One morning.......

-Hey! Kakashi- sensei! Can we PLEASE stop now?! – Naruto groaned while seating on the ground exhausted trying to catch a breath, the three young chuunins looked dusty and sweat while grasping for some air after five hours of running, tree climbing and falling.-We're never gonna catch that stupid bird!! – Naruto continued while pointing to a nearby tree.- Please let's stop, I'm begging you!

-Naruto......-Kakashi sighed-'re sixteen now and you're still whining about such simple tasks, go ahead and keep trying, we cannot leave without it...- He said now without taking his eyes off his favorite book, " Icha Icha Paradise."

- (Damn it!)- Naruto thought while remembering what that fat lady had said......- ("You let my baby escape now you better bring him back safe and sound! Or otherwise you're gonna have to work as my servant your whole life just to pay for it, you have no idea how much my baby costs, blah, blah, blah, blah....")- Naruto couldn't remember the rest......

Twenty minutes later.....

-Damn it! Come here you goddamn bird! Come here before I smack the crap out of you!-Naruto groaned once again, he was now standing on the tree branch, walking carefully towards the peaceful bird just some centimeters away.......

-Be quiet Naruto, or it's gonna go away...- Sakura who was behind him whispered.

-(What the hell...This is a complete waste of time.)- Sasuke who was really pissed off thought while walking under the tree branch- ( I'll just catch the freaking bird from here and get this over with...)- He kept walking until he was right under the bird, he leaned, the bird was practically on his hands now, when suddenly...

-GOTCHA!!! –Naruto threw himself against the bird

-Naruto no! - Sakura reached to his hand as he hanged down.

-You idiot! – Sasuke groaned- Let go of my leg!

-I can't or I'll fall!!- Naruto kicked the air.

-Just fall then!

Sakura held to Naruto's right hand while he hanged down the tree with his left hand holding tight onto Sasuke's right leg.

-Damn it....let go or you'll make me lose balance! – Sasuke said, but too late, Naruto's hand had already slipped from his leg pulling him on his way down but with out letting go of Sakura's hand.

Naruto landed hard on the floor, a big crash was heard, his face buried on the ground, Sasuke in top of him facing forward and Sakura in top of him face to face....the bird definitely flew away.

-Ouch....that must've hurt- Kakashi said while turning around.

-This is bullshit...- Naruto moaned.

: O:

Kiba, Shino and Hinata, quietly stood behind a wall ready to attack at any second, finally an interesting mission ahead...

-I'm ready...- The woman who was the owner of the house said, she was actually terrified...

-Alright, just open...- Kiba responded, the door was slowly opened, and a very well furnished room was shown...apparently nobody was there............

The four sneaked into the house and leaned down behind a big sofa. – Be careful- The woman said almost crying – Don't worry ma'am...- Kiba said- many did you see?

-Hundreds! They're enormous and nasty!

-Huh? – Kiba asked confused- (A hundred burglars in this small house?)

-Aaaaaaaaggggghhh!!!!!!!!!!!- The screams of the woman interrupted his thoughts, she quickly ran towards a table and stood in top of it, under the confused looks of the three.....

-But ma'am what are you doing?- Kiba asked

-Aaaaaaaagggghhh!!!!!! There goes another one!!!! Kill 'em!!! – She desperately jumped and pointed to the floor.......................................................mice.......................................................

Three big sweat drops fell down their faces as they put a dumb face..............

-Now, now! Don't y'all just stay there and watch! Kill them now!!! There are three brooms in the kitchen that should make your work easier! And you're fast right? So hurry up and kill them off!!

-Damn it....what kind of freaking game is this!?! – Kiba groaned full of anger while holding his fist

-Um..........Kiba-kun........let's .........let's just do it okay?- Hinata said shyly- I won't be that hard right?

-..................Tsk.........fine, let's just finish with this quick............

-Oh by the way, the whole house is full, so I recommend you to split up, don't worry my little friend will help you out- The woman said while taking out a magazine.......a cat appeared behind her, Kiba's eyes widened - A....a cat?- He backed away

-Yes, isn't he cute? - The cat jumped off the table and walked up to Kiba, Akamaru started to bark crazily.....

-Hinata get it away from me! – Kiba yelled while hiding behind Hinata, he knew the cat was about to attack.

-Oh Kiba-kun...don't worry, he's gonna help us....right little fella?-Hinata hugged the little animal.

-Enough chitchat get on with the work!- The woman ordered.

Twenty minutes later............

Hits and crashes could be heard from outside of the house; anybody who would've been passing by could've thought a terrible fight was going on.

-Die! Die already! - Kiba groaned to the already dead animal while hitting it with the broom- Damn this is endless! Hey Shino! How could you not be doing anything? - He said while trying to catch a breath, to the guy that leaned against the wall.

-Don't worry about me....

-Yeah, yeah, your bugs are probably doing the work...


-Damn you're lucky! – Kiba walked up to the second floor were Hinata was- How ya doing Hinata?

-Not too well...they're fast...

-No prob, I'll help ya out.

The woman who laid outside on the grass along with the lazy cat who wasn't helping at all, saw a big bunch of bugs coming out the door carrying along with them a big amount of dead rats and mouses.....- What the...? Come on Tira (The cat) let's go check on them! – When she entered the house, what she saw? It was a complete mess, tables, chairs and sofas upside down, pictures and vases laid broken on the floor along with a whole bunch of other stuff.

-Aaaggghhh!!!!!! MY HOUSE! – Hinata, Kiba and Akamaru quickly ran down the stairs

-MY HOUSE! WHAT HAVE YOU DONE TO MY HOUSE YOU BEASTS!!!!!- Hinata quickly blushed and looked down the floor

-We're.......we're......really sor.......

-NOTHING! – Kiba interrupted- You told us to kill the mice and we did! Why are you complaining! Our job is done here!! – The woman gave them a deadly glare

- dare you? HOW DARE YOU?! TIRA ATTACK!!!- The woman yelled and the cat jumped on the air

-Huh? - Kiba said while watching the cat jump towards him- Aaaaggghhh!!!!- The cat landed straight on his face and started scratching him to death- Akamaru! Get it off me!!!!- Akamaru quickly jumped and bit the cat.

-Kiba- kun!- Hinata gasped while watching at his teammate bleeding face.

-We're outta here.- Shino said while rushing out of the house.

-AND I'M NOT PAYING YA!!!!!-The woman yelled at the three chuunins as they ran outside..............all that work for nothing.......

-Oh my, Kiba what happened to you? - Kurenai asked.

-So guys, how was the mission?

Hinata looked down the floor, Shino let out a slight sigh....

- It was bullshit.....- Kiba groaned.

So guys, what do you think so far? Reviews please? Oh and thanks for reading!