12 Kai's an addict

Last time in Strange Twist Of Fate:

"So, found out the source?" Voltaire asked worried (yeah, worried).

"Yes we did, but you're not going to like it." Boris said.

"Well, what is it?" Voltaire asked impatient.

"Heroine." Boris replied.

Voltaire's face faulted.

"Can you repeat that, please?" he asked.

"Heroine." Boris said, also sounding upset.

"The bitch poisoned my granddaughter with drugs?" Voltaire asked


"Sorry sir, but it looks like she did." Boris muttered.

"I can't believe it." Voltaire said, falling into a chair.

"Neither can I, sir." Boris replied.

"So... Now my sweet granddaughter is a drugs addicted..." Voltaire

muttered letting his head rest in his hands.

"It is a new kind, so we can't get it out of the system, remove it or


her stop desiring for it." Boris explained.

"Someone wants to get back at me by her... But who?" Voltaire


"I have no idea, sir." Boris said.

"Wait... Doctor Zephyrs always hated me for one tiny little thing."



"For what, sir?" Boris asked, now getting curious.

"For stealing the first bitbeast-stone he stole from that old


Voltaire growled. "Find out the name of that doctor as soon as

possible." he


"Right away, sir." Boris said, walking away.

"Zephyrs, I'll get you for this." Voltaire growled.

"WHAT!" Tala yelled.

"It's true, master Tala. Mistress' Kai's condition is as bad as that."

A man


Tala crashed his cell phone out of anger, startling The Demolition


Majestics and Blade Breakers.

"Boss! What's up?" Spencer asked.

"They found out what they injected in Kai." Tala growled.

"Well?" Kai asked.

"A new kind of drugs." Tala muttered.

Kai turned pale.

"Okay, so now I'm addicted." she growled.

"What kind of drugs?" Robert asked.

"One that can't be removed or ignored. Kai's addicted for life..."



Kai sat stoned.

"You okay?" Tyson asked.

no reply-

"Hello?" Tyson gave Kai a soft tick on the shoulder.

Kai fell to the other side, frozen by the news.

"Kai?" Ray looked at his team captain.

Kai blinked a few times before jumping up and grabbing Tala by the


pressing him against a wall, choking him.

"What were you saying." She hissed.

"Hey, I don't like the idea as well, so don't blame me." Tala goggled.

Kai let go of Tala.

"I'm sorry, I don't know what came over me." Kai whispered pained.

"It's the drug." Tala muttered hugging Kai.

"Grrr. I should be there instead of Tala." Johnny growled.

"She would kick you and run away then." Enrique muttered.

"Yeah, and she's addicted now." Max said, receiving a punch from


"She didn't chose to be, you know." he growled.

"I know that, but you saw what the drug made her do!" Max yelled.

Kai walked into the hotel room, grabbed her stuff and walked away.

"And just where do you think you're going?" Tyson asked, arm crossed,



"Away from you all." Kai replied.

"And why?" Ray asked, standing in the same position as Tyson.

"You saw what I did to Tala, and he's my best friend." Kai said.

"And you're saying?" Robert asked.

"If I can do something like that to my best friend, what the hell can I


to you guys then?" Kai asked.

"You can't bring yourself in danger!" Briant yelled.

"I rather bring myself in danger, then all of you!" Kai yelled back.

"Well, I can't let you get hurt out there." Johnny hissed, grabbing



"You don't have a choice." Kai growled, freeing her arm.

"Well, I don't want you get hurt also." Enrique said.

"Me neither." Ray snapped.

"Look, it's either you guys and me, or just me. One way or another, I


get hurt." Kai said.

"We'll figure something out to get you off this. Remember. Voltaire

will do

everything to get a cure for you." Tala said, hugging Kai again.

"Tala. Don't." Kai said, freeing herself from Tala's embrace and


away with a bag swung over her shoulder.

"Okay, I need a cell phone." Tala muttered.

"Here you go, boss." Ian said, giving hiss cell phone.

Tala dialled a number.

"Boris, it's Tala... No it sucks... Kai just took off... No, we


follow her... Well, we just discovered an affect of the drug. Kai


everyone near her if her emotions flicker to wild... Yes, I saw it.

To be

more precise, I felt it. She was choking me and took off because she


hurt me, and doesn't even want to know what she can do to the


You know Kai, she rather hurts herself than others... No, I don't


where she went to! Do you think I would be wasting my time into calling


then! Hell, I would be chasing her to the end of the world if I had

too!... Yes, I understand... Yeah, bye... Thanks for


Tala growled, hanging up.

"So, what now?" Briant asked.

"I'm going to look for her. She can't be far ahead." Tala said, walking


the same direction as Kai did.

"Well, wait for me!" Ray said.

"And me!" Johnny said.

"I don't like to be an outsider too." Enrique muttered.

"And then I'm left." Tyson said.

"Fine, but only the five of us are looking for Kai." Tala said.

"What are we going to do then?" Briant asked.

"A group has to try and find the cure. Who will do that?" Tala asked.

Spencer, Ian and Max stepped forward.

"Okay, then Robert, Briant and Olivier will help Voltaire find out who


doctor was who injected her with the stuff." Tala said.

"Well, then. I guess we'll be off then!" Johnny said.

"Yes." Tala said.

"It doesn't matter what happens, what you do, or where you go, Kai. I

will always find you." Tala thought.


Sequel will be named: Even stranger twists of faith


Jani Rieme – Ahahaha. Same here, but this was the last chapter of the story, so you can stop if you really want to, or move on to the sequel if you're curious, completely up to you ;)

Soul's Eclipse – yeah, kinda I guess :sheepish grin:

MyStIc BlAcK PhOeNix – What? 0.0;;

dark-anime-slave – I know, but it was the first thing that came into my mind XD

somebody – Thanks, and I believe I did n.n

mrsalexwatkins - :shrugs: first thing that came into my mind

RavenToriBlack – The sequel will have even more :p

Dragons04 – No, because Kai is a girl by nature, but pretended to be a guy

blackartofchaos – There are reasons? O.o;;;;;;;;;;;;;

VGMaster04 – I did! n.n

Kai Hiwatari1 – Of course she is

Ketsueki-Ken – No, but the sequel probably will be