muse is indeed very active...

People: glare

You guys want me to continue my other stories?

People: glare. DUH!!!!!!

Sigh. Okay...

People: NOW!!!!!!!!

Okay, okay! Jeez. People these days...

People: mutter about certain author leaving them at cliff hangers...

Whistles. Now who could that author be? Looks nervously around....



"Okay, I'm leaving now." Leonardo called out, putting on his coat and slinging a small bag onto his back.

Raphael, Michaelangelo, and Donatello all waved goodbye. Splinter bowed and said farewell.

Leo bowed back. "I'll be back in three days! Don," He turned to the turtle, "Keep up the good work! Mikey," He turned to the smallest turtle, "Try not to get on anyone's least, not anymore than you usually do!"

Everyone laughed while Mikey said "hey!"

Leo finally turned to Raph. "And Raph, don't do anything stupid, 'kay?"

Raph shot him a glare. "Since when do I do stupid? That's Mikey's job."


Leo giggled. "You know what I mean, Raph."

Raph scoffed, but said nothing.

Leo left then for a nice relaxing three-day vacation. He didn't tell anyone where he was going, because he wanted to be completely alone to meditate and to sort out his thoughts.

Everything was fine. Until the three days passed.

And he never showed up.

[Chapter 1]

Raph sat up in bed, gasping for breath.

'Not that dream again...' He groaned. He slowly crawled out of bed and walked out of his room.

As he walked down the hall to the kitchen, he paused at Leo's bedroom. Looking inside, he sighed.

Everything was neat and tidy,

and dusty.

'Leo's been gone for two weeks now...' He thought sadly. 'Two goddamn weeks, and no word from him!'

Raph sighed as he entered the kitchen. Splinter and the other two were already there, sitting at the table.

"Hey Raph!" Mikey greeted. Raph grunted and sat down beside him.

Donny yawned. "What's up, Raph? Why are you up at 3 in the morning?"

Raph sighed, but didn't answer.

Donny nodded, looking thoughtful. "It's about Leo, right?"

Raph suddenly banged his fist onto the table, causing everyone to jump. "DAMN!!!!!" Nobody bothered to reprimand him about his language. Not even Splinter.

"Where is HE??? He goddamn said that he'd be back in THREE DAYS. And what's it been now? Two weeks!!!!"

Donny sighed. "Two weeks and three days, actually."

Raph glared at him, before standing up. "I need to go." He growled, before stomping off towards the entrance to the Lair.

Splinter sighed and placed his teacup down onto the table. 'Where are you, my son?' He asked himself once more, before sighing again.


Raph growled as he jumped from rooftop to rooftop. Shaking with anger and sadness, he tried to sort out his thoughts.

"GODAMN IT LEO!!!!!!!!!!!!" He finally screamed at the night sky. "You promised!!!!!!!! YOU GODDAMN F'''KIN' PROMISED!!!!!!!!!!!!"

He growled, before kicking the wall. He knew screaming and kicking a wall did not good, but it sure helped him clear his mind.

He sighed and looked up at the night sky. 'Where are you Leo? And why haven't you returned?'

Raph looked at the sky intently, as if awaiting an answer. Finally he dropped his eyes and turned around, defeated.

'Time to go home.' He thought.


Donny looked up at the clock. It was 4 in the morning.

"That's it." He said, standing up from the table, leaving his 6th cup of tea. "Raph's been gone for almost an hour. I'm going to look for him."

Splinter sighed. "Go. But be careful, my son."

Mikey stood. "I'm going too."


Raph hissed in anger. This was just not his day.

Right now, he was surrounded by at least a hundred Foot Soldiers.

"Crud." He swore under his breath as he drew his Sais. As soon as he did that, the Foot soldiers attacked him.

Raph growled and blocked the first sword aimed at him. This was definitely not his day. He decided, before raising his Sais and forcing the Foot back.

But once one went down, another took his place. And another, and another.

It was like a never-ending cycle, Raph decided. 'A never-ending deadly cycle...'

He let out a shaky breath. He was tired.

Suddenly, a Foot ninja jump-kicked him, taking him by surprise.

Raph fell onto the concrete roof-top, hard.

"Ow..." He groaned, and was just getting up, when a Foot Ninja jumped at him, raising his sword.

'Oh, crud...' Raph thought, his eyes widening. 'This is it...'

He waited for the blow to come, but to his surprise, it never came. Opening his eyes, he gaped in surprise.

The Foot Soldier's sword was being forced back by a turtle in a blue- bandanna.

"Leo??!!!" Raph gasped, hardly daring to believe his eyes.

But the turtle did not respond. Instead, it forced the Foot back, blow after blow. The stunned Foot were completely off guard, making them easy to beat.

Finally, the Foot decided to retreat, leaving Raph and the turtle alone.

Raph hesitantly looked up at the turtle as he turned around. Raph gasped again. "LEO!!!!" He cried with joy, trying to get up.

The turtle smiled and held out his hand for him. Raph grinned and reached to take it.

But his hand passed right through the turtle's hand.

Raph's eyes widened and he stared stunned up at the turtle.

The turtle withdrew his hand and looked at it sadly.

Suddenly, both heard yells of "Raph!" and "Raph, are ya okay???!!!"

Turning their heads, they both saw Donny and Mikey rushing towards them. Both seemed relieved that Raph was alright.

Suddenly, they both froze. They stared at the turtle. "LEO??!!!" Both gasped, looking wide-eyed at him.

Mikey suddenly launched himself towards the turtle. "LEO!!!!!!!!!"

But Raph jumped up and grabbed him before Mikey made it to the turtle. "Don't!!" He said quietly.

"Huh?? Raph? What are you doing??"

"Watch." Raph told the two turtles, before extending his hand and touching Leo. His hand passed right through Leo's chest.

Both turtles gasped in surprise. Leo looked at them sadly, before fading out of sight, leaving three completely stunned turtles behind.


He he he he........... what's going on?


Find out in the next chappie!!!!!!!!!!

R&R PLEASE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!