Never End...

By: Yuffie Kisaragi2

Disclaimer: If I owned the characters, don't you think I'd be doing something other than writing silly stories? I mean, come ON! Of course, I wouldn't! I own nada, though... --sigh-- Though if I owned Leon... Eh heh! Read onward at your own risk! This is my first KH ficfic, let alone my first Squffie!


"WHAT ARE YOU DOING!? These aren't cheap, you know!" - Squall Leonheart

The ninja stared blankly at the pile of clothes that Aerith was handing her. "Uh... Yeah... What am I supposed to do with these again, Aerith?"

The pink clad girl sighed exasperatedly. "Come on, Yuffie! I need you to try them on!"

"You NEED me to try them on? Whose party is this, again?"

Emerald eyes begged her younger friend to try the outfit on. "Please, Yuffie? I want you to look absolutely stunning for this party!"

With a sigh of defeat, the ninja nodded and gave in to her older friend. "Fine... Where's the fitting room thingy?" Aerith grinned happily and pointed her in the direction of the dressing room. With another sigh, this one bigger than the first, the ninja walked defeatedly into the dressing room to try on the outfit that Aerith thought was just so "adorable". She looked disgustedly at the black skirt and pretty green blouse, knowing that no matter how much she hated them, Aerith would love them and eventually would guilt her into wearing them no matter what.

She emerged to have Aerith's opinion on the outfit that seemed to hug every curve of her petite body. She seemed twenty-five instead of the eighteen that she was turning in only a few days time. Aerith's emerald eyes nearly teared up. Nearly but did not, so she could see the reaction that Yuffie gave once she looked in the mirror. Her storm shrouded eyes gazed at the green blouse that seemed to enhance certain parts of her body, yet made her look thin at the same time. The skirt was cut at an angle so that it hit her mid-thigh, but angled down to the other side that was nearly knee-length. She felt herself straighten from her normal fighting and walking position and smiled.

"I like it," she told her friend honestly.

"Really!? Oh, good! Because I LOVE it on you, Yuffs! It's perfect! All we need are shoes!"

Yuffie groaned and walked back into the dressing room to change back into her khaki shorts and green halter top. Slipping her orange sneakers on, she had a feeling that the shoes Aerith picked out were going to have spike heels... She was right, much to her dismay. The shoes were black with a simple strap to hold them on. They had a two-inch spike heel that Yuffie knew she'd end up tripping because of.

"No spiked heels, Aerith... Please... I'd break my ankle," she told her friend logically.

Aerith pouted, but soon found a pair boots that had a normal heel instead of the spike that Yuffie detested. Seeing nothing that she could con her way out of with these, Yuffie agreed to wear them.

They walked out of the clothing shop and toward the First District. "We're supposed to be meeting Leon and Cid there," she explained to the ninja, who protested that she was tired. "Come on, Yuffs! What's wrong with you here lately? You're ALWAYS tired!"

The ninja shrugged. "Hormone changes?" she suggested, knowing full well why she was always tired. Leon had been increasing her training time from four hours a day to eight hours a day. That, and she could not seem to sleep. Every time she would lay down, her second wind would come along and she would end up pacing the town for hours.

Aerith eyed her warily, then acught sight of Cid and Leon at the cafe. There was a cloaked figure that Yuffie noticed, but Aerith had not seen him. That, or she did not feel that he was a threat. Yuffie saw the look in Leon's eyes and knew that they were late. "Aerith?" she whispered urgently. "What time were we supposed to be there?"

"What? Oh, at eleven."

Yuffie's eyes widened. "ELEVEN!? IT'S NEARLY ONE!!!"

The flower girl's eyes got round and they sprinted to the cafe, Aerith apologizing profusely through panting breaths and Yuffie glaring at her friend, who was NEVER late unless shopping. "She made me go shopping," the ninja explained after Aerith had calmed down. She sat beside Leon, only because she was used to being forced to sit there. "Apparently it wasn't important to tell me that we were supposed to be here at ELEVEN."

Aerith blushed and stared at the table cloth, trying not to let the ninja's words get to her. She knew that Yuffie had been having trouble sleeping, Leon had told her. It was the only possible explanation to her grumpy behavior. "So," she said, cheering back up quickly. "Why'd you want us here?"

