Espio's Little Sister

Before we start this fic, lemme just say that this idea wasn't created by me. This story was inspired by an idea created by my friend and fellow author, Skye Agony. She deserves a lot of the credit and I couldn't make this story without her. Thanks a lot, Skye! She has created 4 original characters and an original concept. I don't own anything in this story. I do not own any Sonic characters or any of the original characters in this story. Just wanted to tell ya real quick. Now... Let's get started!

A mild wind blew through the somewhat, dying White Jungle. The once lush jungle, thanks to the explosion of the G.U.N. Military Base, was now nearly reduced to a complete wasteland. A small glimmer of blue light shined under some dirt near a dead tree. The wind covered the object causing the shine. It was the Blue Chaos Emerald, glowing with a bright blue aura. The aura was a tiny creature, eagerly awaiting the one who would release it from the emerald. Soon, that person would arrive...

Chapter One:
Hello Espirit!

The morning sun slowly rose over the tall buildings of Station Square. Most of everyone was waking up to go to work, school, or just plainly enjoy the upcoming day. But in the Mystic Ruins, in a old, run down shack, a certain group of detectives were trying hard to sleep past the entire morning. Espio, Vector, and Charmy, after the events of Sonic Heroes, decided to spend less time working and more time relaxing. Espio slept face down in his bed while trying to keep the morning light out of his eyes. His radio clock struck 7:00 and an all too familiar voice and air horn shocked him awake.


"Rise and shine, you little jerks!" The radio DJ's voice always annoyed Espio in the morning. "It's a great day to be outside, so get outta your dumb beds and greet the day!" Espio slowly got out of bed and rubbed his eyes. "Your favorite DJ and owner of W.A.R.T. radio, Gamer, has the weather for ya! It's nice and sunny over at the Square with temperatures in the mild 70s. So unless you're a freakin' sloth, you'll enjoy this one!" Espio opened his window and, of course, the sunlight was bright. "Sure beats all the snow, huh? Now for traffic..."

Espio yawned. "What couldn't they make the morning later in the day?" Espio put on his favorite leather jacket and shoes. He made his bed and walked towards his personal bathroom.

"So stay the heck offa Highway 31 unless you're EXTREMELY patience, which I know you aren't!" Gamer's voice boomed on the radio again. "Now in case you're still in bed, time for some hard, deafening ROCK!" Drowning Pool's Step Up started to play.

"If ya wanna step up! Step up! You're gonna get knock down!"

Espio walked out of the bathroom and hit the radio's "off" button. "I hate that song!"

Vector walked into the living room apartment with a loud yawn.

"Mornin' Charmy..." He greeted the bumblebee lying on the couch.

Charmy didn't bother to reply since he was too deep into his usual morning cartoons to even hear Vector. The crocodile adjusted his gold chain and walked to the kitchen to make a pot of coffee. There was a loud knock at the front door. {KNOCK KNOCK} He walked over to it and slightly opened it since the chain latch was still on.

"What's up?" He said tiredly. There were two little old ladies outside the door.

"Good morning, young man." One of them said sweetly. "Are you prepared for Jehovah's return? Because if you aren't, I have a pamphlet here that will..." She was interrupted by the sound of Vector slamming the door shut. "Well... screw you..." She muttered angrily. The ladies turn away and walked further away from the shack.

Charmy was laughing uncontrollably at the TV. He struggled to keep himself from falling off the couch. "That Christopher Julius kills me!" He said in between laughs. "HEY!" He shouted towards the kitchen. "When's breakfast? I'm starved!"

Espio stuck his head out of the doorway of the kitchen. "Hold on, will ya!" He shouted back. "I'm making it!" He went back inside.

"I know! The smell of burning food made it clear!"

"Shut up!"

Espio was busy making breakfast while still listening to the radio.

"It's now time for Daily Complaints!" DJ Gamer voice came out of it. "Today's complaint. People who have to pay hundreds of dollars to alter clothes to make sure that no one can wear it but them. If I wanted to alter my pants, I'd wear a !#$% belt!"

Vector walked in and took a whiff of the air. "Judging by the smoke... Burnt eggs for breakfast today?"

"Shut up, Vector!" Espio snapped back. "At least we got food to eat." He didn't notice what was happening to the eggs.

"The eggs are on fire." Vector said calmly.

