The music from her walkman blared through her headphones as Pan trudged down the road, bobbing her head to the beat and mouthing the words of her favorite song. The chains on her pants jangled as it hit her leg, her hands tucked in the pocket of her hoody. The hair was tangled and messed up from the wind that blew through it. Anyone who saw her would say she was your average teen. To some extents she was.

Silhouettes above the cradle hold me down

they won't let me go the wrong way

my mother taught me all the fables, told me how

in the end all the sinners have to pay


She had dreams. As everyone does. Dreams to become someone, dreams to carve her own path through life. But those dreams would only remain dreams. She already had a path, ready made by her parents. A path so similar to her mothers, so alike to her father. Success, fame, fortune without mistakes.

I don't wanna live like my mother

I don't wanna let fear rule my life

and I don't wanna live like my father

I don't wanna give up before I die

The path of the town was soon worn down to a dirt road, the buildings replaced by trees. Pan kept on walking, obvious to her surroundings. The music still continued, the chains still jangled. To her, she was alone, with nothing but her music as company. A smile appeared on her face, twisted, sick. Not the happy smile that would have been there years ago.

he worked so hard his bones are breaking

he wore them down but long ago he lost the feeling

his good intentions leave me shaking, show me how

I don't ever want to end up like he did


The consent pushing of her parents had broken her spirits. Her dreams were her only comfort as a child and now, since she was deny them, she had lost hope. The hope in life, the hope in a future had die, along with her dreams. The sparkle in her eyes, the truth in laughter had disappeared. You were lucky to get a smile from Pan now a day.

I don't wanna live like my mother

I don't wanna let fear rule my life

And I don't wanna live like my father

I don't wanna give up before I die

The forest that stood around pan was thinning out, slowly. Again, Pan didn't notice. The music still blared, the chains still jangled, her head still bobbed, her lips still moved and hands were still tucked away in her pocket. She tucked her hair back behind an ear, turning her music up full blasted with the other, blocking out the crash of the waves.

If I have kids

I won't put any chains on their wrists, I won't

I'll tell them this

there's nothing in this world that you can't be

if you want it enough

The dirt path Pan was walking along had broken out into grass that stood on a cliff. Waves crashed against the cliff, spray few up into the air. The air was damn and the wind was cold. Still, pan kept on walking, towards the cliff edge. She kept on walking, until the ground beneath her gave way and her feet met air.

I don't wanna live like my mother

I don't wanna let fear rule my life

and I don't wanna live like my father

I don't wanna give up before I die

The rocks were stained with crimson that was slowly being washed away. The jangle of the chains could still be heard as the waves crashed against them and her hair was still being whipped about. Her hands rested in her pockets and her lips were still. The music was dying, the beat was slowly fading and the words ran into each other until nothing but an inaudible noise could be heard.