disclaimer: I don't own the power rangers. Also I don't own Zeri, Saryn, Aura and Cetaci and any other ranger from Aquintar, I read their names on Starhawk's website and thought they were kool.

timeline: Nine years after 'Better Late Than Never'.

summary: Something has it's eyes set on ranger children. Every ranger is scared of losing his or her family, especially Andros.

Jeanka; Donnchadh alive? Now that would be telling wouldn't it? Your question about 'Ashley's Diary' I can answer. It's a story in no way connected to this one. It's a story I've written a LONG time ago, before I even thought about writing ranger fic's for

the-power-of-love; You don't have to wait any longer. When you are going to show up in the story? Well, I have to say it will be in the sequel to this one.

Arwennicole; Here's more. You're stories are great too. I'm really looking forward to every new chapter.

Protecting The Next Generation

Chapter 21

It didn't take long for the Megaship to return to the Sol system. Armin, Paige and Brian turned out to be just fine, beside being in desperate need of a shower, clean cloths and a good night sleep.

Armin and Paige had decided to shut their eyes for a while, before they arrived on Earth. Brian on the other hand was way to glad to be back in his father's protective embrace to sleep.

"Man, I can't wait to get back home." TJ sighed, watching the green, blue, white marble grow bigger and bigger on the viewing screen.

"Makes you think about old times again, doesn't it?" Carlos mussed.

"We did get some amazing experiences back then, didn't we?" TJ grinned.

"No matter how much fun we had back then, I wouldn't trade this life for the one I had back then." Andros interjected.

"He's right, you know." Tommy agreed. "It's nice being a ranger, but I like my life with Kim better."

"I have to agree. Being a ranger is fun while it lasts, but there comes a day you just have to move on with your life." Jason said.

"But hey, there's always our kids to take over for us!" Rocky laughed.

"Only if they want to." Carter replied, having a two year old son of his own.

"Chris can't wait for the day he's allowed to start training." TJ smiled.

"I don't believe he's the only one." Carlos laughed.

"Who's not the only one in what?" A sleepy Paige asked.

"Chris, Carlos is not under the impression he's the only one who can't wait to start training to become a ranger." Saryn answered.

"I don't blame him." Armin yawned, appearing behind Paige. "I can't wait to be allowed to wear a morpher."

"Two years, Armin, no sooner." Andros reminded him.

"Oh come on, dad. You know we can handle it." Paige purred.

"No, and you know that doesn't work on me."

"Damn." Paige muttered.

"Better luck next time, kid." Leo laughed.

"That's not funny." Paige snapped, a grin playing on her lips.

"Entering Earth's orbit, prepare for teleportation." Deca cut in.


It was early in the morning. Jeff's house seemed deserted when Andros, Tommy, Armin Paige and Brian teleported in. Deca had teleported them all to the place they were staying, since non of the rangers had slept since the day before. Only now they had started to realise how tired they really were.

"I guess they're all asleep." Tommy observed.

"I believe you're right and I have to agree with them." Andros replied, suppressing a yawn.

"Well, I don't know what you're going to do, but I'm going to join Kim." Tommy said before taking of in the direction of the stairs.

"You wanna sleep first or let your mother and brother know you're safe?" Andros grinned, knowing perfectly well what his children would choose.

"Let them know we're safe." Armin grinned back, knowing what his father meant with that.

"Well then, let's go. It appears Wyatt decided to keep your mom company." Andros replied and watched the twin take of in de same direction Tommy had gone.

He followed at a much slower pace, still carrying Brian. The young boy was whipped and was practically sleeping already. He reached the second floor just in time to see Armin and Paige charge into the room he shared with Ashley.

It wasn't long before he heard a soft cry of relieve reached his ears. He smiled and walked into the room himself. Ashley was hugging both Armin and Paige. Wyatt hugged Paige, since she was closed to him.

"Hey, don't I get a hug." He pouted.