"WHOA!" Espio shouted and tried to beat out the flames with a rag.

Vector walked up to the shelf and pulled out a box of baking soda. He poured it all over the fire and put it out. "We should keep more of this stuff handy." Just as he said that, black smoke filled the room again. It was coming from the toaster. "That toast is gonna be mighty crispy." Espio panicked and grabbed a fork. He ran to the toaster. "NO!" He ignored Vector's shout of protest and stabbed the bread inside the toaster. Sparks flew out of it and blew out the power all over the apartment.

"HEY!" Charmy shouted from inside the living room. "The TV's won't come on!"

"Pizza again?" Vector asked.

"Yeah..." Espio replied.

The three detectives were in the living room having, for the 3rd time this week, a Little Nero's pizza for breakfast. Espio and Charmy were enjoying it, but Vector seemed bored.

"I like pizza as much as the next croc," He started to say. "But times a week is too much."

"Would ya rather have Chinese?" Espio replied.

"I mean I want a home cooked meal, like Mama Croc used to make."

"Yeah, too bad she threw ya outta the swamp!" Charmy joked.

"Why don't ya go have a date with a bug zapper?" An irritated Vector growled back.

"That reminds me..." Espio got up from the couch. "I gotta get goin'. I got a date today and she's gonna meet me at Twinkle Park, and I don't wanna keep her waiting."

"She wouldn't happen to have a sister, would she?" Vector asked.

"If not, you can always grab your other date." Charmy said. "The inflatable one!"

"That's it, Buzz Boy!" Vector jumped over the coffee table and grabbed Charmy in a sleeper hold.

"Ack!" Charmy was being strangled. "Uncle! Uncle!"

"Not this time..." Vector tightened the grip.

{KNOCK KNOCK} There was a knock on the door.

"I got it..." Espio walked to the door.

"Kay!" Vector turned his head away for a second and Charmy was gone. "Huh?" He heard Charmy's bedroom door slam and lock. He quickly ran to the door and started pounding on it. "You gotta come out sometime, kid!"

Espio opened the door. Standing outside was a man in a brown uniform holding a yellow paper.

"Can I help ya?" The chameleon asked the man.

"I have a telegram for a Mister Espio the Chameleon." The man said.

"That's me."

"Alright..." The man pulls out of his pocket a penny whistle and blows a small note off it. "Ohhhhhhhh..." He starts singing and tap-dancing. "Dear Big Brother, Espi! Stop! Today, you're gonna see me! Stop! Looking forward for it! Stop! Signed, your little sister, Espirit! Stop!" The guy stops singing and holds out his hand for a tip. Espio slams the door in his face. "Cheapskate..." He mutters.

"Wow..." Espio was stunned. He hasn't seen his sister for 3 years. He remembered all the fun they used to have. Running towards the woods, playing on the beach, and teaching her new games and important facts. He also remember the day when Eggman took him away from all that...

One day, when he was 12, he was playing with his sister in the forest, when the "Flying Egg" appeared. Eggman demanded that the two of them go with him, or he would take them. Espirit was scared, but Espio stood his ground. He told him that he would NEVER allow himself to be taken captive. Eggman flew towards them at an insane speed and fired a tractor beam. Espio pushed his sister out of the way and was taken captive, pulled into a small cage. He looked in horror as he sister was crying her eyes out in fear. Espio begged Eggman to spare her, and that she was just a little girl, and didn't deserve this. Eggman decided to leave her and flew away, with Espio as his captive. Espio watched his sister crying for, "Espi! Espi!" He waved goodbye and like that, was out of her life and her out of his.

If it weren't for Knuckles, the red dreadlocked Echidna, rescuing him from Eggman's Base, he would've been turned into a robot, forced to fight against his will. He swore to return to Espirit at any cost. But... he felt he owed a debt to Knuckles for his rescue. He stayed with him and helped him destroy Egg Base after Egg Base, freeing many animals, including a swingin' croc, and a hyper bee. Thus forming the Chaotix. The three of them, a year later parted from Knuckles to open their own detective agency. But there isn't a night where Espio wished to see his sister again.

But now, she has found him! And she would be visiting today! He was incredibly happy on both the outside and the inside. His smile could light up the whole shack, the whole Mystic Ruins!

Vector walked in, out of breath and sweating. "We shouldn't have given the little brat a door with a lock!" Vector noticed Espio's smile. "You look unusually happy. Did ya win the lotto of somethin'? We could use the cash."

