Sympathy for the Devil 6

The next morning, the sun rose on the castle with no name to find Eclipse, Raenef, Chris, Erutis and for some reason Krayon, sitting around the breakfast table eating toast. Well, four of them were eating toast. Eclipse was just sitting there bashing his head repeatedly against the table.
THUD "So how was last night?" Erutis asked Raenef, who gave her a big grin and giggled.
THUD "Fun!" The little lord announced.
THUD "I'm trying to eat here, I really don't want to know about your gross, totally wrong, pathetic and probably illegal love life." Chris muttered through a mouthful of toast.
THUD "Well I do, so shut up." Erutis glared at him.
THUD "Pass the jam." Krayon said to nobody in particular. Raenef passed him the strawberry jam and absently took the cushion off his seat, slipping it between Eclipse's head and the table. All it did was make the thuds a little muffled. "Why are you even here, anyway?" Erutis asked Krayon, who licked his lips and gave her his most hentai gaze. She completely ignored it.
"Well, I thought I'd come watch Eclipse's inevitable guilt trip. There's a sad lack of entertainment in the demon world." He shrugged, then went back to nibbling cutely at his toast.
"Oh." Erutis said, then poked Eclipse, who was still bashing his head against the table, albeit slightly less dramatically now that he had a pillow.
"That did not happen." Eclipse suddenly announced, sitting up straight and snatching a piece of toast from the breakfast table. Raenef pouted cutely, looking hurt.
"I thought you enjoyed sleeping with Raenef." Erutis said, patting the little lord on the back comfortingly.
"I did! But a demon lord does not sleep with his subjects!" Eclipse insisted, his fist clenching around the toast, totally destroying it.
"I do." Krayon commented absently. Everyone stared at him for a moment, then turned back to Eclipse.
"Well Lord Raenef isn't like that!" Eclipse almost wailed.
"I am, don't you remember last night?" Raenef blinked at his teacher.
"Well you're not supposed to be"
"Why?" "You just aren't!" Eclipse looked ruffled, and he picked up his glass of water, glaring at it for a moment before taking a sip.
Raenef frowned cutely, then folded his arms and did his best to look scary and evil.
"How dare you admonish me, vermin!" He demanded, glaring at Eclipse, who blinked then spat out his drink.
Everyone else burst out laughing. Raenef just sniffled, looking like he was going to cry.
"You don't love me!" He whimpered, looking up at Eclipse with tear-filled puppy-dog eyes, almost making the older demon choke.
"Yes I do, it's just-" Eclipse began, then stopped as he realised what he'd said. He glared at Krayon, who was snickering at him.
"Yay! You love me!" Raenef giggled happily, bouncing up into Eclipse's lap and hugging him tightly. Eclipse sighed.
"This is not appropriate behaviour for a demon lord." He protested weakly, while Raenef snuggled against him, purring happily.
"Yep, you're a failure." Erutis shrugged, then went back to eating her breakfast, almost stabbing Krayon in the hand with her fork when he got too close to her food. He smiled innocently at her.
"Did I mention I'm trying to eat here?" Chris whined, glaring at Eclipse as though it was all his fault, which it was. Eclipse just sighed despairingly and buried his head in Raenef's chest, whimpering.

The End.