Armin and Paige pulled away from their mother, so Ashley could scramble out of the bed and give Andros a quick kiss, before stealing Brian out of his arms and nearly crushing the poor boy, so tightly she was hugging him.

"You want him to chook or something?" Andros joked.

Ashley laughed and let her grip loosen. When she looked down at Brian she saw him yawn. She turned her eyes on Armin and Paige. The two looked a lot less tired, but still whipped and Andros looked like he could fall asleep any minute.

"I think we should continue this reunion when we're a bit more awake." She smiled.

Paige held out his hands.

"I'll take Brian. He can sleep with me."

Ashley reluctantly gave the boy to her daughter. She didn't really want to let Brian out of her sight right now, but she knew Paige would keep a close eye on him.

Wyatt had let himself fall back onto the bed and closed his eyes.

"I don't think so." Andros grinned. "Go find some other place to crash."

Wyatt opened an eyes, but was suddenly jerked out of the bed by his arm. When he looked up Armin stood there smirking at him.

"You heard what he said. Let's go."

Wyatt scrambled to his feet and tried to get his hands on his brother, but Armin moved away quickly and sprinted out of the room to the one he shared with Paige, Wyatt hot on his heels.

Ashley and Andros looked at them go with smiles on their faces. Then Andros moved to close the door and turned to Ashley.

"Come on, let's sleep."

Ashley nodded and got back into the bed. Andros quickly joined her, not even bothering to undress and collected her into his arms.

"Thank you, Andros, for getting them back here safely without hurting yourself."

Andros laughed and kissed her cheek, before letting his eyes slip shut and falling into a sleep more peaceful than it had been since this all started.

Tommy and Kimberly's room, a few minutes earlier

Tommy entered the room a smile appearing on his face. In the two cribs that had been place in the room his sons slept peacefully, Jace making one of those cute baby-noises every now and then. In the queenside bed Kimberly was curled up, also fast asleep.

He quickly changed into his pyjamas and walked over to the bed as soft as he could. He leaned over Kim and placed a light kiss on her lips.

Kimberly's eyes fluttered open and a smile warmed her face.

"Hey Beautiful."

"Hey Handsome, welcome back."

"It's good to be back." Tommy replied.

"I take it everybody got home safely."

"Yeah, luckily they did."

"Ashley will be so relieved."

"You should've seen Andros face when we teleported back with them. It makes everything worth it."

"I can imagine. You know, you look dead on your feet. Why don't you get some sleep?"

"I was going to, but I wanted to let you know I'm back."

"You're too sweet." Kimberly laughed as she pulled back the covers and Tommy let himself fall on the bed.

After pulling the covers over her husband, she nuzzled close to him. Within minutes they had both fallen asleep.

KO35, a week later

The lunch break had already started when Armin, Paige, Wyatt, Brian, Zeri and Nathan came back to school. All children were outside, some were playing and other's were eating their lunch. The kids quickly mangled in the crowd and went to find their own friend.

It didn't take long for Armin and Paige to spot Lana and Hayden.

"Lana! Hayden!" Paige called out.

The two friends looked up and smiled.

"Armin! Paige!" Lana exclaimed.

She jumped up and ran over to hug her friend.

"God, I've missed you. What have you guys been up to? Did you find Brian?"

"Slow down, Lana, if you keep asking questions they won't be able to answer." Hayden laughed and greeted Armin with their secret handshake. "So did you get Brian back?"

"Yeah, we did and we've got so much to tell you." Armin replied.

"You won't believe what we've been through." Paige smiled.

They walked back to the spot Hayden and Lana had been eating their lunch and while the two continued to eat, Armin and Paige began to tell about their adventure, happy to be back.

Taton system

From under the rubble that was once Donnchadh's head quarters a hand appeared.

A/N: Hope you liked it. This was the last chapter. I've already started writing the sequel to this, but you will have to wait, for I won't be putting it up any time soon. ::grins evilly:: Please review.