Back from Mexico was incredible to say the least...
Heres a story, not sure if its any good, but alas...
"No one ever comes to any of my services, I'm not very magnetic." –Father Mulcahy ----
But on his way, he saw that the camp chaplain was wondering away from camp. He had to make a decision to follow or continue to his refuge, the still. He made the choice...
He jogged over to the priest and tapped him on the shoulder.
"You're deserting and you didn't even ask me to come along?"
The priest sniffled a bit, seemingly wiping his face and turned around. "Ah, Hawkeye, so good to see you, well no I'm not deserting, just taking a jog."
"Pretty slow jog from what I can see."
"I like to start out walking, warms up my legs." He turned back around and started to walk away.
"You want company?" He cringed with his reply, his desire still back at the SWAMP with the still.
"No that's quite alright, you're tired, thank you for the offer though Hawkeye." He started away again.
Hawkeye scratched his head and watched for a few seconds more. Feeling a bit helpless and very tired, he wandered back to his tent, still keeping the Father in the back of his mind.
The next morning came quickly. Actually it was more like afternoon, but who was keeping track?
"Breakfas—lunch time Hawk!" Trapper seemed to scream at his bunkmate.
"It's tomorrow already? What happened to yesterday...or for that matter, today?"
Trapper smirked. "Here's some mouth wash."
Hawkeye took the martini glassed and stared at it for a few seconds. "Nah, my tongue hates me right now..."
"It's gonna hate you even more after you see what we're having for lunch..." --
Time passed slowly, casualties weren't expected for days as their was a lull in the fighting.
Hawkeye and Trapper took to strolling around camp scrounging for nurses. Until one of them noticed something different...
"What day is it today?" Hawkeye asked stopping in his tracks.
Trapper snapped his fingers. "Sunday...why?"
"Something's different around here, I know it."
"Yeah there's no casualties, that's what!" He started to continue walking but Hawkeye put up a hand to stop him.
"Never mind." He replied. And the two separated as Trapper retreated to the SWAMP for a drink. And Hawkeye for the second time that day had declined.
He found himself in front of the Chaplains tent when Henry came storming towards him.
"Pierce! We got a problem..."
"You can say that again." He replied turning around.
"We got a problem..."
"What is it Henry?" He rolled his eyes at his CO.
"Father Mulcahy is missing...there was no services held today and we can't find him anywhere." He said with hands firmly on his hips
"Well don't look at me I didn't take him."
"What are you doing outside his tent?"
"Don't know actually, just thought I'd say hi, he was taking a late jog last night, and he seemed a little bothered by something."
"In what direction?"
Hawkeye pointed. "It didn't seem like that big of a deal at the time."
Before he put his hand down, Radar announced the Fathers disappearance over the PA.
The camp was in a silent uproar, all a bit worried, searching the camp inside and out. Search patrols were sent out within the hour and Hawkeye had volunteered to lead one out. Hawkeye didn't volunteer for much, but he felt...sort of...responsible.
Frank Burns had even taken a crew out to search, while Trapper and Henry stayed behind.
The crews were out till dusk with no luck. They could only go so far.
That night at the 4077th was quiet. No one showed up for the movie night or happy hour, they all just sat in their tents. One particular Captain, struggling for some absolution.
"You couldn't have known Hawk." Trapper replied lying down on his cot.
"Sure, the reason I went after him in the first place was because I thought he might go out too far but I was to damn concerned with the still I didn't even pay attention..."
"Look, either we find him or we don't, either way, you keep blaming yourself and you're gonna find yourself taking a late night jog like the Father did."
"That's reassuring, thank you..." He said harshly, getting up to walk out.
"Hawk...I didn't mean..." He couldn't finish, as the door shut to end his words.
The Captain found himself staring off to where he'd last seen the Father. He hadn't prayed since elementary school, but desperate times called for desperate measures.
Days passed and there was still no sign of the Father. No body, no sightings, no nothing. Casualties had begun to roll in and things had started to get back to its miserable state of normality.
Hawkeye and Trapper had set out their chairs and sat outside their tent, martini glasses in hand.
"I miss him." Hawkeye retorted taking a sip.
"Me too." Trapper replied solemnly.
Radar suddenly appeared in front of them, as usual.
"Sirs, you're not gonna believe this..."
Please review, it helps me, help you - TLH †