapter as quick as possible. I'm also going to try to write the ending for Secret Admirer. Hopefully, I can finish that soon. PLEASE REVIEW!