Chapter 21

It has been a month since her brother's burial. Robin took her usually walk at the park. She moved in with Amon and will be starting school soon. Robin sat down on her favorite bench which faces a large iron sculpture of two lovers intertwined. It was her resting point during her early evening walk around the park. The sunset was light and fragile yet still conveyed brilliance to the world. The frail ray emitted across the soft blade of grass. The wind's chill reminded her that Autumn was not far away. She looked above at the tree that gave her shade. The leaves were showing the subtle hints of the changing season. Robin was captivated by the whirling leaves and trash that blew around her until they landed on the grass.

Robin pulled her trenchcoat tighter around her body. She looked down at the old jeans that she was wearing and smiled to herself. Amon had warn her to get rid of all her old clothes but she didn't. Eventhough money was no longer an object of her worry she kept her thriftiness. A young man passed by her and smiled at her appreciatively. Without thinking she fiddled with the necklace she had worn since Antonio's death. She looked down at the diamond ring Amon had given to her. She thought of her and Amon's relationship. Amon had asked her to be his wife the night of her brother's death . He didn't want to wait any longer. They will be married a year from when they met. A warm feeling engulfed her.

The sun had started to set in the Tokyo skyline, like a fire hitting water, the radiance of the sun disappeared, leaving telltale sign in the darkening sky. Robin looked at her watch and stood up to head back home to Amon.

Amon as usual was waiting for her to get home. He saw her old beat up Honda Civic drive up. He shook his head. He had 20 very expensive cars that she can choose to drive and she pulls in with that stupid car. Robin had cried when he had threatened to take it to pound because it was an eye soar to the neighborhood. He was hoping the police might pull her over and give her a citation because of the noise pollution it was causing. Robin's strange attachment to the car was because of the nostalgic memory of her brother that still lingers within the vehicle.

Robin walked in and gave Amon a big kiss on the lips ignoring his gloomy disposition. Dinner was already made and they both sat down to feast. They heard the phone ring and the maid had walked in and gave the phone to Robin.

"It's your Doctor." Robin smiled and grabbed the phone.

She wasn't feeling very good the last couple of days and couldn't hold food down. Amon concerned made her see a doctor. She knew it was from exhaustion but to shut him up she obliged.

Amon was watching Robin. He noticed Robin's face grow pale. Robin was just saying "Hai" ever so often and then she hung up the phone.

"So what is it?" Amon asked curiously

"Did you have a stomach flu? dehydration? What?" Amon continued

Robin looked over her food. She didn't look up to meet his gaze.

"Robin, what's wrong?" Amon finally screamed out

Robin stood up upset. She ignored Amon and ran into their room. Amon rolled his eyes. Robin had been so emotional lately. Amon was not use to keeping his anger in control and he seems to always end up screaming at her. Amon waited an hour until he went up to Robin.

The room was dark and only one glowing candle was lit by the windowsill. The moon was bright enough to cast the shadow of Robin's body on the bed. She was facing away from him. Amon disrobed and slipped in bed. Amon grabbed Robin and pulled her to him.

He slowly began kissing her neck and caressing seductively Robin's body while undressing her. Amon was teasing Robin's body to the point where she thought she will surely explode, and her body was begging for the release. Amon touched all around the spots she wanted to be touched, but not quite giving her what she wanted. He took his time and moved slowly. He had touched every part of her and looked into her eyes. Robin stared back into his eyes and she felt his body tighten when he touched her with his manhood. He plunged deep into her causing her to gasp for more. Robin pushed Amon down on the bed and took the dominant position. Amon smiled at her. Robin had learned that she can reach her height of pleasure by being on top. She moved her body, riding on Amon until she finally reached her peak. She collapsed on top of him. Amon held Robin and was playing with her hair. Robin faced Amon and proceeded to trace the lines of his face with her finger tips.

"Is something wrong Robin?" Amon took her hand and kissed her fingers.

"Maybe, I guess it all depends on you?" Robin whispered

"Robin please quit beating around the bush and spill it." Amon told her with controlled patience.

"I don't have the stomach flu, I have something else in my stomach." Robin told him cautiously

"Robin for god's sake, spill it"

"I'm carrying your baby."

Amon's eyes widened. He sat silent for a while. He started to laugh. He grabbed Robin and hugged her.

"You silly little girl, did you think I would get mad about you being pregnant."

Robin nodded.

"Well, we will just have to move up the wedding plans" Amon told her happily.

He gave her long deep kiss which led to more lovemaking that night.

This is the last chapter. Thank you for all the gracious reviews. I will be writing in under Red Orchid on Fiction Press.