Disclamier: Yupp, back to obsessing into Inuyasha .. yup, good 'ol times. - Looks at walls when nobody's looking - (Oh yeah, he's not mine)

NOTE : LAST CHAPTER GUYS ! Though I am very disappointed to say that some people may have given up reading this story already, because they think they know the ending. I'm not mad, just feeling sorry for them (tee hee). For the rest of you, puh-lease don't give up reading the last chapter, it'll have a good ending, I promise !

Inuyasha fidgeted in his seat. He hated the feeling gnawing at his stomach. It was telling him what he was going to do, was not good. But he ignored it, it was the right choice and he was going to get through with it. He closed his eyes. He practiced the speech ten billion times in his head, but it just didn't sound right. He tried to make it sound as gentle as possible, but the message wasn't even gentle itself …

" You're joking ? " a voice interrupted his thoughts.

" No ! It was ball, a glowing pink ball ! I'm not sure what it was, but I'm sure it was real. But when I left it down when I was being paged, it was gone when I came back in. "

" Oh, doctor Momoko ! All this work has gone to your head. It was probably your imagination. "

" Well, you're right .. but I'm sure I saw it .. "

Inuyasha picked at the hat still wedged down tightly on his head. He hated the thing, it always made it difficult for him to hear. Whatever the doctors said, was so muffled. Something about glowing pink ball, leaving it, then it becoming missing ? Whatever. Whatever they said was probably stupid anyway. Humans were always losing their possessions, must be some kind of pink jewellery this time ..

" Inuyasha ? You're still here ? " A voice called from the door.

Inuyasha jostled in his seat, and jerked his head towards the doorway. Immediately, he tensed up when he saw the petite Kagome standing at the door, with flowers clutched tightly in her hand. He could see that her bones were showing through her pale skin .. she had lost a lot of weight. He grunted and tore his gaze away back to the bed where Kumiko lay lifeless. He hated giving Kagome the cold shoulder, but he wanted to let her know something was wrong before he sprang it all upon her.

Slow footsteps made their way towards Inuyasha, and the gnawing in his stomach increased each step Kagome made.

" Inuyasha ? Are you okay ? " her voice got louder and louder, and pounding in Inuyasha's head got faster and faster. He shifted uneasily in his seat, and tried to avoid the confused look in the woman's eyes.

" Inuyasha ? "

The half-demon snapped and whipped himself around her. " WHAT !? " he yelled, amber eyes blazing.

The aged woman stepped back, genuinely surprised. Inuyasha closed his eyes and turned around. He couldn't stand the pain searing through his heart.

Silenced, Kagome walked over to the dresser and popped in fresh flowers in the vase. Then she walked over and sat on the chair opposite of Inuyasha. Clearing her throat, she tried again, " Inuyasha … you look a little pale. Would you like some water ? "

" No. " The hanyou retorted back coldly. He winced when he saw the hurt look flash across her brown eyes, but ignored it and kept his cold composure.

Forcing a strained smile, Kagome nodded, " You can go home if you want. You've been here for days .. I can look over .. "

" I'm fine, shaddup. " He interrupted rudely, his voice getting harder and harder.

Kagome winced and looked at her lap. Confusion whirled through her mind, and uncertainty stained her expression. What did I do ? She looked at him from under her bangs. His eyes were so distracted, and his posture so stiff. She choked and held back a sob. He's angry with me. But why ? What did I do ?

Inuyasha's shoulders sagged when he saw the confused, sad look on the elder woman's face. But when the thought of Kumiko at the brink of death, the anger poured into his stomach again. No. He had to say what was on his mind, and what he had decided. It was for the best ..

" Kagome .. " he began.

" Yes ? " The woman immediately jerked her head up, her bright eyes shone with hope. It killed Inuyasha, but he forced himself to say it.

" I'm going back to Feudal Japan tomorrow. " There. He said it. It didn't sound mean at all. Now, for the other half ..

