Summary: After all the difficulties, Sakura and Syaoran finally got together, but only for a short amount of time. Soon, Syaoran has to go back to Hong Kong to train for the Li clan. Sakura waited and waited for him to return. 10 years passed, and Syaoran came back with a woman and that's not all that happened...

Author's Note: This is my new story! I hope you like it! Right now, I'm going to tell how Sakura and Syaoran got together first.

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Chapter 1: Revenge

Sakura and Syaoran were mortal enemies. They always do pranks on each other. Syaoran was in his room with Eriol discussing his plan to get back at Sakura.

"Oh! I'm going to crush her! She embarrassed me in front of everyone!" Syaoran said clutching his fist.

"Yeah, that was funny though. She had the picture enlarged. Who knew that you, a 15 year old by, was...," Eriol said, but without even finishing what he was saying, he burst into laughter.

"It's not funny!" Syaoran screamed.

"Who knew that she had a picture of you in a dress wearing make-up. Plus, you were smiling too!" Eriol said still laughing.

"My sister made me do that!" Syaoran said, his face reddening.

"How are you going to get back at her?" Eriol asked.

"I'm going to catch a cockroach and put it on top of her head in homeroom," Syaoran said. Eriol looked at him with a disgusted look.

"That's horrible! Can't you do another prank? Anyways, the teacher will yell at you," Eriol said.

"I know that you're Tomoyo's boyfriend, but this will be the ultimate plan. Nobody can stop me, not even the teacher," Syaoran said grinning.

The next day...

Syaoran and Eriol were by their lockers at school (their lockers are next to each other's). Syaoran held up a little jar with a cockroach inside.

"Look at what I caught! My plan will go smoothly," Syaoran said.

"That's what we hope," Eriol said.

At Homeroom...

Syaoran held the jar in his hand and walked over to Sakura's desk.

"What do you want?" Sakura asked him coldly.

"I just wanted to thank you for embarrassing me yesterday," Syaoran said.

"You welcome," Sakura said smiling. As soon as she said that, Syaoran opened the jar and dumped the cockroach on top of her head.

"Now you won't be laughing since you got a cockroach on your head," Syaoran said laughing.

"AHHH!!!!!" Sakura screamed and she used her hand and swiped the cockroach off her head. The cockroach soon landed in...Syaoran shirt!

"Ahhhh!!!! There's a cockroach inside my shirt! Get it out! Get it out!" Syaoran said jumping all around crazily. Everyone was laughing and Tomoyo got out her camera and video taped everything.

"This tape will worth millions when Syaoran sees this," Tomoyo said.

"Yep," Sakura said.

Syaoran was like that for 2 minutes until the teacher came. That was when the cockroach came out and the teacher stepped on it.

"Syaoran, that was a funky way of dancing," a girl called Yumi said.

"Syaoran, you scream like a girl," Jin said.

"Syaoran, Tomoyo got everything on tape," Eriol said.

All Syaoran did was cover himself with his notebook.

"That serves you right," Sakura said to him and then laughed.

Syaoran's POV:

Why did I have to get back at her? This time I really had overdone it. Nothing is according to my plan! That stupid Sakura! I will get back at you! My whole reputation is ruined.

"Mr. Li, may you please proceed to your next class?" the teacher asked.

"Yes, sir," I said and I left. I am so stupid! I can't believe I couldn't hear that loud bell ring! Grrr... this is all Sakura's fault. She was the one that embarrassed me first and then ruined my whole plan. But before that, I spilled my whole bottle of water on her. And before that, I...what am I saying? Why am I even helping her?

Sakura's POV:

This class is boring! Math! My worst subject.

"I'm sorry I'm late," Syaoran said and went to his seat. Wow, this is my first time being late. Maybe he got in trouble with the teacher. I feel so rotten about this. But he is the one that started this. Then I saw a paper ball landing near my desk. I picked it up and opened it silently. Inside it was the dead cockroach from before.

"Ahhhh!" I screamed and jumped out of my seat. Everyone was now looking at me.

"Ms. Kinomoto, may I ask what's wrong?" Mr. Calaski asked.

"No sensei. I was just...doing exercises," I said. People soon started giggling. Soon, that stupid good for nothing Syaoran said something that he regret for the rest of his life.

"100 percent lie sensei!" Syaoran blabbed out. Everyone soon started laughing harder.

"Mr. Li, please raise your hand next time or off you go to the principle's office. As for you Sakura, please pay more attention in class," Mr. Calaski said.

"Yes sensei. Next time, I will," I said. I have to get revenge on Syaoran!!!!!

At Lunchtime...

Normal POV:

Sakura took her lunch and went to sit next to Tomoyo. Soon, Eriol came to the same table with Syaoran following him.

"Hi Eriol! Hi Syaoran!" Tomoyo said cheerfully.

"Hi Eriol! Oh, you're here, Syaoran," Sakura said cheerfully , but when she got to Syaoran's name, she just said it coldly.

"Oh, Syaoran, meet me and Sakura after school at the café. You know which café right?" Tomoyo said.

"I'm not going! Probably another prank!" Syaoran said.

"You don't have to go if you don't want to. We're just going to show the tape to everyone," Sakura said smiling evilly.

"No! I'll go!" Syaoran said.

"And you must pay for the bill for the café. Then, you must take Sakura to places for the whole day and no funny things. Then, the next day, I will give you the tape if Sakura says I could," Tomoyo said.

"That's right! Wait! He's going to take ME places? Only me? How about you?" Sakura asked.

"Well, I'm going shopping with Eriol," Tomoyo said.

"Fine then. You heard it Syaoran, NO funny things including revenge, pranks, and much more! Understand?" Sakura snapped.

"Yes madam," Syaoran said.

"And maybe you guys can get together," Tomoyo whispered to herself.

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Author's Note: So how do you like the story so far? I hope you liked it. Please review!!!