I have not updated in a while, so I know you all are making it to my house with pitchforks and torches, just whatever you do, DON'T HURT MY KITTY!!!!! O.O I'm ok...I think... ((Other me: No she's not..)) Shut up you!!!!! -runs around like a raving lunatic- ((Other me: See what I mean?)) BWAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!

Disclaimer: sings Myth no own Cowboy Bebop Bebop!!!!!!!

Plot: I don't really have much of a plot, I just thought it would be fun to see what would happen in a S/F relationship, with Faye as an overprotected princess, and Spike as a ruthless pirate. So, we will just write this as it pops into my head! ((Other me: Which is basically what you do anyway.)) Hush! They aren't supposed to know about that! ((Other me: Who cares?)) They do!! -Throws the Other me into a box and sends it to Taiwan- ((Other me: O.O --''''''))


Chapter 1: Do I look like I have a title yet?

Faye sighed as she stood on her balcony, her thick dress twisting in the wind behind her. She stared out in front of her, over the wall that was meant to protect her from the dangers of the outside world. The world of peasants, wizards, wild animals, and worst of all, pirates. Faye for one did not understand why she needed to be protected from her people, but she had learned over the years not to argue with the King and Queen over that.

She jumped slightly when her cat, Jax, jumped up next to her. "Jax, don't scare me like that." She said as she stroked the calico's head gently. "What do you think, Baby, will I ever get out from inside this wall?" Ever since she was ten, and she had climbed her first tree that let her out the wall, she has always wanted to go out again. But, the King and Queen had cut down all the trees any where near the wall, and posted a permanent guard at her door and windows at all times. She had attempted many escapes in the past few years, but only succeeded in gaining more guards, and less time out of the castle.

She had few friends; her best friend in the world though, was one of the guards that had the afternoon post at her door. He had always done anything that she had wanted him to do, even just sit there and talk to her, it can get really lonely sitting in that big room all the time. That's why her parents got her Jax, he was born blind, so when she went to go pick out the cat she wanted, he touched her heart. The grey calico is now fat, and loves to run around and into walls.

She sighed again and watched the sun sink below the wall which was her cue to start getting ready for dinner. She usually just ate alone, but tonight was a special night; it was the Queen's birthday, so she had to eat with the King and Queen at the Grand Ball tonight. They were also using this as an introduction to the princes from the surrounding kingdoms. She hated these gatherings, the King and Queen had always had their eyes on this one prince, the prince from the neighboring kingdom: Prince Vicious. She despised him; he always had this, cold and distant aura surrounding him, like he was up to something. But he had always found ways to dance with her, to make himself be the top suitor for her, and he had always succeeded, the King and Queen loved him. Faye saw him for what he really was though, and all she had to do was look into those foreboding eyes. Just the thought of him always sent a shiver down her spine.

She decided just to forget about him, maybe he wouldn't come tonight. She walked over to her closet and opened it, eyeing all the dresses that she had. What would she wear tonight? She eventually decided on a green, floor length dress that brought out her emerald green eyes. The back was low, as was the front; the fabric was thin, with chiffon sleeves, which was the style in the hot summer weather. Quickly pulling a brush through her silky violet strands of hair, she pulled it up into a bun, strands of hair framing the sides of her face. After practicing her curtsey for the King and Queen in the mirror, she started walking haughtily to the door, when she heard the first carriage pull up. She rushed to the window to see who it was and her heart sunk into her stomach as she saw the all to familiar silver haired prince step out of the elaborate carriage, it was Prince Vicious, the one man she didn't want to see come tonight.

Suddenly, the door flew open and Jacob ran in, sword drawn. "Princess, are you alright? I heard you scream!" Faye looked confused but then noticed her hand at her mouth. She had screamed, at the sight of Prince Vicious.

"Y-yes, Jacob, I am alright. Don't worry, when do the King and Queen want me downstairs?" She asked, fidgeting a little.

"They told Commander Jet, as soon as possible. They want you to be down there to greet all of the guests."

"I figured as much." She responded, disappointment clear in her voice. Quickly walking past Jacob, she exited the room and headed down the stairs to the sure night of torment that awaited her.


Okay, I know that you all are probably thinking right now, gee this is going to be really stupid, but as I have started writing this, I have ideas for what can happen next, believe me, it won't be boring for long. smile Well, please review!!! I'll give an ice cream cone to anyone who does!!!! -happily holds up an ice cream scoop and points to 3 million pounds of ice cream, with a stupid smile on her face- ((Other me: I don't know her...)) You're apart of me, so of course you know me. Newho, icecream anyone?