Inuyasha's relief immediately subsided when he saw Kagome's eyes brighter than ever. With a trembling voice, she whimpered, " Why ? "

Looking away at the blank wall, the hanyou pretended to look tough and uncaring. " Because I don't think we should see each other anymore. "

Inuyasha quickly glanced at Kagome, and immediately felt guilty when he saw that her head fallen, and her shoulders had dropped. " I think it's best to, because it just distracts us from our tasks. "

" What do you mean ? " Kagome's voice immediately questioned. Inuyasha ignored the hint of desperation sounding her voice.

He shrugged, " You know. "

Kagome shot up from her chair, causing it to fall over. Inuyasha looked up, surprised. " No, I don't know. Why won't you tell me ?! " Her eyes burning, but Inuyasha ignored it. He stood up himself, it was like her anger was contagious.

" You know exactly what I'm talking about ! " he barked, his fists automatically clenching.

Kagome shook her head furiously, tears beginning to reach the border of her eyelids. " I don't know anything ! Ever since you've came, you've hid yourself from me ! You avoid me, and ignored me ! You haven't been able to trust me ! You've been hiding a secret a secret from me, and you know it ! " Kagome yelled, tears spilling from her eyes.

Ignoring her statement, Inuyasha yelled back with just as much force, " You wanna know !? Alright then, I'll tell you ! " Without thinking, Inuyasha blurted out the one thing he knew wasn't entirely true, " You were the one who caused Kumiko's accident ! "

When the words left his mouth, Inuyasha regretted it. Silence lapsed over the room, and Kagome's mouth slowly fell closed. The blank look on her face, pained Inuyasha greatly. But his mouth had opened, it wouldn't close until it all came out.

" You were the one who distracted me from my task, which was to pick up Kumiko ! If you weren't there, I would've gotten her safely home, and all of this wouldn't have happened ! If you weren't there to do what you did, Kumiko wouldn't be lying here, with her life hanging over the edge ! It wasn't my fault for forgetting, I would've remembered, but I didn't, because you were there ! It was your fault and is still your fault ! " With a accusing finger, the half-demon furiously pointed at the shocked woman. " You cost Kumiko her life ! "

When the words of the hanyou reached the ears of the old woman, she let out a defeated sob, and melted to the ground. The words, was like a knife twisting mercilessly in her heart. Nothing could've hurt her more, than his words just now.

Inuyasha paid no mercy. The stress building from these past days, had finally exploded. He was surprised at himself, for saying such words to Kagome, but he couldn't stop .. he couldn't control it.

Coldly, he crossed his arms and stood over the crying woman. As if the yelling incident had never happened, he said icily, " In fact, I think I'll take her to Feudal Japan with me when gets better. "

The pain that was already chewing away her heart, just finished its last crumb. That was the last straw. Kagome, aged and broken, could not take it anymore. She burst into fresh tears, and bolted from the room. Her crying faded away, but the torn expression from her face would never be forgotten.

Kagome Higurashi, had never felt so helpless in a long time.

With saggy shoulders and a dragging feet, the old woman slowly took herself home. It was like an endless journey, and the bones and muscles in her body, were sore and stiff. Age had finally caught up to her, and with such perfect timing.

When she reached her doorway, she twisted the key in the keyhole, and stumbled inside the empty house. On reflex, she closed the door and she opened her arms to the empty hallway. She smiled, but it was immediately wiped off her face, when she realized Kumiko wasn't there to give her that regular hug and kiss hello. Kumiko wasn't there, she was in the hospital, in the hospital with Inuyasha.

It was like somebody had dropped lead on her heart just then, and the hanyou's words back at the hospital hit her with full force. It finally sunk in, and Kagome took it in like a drug. Every word he said, pierced her mind and made her believe.

I am a monster. Kagome thought, her tears rekindling. She dropped herself at the door and buried her heavy head into her shaking hands. Her body gave in, and Kagome couldn't get up. She cried, and cried, until she was dry, but when she turned and looked at herself in the hallway mirror, Kagome wanted to cry all over again.