"I gotta cancel my date today..." Vector said.

"Really?" Vector grinned. "I'll go tell her and ease her sorrow by dating her!" Vector started to run to the door, but Espio tripped him and made him hit the floor. "Ow!"

"I'll call her..." Espio said sternly. "My little sister is coming to visit today, so we need to clean this house."

"What!?" Vector was shocked at the word "clean." "What's wrong with the house now?"

The couches were torn, the floor was dirty, pizza boxes and burger wrappers littered the room, windows were filthy, basically the room was a huge wreak. Espio looked at Vector annoyed.

"Alright! But just 'cause your sis is comin' today."

"Thanks." Espio smiled. "CHARMY!" He called out. "We're gonna clean the house! Get out here!"

Charmy nervously walked out the room holding a bat in his hands (or paws, or whatever bees have. He's wearing gloves anyway.) "Is it safe now?"

The White Jungle was having a really bad storm, but that didn't stop the one called Eggman. He got a reading that a Chaos Emerald was somewhere near there, and he was gonna find. At least, that's what he was hoping.

"The signal is getting closer..." He said to himself. His special Egg Transportation Device had a build in Chaos Emerald locator. When he got really close to a full-grown tree, the signal started beeping. The emerald he was seeking was up the tree. "Found it!" He fires a small crane claw into the leaves of the tree. When they reached inside, a loud and irritated, "HEY!" could be heard from the top. Eggman retracted the crane and saw that someone had tied it into knots. "What?"

Suddenly, a shadowy figure jumped out of the tree. It looked like an animal, had big fists and had some dreadlocks.

"Is that you... Knuckles!" Eggman shouted furiously. "Even when it isn't that hedgehog, it's always YOU who are the one..." The shadowy figure stepped forward and to Eggman's shock, it wasn't Knuckles.

It was a white echidna with blue rings around his dreadlocks. He also had bright blue eyes. He had in his hands a red jewel. The Red Chaos Emerald! "Any reason that you woke me from my nap, tubby?" He said with a sneer.

Eggman laughed at his own foolishness. "Pardon me! For a minute, I considered you a threat!"

"What if I am? You did disturb my sleep."

Eggman then noticed the object the echidna held. "Hey! That's a Chaos Emerald!"

"So it is."

"I demand you to hand it to me!" Eggman held out his hand for the echidna to give it to him. "Do it and you won't get hurt!"

"I will not, and still won't get hurt!" He snapped back at Eggman.

Eggman laughed evilly. "I wouldn't bet on that!" Eggman snapped his fingers and instantly, 10 robots all jumped out of the grass and flew towards the echidna.

"Huh." After a few punches and arm slashes, the robots were reduced to piles of steel and wires.

Eggman growled. "You wish you haven't done that... "With a press of a switch, the egg mobile he was riding transformed into the Egg Stomper. "Last chance! Hand me the..."

Before Eggman could finish, the echidna shouted with a loud yell, "FIRETHROAT!" Suddenly, his red emerald started to glow with a red aura.

"Firethroat?" The puzzled Eggman said. Suddenly, a large red, serpent Dragon flew out of the emerald. He shot out of his mouth a large fireball that destroyed the Egg Stomper's leg and sent Eggman flying. His screams echoed as flew so far and fast, he disappeared with a small flash of light.

"Do you think we're seen the last of him, master?" The large dragon asked the echidna.

"Somehow, I doubt it. But right now, return to the emerald." The dragon flew back into the glowing emerald and disappeared into it. The aura slowly stopped. The white echidna climbed back up the tree and fell back asleep.

Back at the Mystic Ruins, The Chaotix were busy cleaning their shack for Espio's little sister. Well, almost all of them...

Charmy was sitting on the couch, still watching and laughing at cartoons. Espio walked in and threw rag and bottle of window cleaner at Charmy.

"I thought you were washing the windows." Espio said.

"I did!" Charmy pointed to the windows. On the inside, they were crystal clear, but outside, dirt completely covered them.

"You hafta do more than just one side! C'mon! We gotta finish up!" Espio walked back into the kitchen.

"Can do." Charmy got up and walked over to the black and white picture TV and started to wipe the screen. After he was done, the TV picture actually had color. "I didn't know this was a color TV."

