Title- Silent Screams

Rating- PG-13 (to be safe)

Summary-When an outing with Sean, Marco, and Dylan leaves Ellie confused, she lashes out at Marco, causing both of them to say things they didn't mean.

Setting- it's the summer after Marco and Dylan first went out. Could be considered AU, or probably will be.

Notes- this is my first Degrassi fanfiction, and I haven't seen all the episodes. I'm trying to keep everyone as in character as possible, but please, give me all the CONSTRUCTIVE criticism you have, and tell me if I've wrote something that conflicts with one of the earlier episodes.

Warnings- if you're truly a homophobic, how do you manage to still watch Degrassi and read Degrassi fics? If it bothers you, leave. In other words, there's slash. But not graphic. Just slash because, well, Marco and Dylan are gay.

Disclaimer- not mine!

Chapter One; When voices conflict

It was a Saturday, the kind with just enough sun, just enough breeze, and just enough excitement in the air. The foamy waves chased children to the shore, while families, couples, and groups sat sprawled in the sand. Marco Del Rosi, Dylan Michelchuck, Ellie Nash, and Sean Cameron should have been in heaven- pure bliss accomplished only by outing such as this. But instead, it was awkward. Ellie and Marco had been planning on doing something together, but when Dylan had asked if Marco would like to drive to the coast with him, he couldn't resist. Dylan had assured him that Ellie was more than welcome to come along, but with a strangely uncomfortable look, she had said she didn't want to be the third wheel. So she invited Sean.
Unfortunately, Sean was still uncomfortable around Marco, and that had only become worse around to homosexuals. Not only was he Ellie's best friend and ex-fake-boyfriend, but also he was gay, which all added up to making Sean antsy. Sean never said anything outright, but the looks he sometimes gave Marco and Dylan and the way he shied away from touching them, was enough to convey his feelings.
Elli felt strange- as if she was supposed to take sides. She knew it still upset Sean sometimes, because he felt so strange and uncomfortable around two boys who were together. But she also knew Marco was a great person and her best friend, and she wasn't sure if she should say something to Sean or not. After all, she would argue with herself, Sean was just uncomfortable with it, and getting used to anything new took time. But, another part of her maintained that he was being rude. She had a headache.
She groaned and fidgeted with her black two-piece suit, which was concealed beneath a long sleeved cover-up. She began to snap her rubber bands. Sean glanced at her, but Marco and Dylan were too caught up in an intense debate about some book or another to notice.
"I just wish that those two would stop flirting for a second and do something. Preferable, something we can all join in on," she said in her quiet voice, with just a touch of coldness. She regretted it immediately.
Sean nodded and said, "I'm glad you can see what I mean now. It's not that I think it's wrong to be gay... they're just so...touchy feely." He put an arm around her unconsciously and grazed his fingers across her neck. "Like they're always around each other and flirting and stuff- like they're normal. And I'm just not ready to see something so- wrong." Sean slid behind her wrapped his arms around her, pulling her close to his chest.
He began to rub his hands on her shoulders and Ellie nodded, "I know you do. But I guess they really like each other..."
"I doubt it," Sean muttered. Ellie turned to look at him sharply, but he wrapped his arms tighter and consolingly kissed her neck. "He was a fool for letting you get away." She smiled softly.
"You two want to get in the water?" Dylan asked, suddenly appearing in front of them, one hand resting comfortably on the small of Marco's back. Marco seemed exceptional pleased, but trembled slightly at the nervous excitement of it. Ellie felt a stab of jealousy- Marco had never trembled with euphoria when he had been dating her, though most of their 'relationship' had been a show. She wasn't jealous, she told herself. She really just didn't like him turning into a puddle of melted nerves at the very mention of Dylan. It was unlike him- he was shy, yes, and had low self-confidence, but he usual managed to stand his own, even if he was terrified. She wasn't jealous.
Ellie shared a significant look with Sean, who was gazing uneasily at the couple. He shook his head slightly.
"I think we'll swim together...alone," Sean said, putting an arm around Ellie slightly. She stiffened only a bit- that had been very rude of Sean, though she did wish Marco wouldn't melt so much around Dylan, or neglect their friendship.
"I think Ellie can make up her own decision." To Ellie's surprise, it was Dylan who had spoken. Marco looked slightly hurt at what must have looked like a brush off.
"I-I think it would be kind of nice to swim with Sean. And that way you two can swim together," she said mildly, but there was a slight chill in her quiet voice. Dylan nodded, satisfied, but Marco was Ellie's best friend and knew her well.
He had been watching her discreetly all day. She had seemed stiff in the car- torn between one relationship (friendship) and another (dating). Then when they had arrived and Dylan had offered to rub sunscreen on Sean's back, she had turned a blind eye as Sean practically scrambled to get away from Dylan's reach. When she had started muttering to Sean, Marco was sure it could only be about one thing-Dylan and he.
"Hey, El, before you go, can I speak with you?" he asked, and she nodded. Marco waved the other two on and walked casually away.
"What's up?" he asked, curious and a bit worried.
"Nothing," she said coolly. Even she didn't know why she was upset.
"Are you sure?"
"Yeah," she said. Marco frowned slightly- she didn't seem fine, but he had picked up on Sean's distrust of him, and didn't want to put Ellie in the middle of it.
"Look, if we're making Sean uncomfortable-"
"Just tone it down a bit," Ellie said, still sounding slightly cold. "It's not the fact that you're gay that bothers him, it just how...feely you two are. He isn't ready for that."
"But he's ready to see any normal couple groping each other in the hallways after school," Marco said, slightly angry. She had been letting Sean be rude all day but hadn't said anything to him. "If he has such a problem with seeing people like me, maybe he shouldn't grope you in public! It's rather hypocritical. Just because he's uncomfortable doesn't mean he has to be rude."
"He's not being rude! He's unnerved!"
"Well he's obviously comfortable enough to practically undress you!" Marco shouted, and stomped off, his ears burning. Ellie gaped after him, cheeks red. People were looking at her. Marco couldn't believe he'd just said that! Barging into the men's bathroom, he slammed a stall door shut and sank heavily to the floor, breathing deeply.
Crying is not an option. Crying is not an option. Crying is NOT an option.
Marco wondered why he was about to cry anyway. Was it because he had snapped at Ellie and said things he didn't mean? Or was it because maybe, just maybe, she was right? He sighed and leaned his head heavily against the stall door.
He wondered later how long he had been in here. He was surprised, really, that Dylan hadn't come to find out what had happened to him, or Sean, to scream at him. He felt bad. He must have really hurt Ellie, which wasn't what he had meant to do when he had asked to talk to her. He had wanted to help.
He glanced at his watch. To his surprise, it had only been ten minutes. Apparently, guilt was a good way to make time slow down.
Suddenly, the door to the bathroom slammed open.
"Del Rosi! You've got to be here...DEL ROSI!" A frantic voice yelled loudly, echoing off the wall. He could hear a snicker from the next stall over.
"What?" he asked quickly. Scrambling to his feet, he pulled the door open and nearly fell face first into one Sean Cameron.
"Come on," he shouted, and took off, barely giving Marco a chance to catch up.
"Where-are we- going?" he panted between gulps of air.
"First aid building," Sean said.
"Why?" Marco asked, alarmed.

So how was it? Please R and R!