She was a wreck. Her wrinkles were especially deep, her usually bright shining eyes, had lost his sparkle and was nothing more than a dull brown. Her usually perfectly pinned up bun, was completely out of place, hairs shooting at every direction.. falling over her weary face. Her clothes, were wrinkled and dirty, having not the time to shower these days. She was a complete wreck, no doubt about it.

A single tear ran down her face, and her body automatically propelled her towards her room. She opened her closet, and tore out all her clothes. Without thinking, she ripped the sheets off her bed and threw it to the floor. She pulled out all her shelves, letting the things inside scatter loudly onto the ground. She grabbed anything she found in sight, and in seconds, became nothing but smithereens. She screamed and screamed, and finally collapsed to the ground, worn out and frustrated.

" I am useless .. " she whispered, with tears streaming down her face. Her hands fell to her sides, as she looked at her wrinkled skirt. When it was silent, Inuyasha's angry face appeared in her mind.

You were the one who caused Kumiko's accident ! .. It was your fault ! .. You cost Kumiko her life ! .. In fact, I think I'll take her to Feudal Japan with me when gets better …

" No. No .. NO ! " She yelled, and grabbed her head, shaking it. " It's not my fault ! I didn't mean it ! I didn't mean to .. "

She stopped mid sentence and closed her eyes, dropping her hands again and allowing her body to calm and sag once more. She looked at the ceiling, choked up and defeated. She closed her eyes, and thought. And thought.

Time passed by her slowly, and when she opened them again, a new light was shining her in her mind. She had made her decision.

She got up, and into the closet. She searched for what she wanted, and pulled out a suitcase. She dropped it on her bed.

" That's it. " she whispered to the empty room. " I'm leaving. "

Inuyasha opened his heavy eyes. It was dark outside, he must've dozed off. He looked up and rubbed his sleepy eyes. Ugh. His head was hurting as if Miroku had bashed him on the head with his staff again. He rubbed it and looked around. What ? I'm still here ? Where was Kago ..

He froze in the middle of his head massage. Kagome. The events from hours ago, flooded him, and the guilt that had been temporarily put away, had resurfaced again. He closed his eyes. He had said he wanted, but he didn't mean it come out like that ! He didn't mean to hurt her again ..

Inuyasha sighed and looked at Kumiko, who to his surprise, was awake and staring. He practically jumped out of his seat, and gave a surprised yelp. When he calmed, he immediately took action. " What the hell were you doing, staring at me like that ?! You could've given me a heart attack ! " he glared at her.

Inuyasha blinked cluelessly as he watched Kumiko give him a weak smile and shift in her position. What ? No snaps ? No insults ?

Then he realized how weak she was. She was pale, very pale, and huge bags sat under her eyes, as if she hadn't slept at all. Inuyasha softened and tried again, " How long were you awake ? "

Kumiko sucked in a breath, as if it was tiring to talk. " For a while. " Inuyasha winced when her voice came out a mere whisper. If he had been a human, he would've strained to hear her talk. He watched her look around slowly and then turn back to him. " Where's my grandmother ? "

Inuyasha froze. The question he dreaded her to ask. He turned away immediately and mumbled, " Don't know. She left a while ago. "

Then hanyou could feel her brown eyes boring into his back, but he didn't turn around. It must've been his sudden distant attitude that set a little flag up in her brain. " What happened ? Did you and her have a figh .. "

" No, I don't know, stop talking and rest. " Inuyasha interrupted rudely, his voice hard. It startled Kumiko and a look of hurt flashed across her eyes, but she respected him and didn't say another word .. to his surprise.

A blanket of silence dropped between the two, as Inuyasha fidgeted with his Tetsuisaga. It was so quiet, it was never quiet with Kumiko ..

" You can trust me. I can't .. won'ttell anybody. " Kumiko finally said. Inuyasha looked at her with uncertainty, and was surprised to see her smiling sadly at him. Inuyasha didn't understand why, but brushed it aside. His mind was too filled already.