Vector was busy using a pointy stick to pick up all the garbage and put it in a plastic bag he was carrying. He put a burger box in the now completely full bag. "Need another one." He tied the bag shut and put it on top of a really tall pile of already full plastic bags.

Espio was in charge of cleaning the bathroom. He hasn't been inside this bathroom since he had his own private one built next to his room. When he opened the door, he nearly fainted. "Gak!' He shouted in disgust. "What died in there?" He put on a gas mask and started to spray the room with air freshener. "I think we need a priest for this..."

Charmy's room was completely clean. His floor was clean and his bed was made. Espio walked in to check it out and was impressed. Until he noticed the window was open and everything on the shelves were gone. "CHARMY!" All of Charmy's things were thrown out the window and covered with a blanket.

Charmy walked in. "Well it's clean..."

Vector was now mopping the floor. After a while, he stopped and got an idea. He ran outside and ran back with a garden hose in his hands.

Charmy and Espio walked into the living room. "NO! WAIT!" They shouted. Vector turned on the water on full blast and soaked the entire living room, and Charmy and Espio. They were soaking wet and looked at him annoyed. Vector just laughed sheepishly. Espio shook his head dry and Charmy spit out some water.

The cleaning process took hours, but the end result was worth it. The entire shack was like knew. "Were done!" Charmy said excitedly.

"Looks good." Vector admitted.

KNOCK KNOCK! There was a knock at the door.

"It's her!" Espio ran to the door and opened it. Suddenly, a tiny chameleon tackled him to the ground.

"BIG BROTHER ESPI!" The little chameleon squealed in delight. She was only half as tall as Espio, had pink scales, and yellow ribbons on her head and tail. She also had in her arms a brown chubby stuffed toy dog that looked kinda ratty and old.

"ESPIRIT!" Espio shouted in happiness. He gave her a big hug and helped himself up.

"I missed you sooooooooooo much!"

"I missed you, too!"

"What are we going to do first, Espi!" Espirit was jumping up and down excitedly.

"She got more energy that you." Vector said to Charmy. Espirit stopped jumping and looked at Vector. Vector gave her his big smile. She ran behind Espio and hid behind him.

"Scary..." She said.

"What?" Vector sad sadly.

Charmy laughed out loud. "Don't blame yourself! You got a face that could scare pit bulls away!"

"Espirit's just a little shy." Espio told the others. "This is her first time outside her home."

Espirit her head from behind Espio and looked at Vector again. "Are you a monster?"

Charmy laughed even louder. "I don't know... Are ya?"

"Sez the giant freak bee." The annoyed Vector said.

Espio turned to his little sister. "It's okay. He won't hurt you. Why don't you introduce yourself?"

Espirit stopped hiding and looked at Vector and Charmy. "My name is Espirit and I'm 7 and a half."

"I'm Vector the Crocodile! Number one head honcho of the Ruins!"

"Don't you know it's not nice to lie to a little kid?" Charmy replied. "My name's Charmy Bee. Cool stuffed toy!"

Espirit smiled and hugged her toy. "His name is Pudgy! He's been my friend for a looooooooooong time!"

"Still attracted to the old thing, huh?" Espio laughed.

"Oh yeah!" Espirit pulled out a small stuffed toy hippo. "Here's your Harry the Hippo!"

Espio eyes widen and his face turned red. Charmy and Vector were cracking up.

"You... have...a stuffed... animal?" Charmy said between laughs.

"Uh..." Espio said nervously. "Let's put Harry fight here..." He took the toy and put it on the couch. "Why don't you and me go for a walk in the city?"

"Kay!" Espirit said happily.

"You guys can order what ever you want for dinner." Espio said as he and Espirit walked out the door.

"PIZZA! PIZZA!" Charmy quickly flew to the phone.

"NOT THIS TIME!" Vector chased after him and tackled him. He grabbed the phone. "We're getting Chinese!" They both began fighting over the phone.

Espio and Espirit both walked to the train station and took the next ride to Station Square. Little do they know, both their lives will change drastically in the coming weeks.

So that's chapter 1! There wasn't a lot of Espirit in it, but she is still the main character. What kinda things is she gonna do while she's around? You hafta find out in the next chapter. I'll try to post it as soon as possible. Now if you'll excuse me... I gotta alter my pants. {Puts a belt on} Done! PLZ R&R! This is only the first chapter!