Disclaimer: Owning these characters was never in my plans... but I wouldn't be against the idea.
Kuroi-chan's Disclaimer: The nickname 'Sagi-chan is copyrighted to Kuroi. Any other who uses it will be mocked, laughed at, and will ultimately suffer at the hands of her vengeful and depressing wrath. That, and she'll nag me into yelling at you.
Saaski-chan's Disclaimer: The nickname Leeni-chan is copyrighted to Saaski. Use it and die.

AN Well, obviously the Hn Wars wasn't going to stay dead for long. Especially not when I discovered that not only do Heero (Gundam Wing) and Hiei (Yu Yu Hakusho) seem to like this word, but Sasuke (Naruto) seems to like it as well. So, even though this fic was beaten to death quite some time ago - it's back and ready for more.

The Hn Wars: Revisited

Uchiha Sasuke paused in his tree jumping, just for a moment. He was quite sure that he had just seen something out of the corner of his eye, and it was a something that he was planning on investigating. Slightly behind him, his teammate-slash-rival Uzamaki Naruto failed to notice the dark haired boys sudden hault and plowed into him.

A glaring contest began once they reached the ground after a rather unplanned fall from the trees.

"Oi!" Naruto yelled, scaring off the local wildlife. "You don't just stop like that! What the hell is wrong with you?!"

Obviously, the blond dead-last hadn't yet noticed that the clearing they were now in was being shared by a certain spiky haired boy and a certain messy haired boy - both of whom he didn't recognize.

"Hn." One boy, the shorter one (even shorter than Naruto) with the spiky black hair and red eyes fired at the other.

The other, who was also short, bristled slightly and retorted with his own: "Hn!" insult.

Naruto was awed. He didn't know that such insults existed. Who ever these two boys were - they were good.

Sasuke, who had taken on a rather possessive nature to the word, added in his own two letters with a rather blatant: "HN!"

Naruto sweatdropped. He was supposed to be the stupid one who spoke without thinking. But Sasuke had just insulted two boys that probably had the potential to kill them.

"Hn." The spiky haired boy returned.

"Hn." The messy haired boy snorted.

"Hn." Sasuke retorted angrilly.

The two rather random boys then turned back to each other with looks of irritation.

"Well, Kurama's waiting for me." The spiky haired boy said at lenght. "I'll see you next week Heero."

"Likewise, Hiei." Heero said, glancing at his watch. "Duo's probably going to shoot me for being late again." He sighed, looking around the clearing once again. "Well, see you."

"Hn." Hiei told him.

Sasuke walked up to Hiei, tapped him on the shoulder and inquired the time and date of the next little Hn Fest. Hiei responded with a bored little: "Hn." Before doing something that neither Sasuke nor Naruto saw and disappeared into a hole that had just appeared in the air.

"Hn." Sasuke pondered.

Naruto just shook his head, not wanting to know. Although, some of those insults, the blond recalled, were actually pretty good. He'd have to remember them for use against Kakashi or the Hokage or someone.


AN Alright, just don't shoot me. I'm well aware that this is stupid. But if you've gotten this far and are still confused, I reccomend that you go and read: "The Hn Wars" [which probably won't help, but it is the "prequel" to this.]

Um... review?