Thinking over Kumiko's words, he couldn't help but relax a bit at the soothing words. So, in the next few minutes, he told her what had happened in point form. He even threw in what had happened fifty years ago, when he got shot and then she left after they confessed their feelings for each other. When he finished, he looked away, embarrassed.

Through the whole thing, Kumiko was strangely silent. It was quiet for a couple of minutes, and Inuyasha found it very uncomfortable. Did he say something wrong ?

Not being able to stand it, Inuyasha broke the silence. " Kumiko ? "

She nodded at the sound of his voice, " Wow. I knew it. I knew something was between you guys. " she sucked in a breath and sighed in a happy way.

Inuyasha blushed, but didn't deny. " How did you know ? "

Kumiko smiled at him and laid her head back onto the pillow. " I know more than you think. I see those looks you send each other when the other isn't looking. And the time I walked in on you guys, your hands were almost touching. I felt it all. " She sighed and sank back onto her bed, seemingly worn out from all the talking.

Inuyasha raised an eyebrow. " If you knew something was going on, why did you hold my hand ? I don't think it helped .. "

Kumiko shrugged under her blanket with her eyes closed, " I'm like that, reflex I guess. I do that to everyone. Why ? " She opened her eyes and looked at him at the corner of her eye. " You thought I liked you ? " Inuyasha was surprised when she gave a small laugh, " Sure, you are cute and would make a great companion, but we're both hotheads, and two hotheads never end up good. "

" Hey .. "

" It's the harsh truth Inuyasha, accept it. Why, did you like me ? "

Kumiko let out another weak laugh when she saw the embarrassed/choked up face Inuyasha conjured up the moment she asked her question. With a sputter, he managed to stammer out a very shaky 'NO!'

" Then why did you talk to me so much ? And why do you stare at me ? " A hint of challenge in her voice, and Inuyasha knew it was time to tell her.

He sighed and looked at the ground, speaking in a quiet voice. " It's because you reminded me like the old Kagome. " he closed his eyes and continued in a mumble, " I still love her, but I just couldn't show it to her. I just couldn't take it in so fast that it's been fifty years, and she could be my grandmother. Then there was you, you who looked so damn much like her. So I avoided her and hung around you more, because you reminded me of her .. just like old times. I was planning to adjust to the present her, because I knew I couldn't go on avoiding her. But then this .. happened. " Inuyasha hung his head, ashamed. He finally realized It was there right in front of his face, this was how it was .. but he was too blind to see it all. Then he did what he did .. the damage had been done. He couldn't fix it.

Inuyasha glanced at Kumiko, just to make sure she was listening. It was hard to tell with her eyes closed and head on the pillow, but she spoke with a small smile on her face, and assured him she was. " I have something for you. It's all I have and .. " Inuyasha leaned forward, it was definitely hard to hear her now. It was as if her voice was getting softer, and softer ..

" What ? " Inuyasha replied. He knew she knew he was uncomfortable and needed a change of subject, and he was grateful for that.

With her eyes remaining closed, and reached under her pillow, and pulled out something. Reaching towards the curious half-demon, the young girl opened her wrapped hand, and revealed a pink sphere, glowing. Inuyasha's eyes went wide .. he knew what that was. Sitting lightly on the girl's small palm, was the Shikon No Tama.

Inuyasha picked it from her hand in complete awe. " W-where did you .. how .. wh-at what .. " The young demon was in complete shock. Where did she get this ? Didn't it neutralize when Kagome made her wish fifty years ago ? Why was it here ? Why does Kumiko have it ?!

Then a little flag popped up into his head. Inuyasha swallowed. So that's what the doctor was saying that day. She had found the jewel ! Kagome's wish was not from the bottom of her heart, if it was, how would she be able to remember him? Since it wasn't her heat's desire, the Shikon no Tama wasn't completely neutralized ! That means it must've reincarnated to her daughter, who passed it onto Kumiko before she died. That's it, it must be it ! Knowing Kumiko, her curiosity must've took over and she took it when the doctor went out.

