Two Care-free children ran hand and hand through the streets of Manhattan selling newspapers to the occupants of the city. Both of them were Newsies, and very good ones too. No body could resist buying a paper from either one of them.
The two children were a boy and a girl both twelve years old. The boy was Jack Kelley or as some called him "Cowboy". He had chocolate brown eyes and short light brown hair. He wore Dark Pants with suspenders and a gray shirt. He had a red bandana around his neck and a cowboy hat. He was a spunky boy who looked out for himself and others. He was very good with his fists, he had to be. Although quite young he had been on his own for quite some time now. His mother had died when he was seven and his father landed himself in jail that same year. Jack, and orphan, turned to the Newsies of Manhattan for guidance. Newsies all over New York were made up of street rats, runaways, and orphans. With-in two weeks Jack was a pro at selling newspapers.
His selling partner was a little girl who went by the name "Knots". Her mother, a widow sent her to start working as a Newsie when she was nine years old. Her father had died and her mother lost her job, so the family needed some income. Jack gave her the nickname of "Knots" when she first came to work. She was shy and nervous and Jack new she must've had knots in her stomach. She had blonde hair that went past her shoulders and crystal blue eyes. She wore tan pants and brown suspenders with a pink shirt on underneath. She also made her outfit complete with a tan newsboy cap. On her wrist she wore a charm bracelet that only consisted of one charm. A heart. Her father had given her the bracelet before he died. He told her that the heart was a reminder of how much he loved her. Knots was close with her father and took his death very hard. It was months before she spoke. She had lost a part of her. Her eyes appeared glittering but if you really looked at them you could see they were empty. When she met Jack however, her empty spot was filled.
Knots and Jack were each others other half. They were more than just friends. You never saw one without the other. No one else could have a relationship as close as those two. They were like brother and sister but both of them knew there could be something more.

"Hey Knots we'se almost dones sellin fer ta day."
"Thats right Cowboy! Wanna come over to my place fer dinner? Me mum loves it when youse come ova."

Jack grasped Knot's hand and they started walking to her mother's apartment. Jack and knots walked into the apartment and were greeted by warm embraces from Knot's mother.

"Hi mama" Knots handed her mother the money she had collected from that day's work.
"Hiya baby. Hiya Cowboy! Looks like you both sold very well today. Cowboy would you like to stay for dinner?"
"yes please....if its alright"
"Why Jack I wouldn't have it any other way." Knot's mother was a fine educated woman. She was independent and loved to live life. But you could tell that she missed not having a husband around.

The three of them had a nice dinner together. They laughed, told stories, played cards, and watched Jack show off by doing rope tricks. When it was time to go knots gave jack a big hug.

"Meet youse infront of da lodging house tomorrow cowboy?"

Jack nodded and left knots in her apartment with her mother.

"Mama, whats da matta? Youse looks worried or something."

"I need to talk to you about something sweetie."