Inuyasha examined it, just to make sure it was really real. But it was, and was sitting on his hand just like that. He unknowingly smiled, and his mood was completely lifted. With an ecstatic tone, Inuyasha couldn't help but tell her excitedly about it, " Kumiko ! Do you know what this is ?! This is the Shikon no Tama ! The jewel of four souls, do you know how important this thing is ?! Demons from everywhere would sacrifice themselves to get this thing .. Kumiko ? Kumiko, are you listening ?! "

Inuyasha looked up, annoyed she wasn't responding. " Kumiko ? "

Suddenly, something told him to be more cautious. Kumiko was never quiet, something was wrong. He stood up from his chair and looked over her. " Kumiko ? "

She didn't respond. She lay there with closed eyes, and a small smile plastered on her pale face. It was as if she had completed a mission and fulfilled her last wish. He thought she was joking, but something told him she wasn't. Panic rushed over his body, and he couldn't help but have that desperate plea in his voice. " Kumiko ? Kumiko ! Kumiko ?! C-can you hear me ? KUMIKO ! "

He shook her, but she didn't respond, nor did she move. It was then Inuyasha realized, Kumiko Higurashi, was dead.

Inuyasha threw the yellow backpack over his shoulder and cracked his neck. It was such a hectic week, he was sure he had aged a few years. He stood outside, with the wind blowing at his hair and the soft scent of blooming blossoms filling his nostrils.

It's been exactly 26 hours, 40 minutes and 9 seconds since Kumiko had moved on. Gone away and vanished from this crazy world. Inuyasha stood by the old Goshinboku Tree where all memories of the times with his dear friend rushed back to his mind. It was almost as if he could see her standing by it with her hands behind her back, waving at him … with that same cheerful smile of hers. Sure, she was gone, but she will always have a special place in theirs to brighten up their lives whenever they need it.

" Come on Inuyasha ! We're gonna be late if you don't hurry up ! " a voice called, breaking into his thoughts.

Inuyasha turned and smiled. Leaning over the Bone-Eater's well, a young girl, perhaps in her fifteens was waving at him with a bright smile on her face. Her black raven hair was flowing behind her, and her brown orbs were shining with happiness. Pure joy radiated off her, while she struggled innocently to keep the skirt of her green school uniform from flailing. Yes, that young girl, was Kagome Higurashi.

Using the Shikon no Tama that Inuyasha possessed, he had wished for Kagome to regain her youth for eternity and stay with him forever. Sure, it might've been a half-selfish wish, but Kagome was happy that he still loved her, and not anybody else. That was truly her heart's desire.

Inuyasha laughed at the young girl, jumping up and down so innocently and carefree – just the way he liked her. Before he went on his way, he looked up into the sky and did a double take … as if he had almost seen a familiar face. It was Kumiko's familiar face. Looking over her shoulder with a smile, the young girl winked at him and mouthed what Inuyasha was sure she wanted to say, 'Good luck'. He smiled back at her and nodded in understanding.

" May you rest in peace Kumiko. Thank you. " Inuyasha whispered to the sky. She had given Kagome and him another chance without even knowing she had helped, and Inuyasha and Kagome could never be more grateful. Now, Kumiko got her reward, and was now somewhere far, far away… to a place where the surroundings were utterly flawless.

" Inuyasha, you coming ?! " Kagome called again, with a tinge of impatience in voice.

Inuyasha smiled to himself but turned to her, feigning annoyance. " Yeah yeah, hold your horses woman ! "

As the half-demon dashed into the shrine, he was sure of one thing. Kumiko was gone, but her spirit would always remain with them.

A/N : WHOA MAN! Finally finished ! I really struggled with this last chapter, trying to make the ending sound the best, though I must say, I am not completely satisfied, but hey, it's my best ! Of course, I'd like to give out a big shout to my editor, Red-Rain69, for editing this chapter AND giving me incredible ideas for the ending, I couldn't have done it without her ! Anywho, this story's over, but MrsInuyasha69 won't be! Hopefully, I'll get my reviewers back and get a new story running up! Thanks for reading, Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year everybody !