Cid grinned. "Got somethin' fer ya, Aerith..."

The hooded figure moved closer and Yuffie noticed that the hood was spiked up in odd positions. Two large hands, obviously male from the callouses, made their way up to pull back the hood. As soon as the young man's face was revealed, Aerith pounced him, hugging him and kissing him. Yuffie smiled sadly at the sight, then tried to be cheery. "Cloud!"

Leon merely drank his water while Cid laughed at the young couple that had been seperated for too long. Cloud and Aerith disentangled enough so they could look at each other. "I've missed you, Aerith," the blonde said softly.

Tears of joy glistened on the healer's cheeks. "I thought I'd never see you again," she admitted. "I love you so much!" They kissed again.

Yuffie took this as an opportunity to sneak away. As she slid out of her seat to walk away, Leon caught her arm and gave her a stern glare. The glare was reflected in her own eyes and she yanked her arm away. "Excuse me," she told everyone. "I'm really tired because SOMEONE," she shot Aerith a glare, "Woke me up at six this morning. So, excuse me if I go pass out on my bed."

Aerith and Cloud nodded, not really hearing what she said, lost in each other's eyes. Leon and Cid each shot her glares, but she did not seem to notice. Well, she did notice, but she truly did not care at the time being. Her head hurt and she seemed to be frustrated for no apparent reason. The ninja needed sleep, because she had gone nearly a week on only a two hour nap that Aerith had accidentally awaken her from. Grabbing the bag that held her new outfit, she headed up the steps away from the festivites of reunited lost loves. When she was safely out of hearing distance and knew that no one was following her, she allowed only one tear to roll down her cheek. Love... Something she would never have.

Without another thought she walked through the hotel and into the Green Room. Deciding that she would not be able to sleep, she dropped off the bag beside the bed that she and Leon shared and re-stocked her shurikens. Deciding to also grab a snack cake, she snatched a chocolate Hostess cup cake off the table. Leon would not eat them, anyway. They're not healthy. Without any emotion, she jumped out onto the balcony, then down behind the hotel into the alley. She headed for the waterway, knowing that Leon would be stuck at the cafe for a good while to talk with "Cloudy-woudy," as Yuffie used to say to make fun of him.

She swam quietly, used to sneaking up on Leon as he was training. Her ears caught a sound in the quiet cavern and she swam close to the wall. Looking up, she saw a man swinging a gunblade. His long russet hair and leather gave him away. Without saying anything, she started to turn and swim away. "Hello, Yuffie."

'How the hell does he do that!?' she thought angrily. "Oh, hey, Squ-er.. Leon... I was just leaving."

He had stopped swinging and was looking at her oddly. "I thought that you were tired," he said seemingly out of the blue.

Knowing that she would not be able to avoid him, she swam over to the shallow spots and climbed out, looking like a drown rat. "I lied. I needed to be away from them. How'd you manage to escape?"

His icy blue eyes seemed to see right through the drenched ninja. "I told them that I needed to train. Cloud understood."

She sighed, then rubbed her eyes and yawned. 'Damn my body for betraying me right now,' she thought to herself.

"You need sleep," Leon told her sternly.

"Can't," she replied truthfully. "Everytime I lay down, I'm awake. That's why I come here. Eventually I start getting tired enough to go to bed, but by the time I walk three steps, I'm awake again." She pulled out a shuriken and twirled it expertly without cutting herself.

Leon nodded. "Then, shall we train?"

With a shrug, she pulled out two more small shurikens and took her fighting position. He charged at her, a simple sidestep avoided him and a shuriken bounced off the blade of his gunblade. She jumped back and flung another shuriken at him. It ricocheted off the floor and embedded itself in his left thigh.

"Oh, shit!" she called out, the profanity echoed through out the cavern. "Leon, are you okay?"

The man cringed, but nodded. Yuffie helped him to the ground and looked at the back of his thigh, where it had embedded itself. "Why the hell did you throw it that hard!?" he growled through gritted teeth. She shot him a glare and cut the leather and his red silk boxers with another shuriken. "WHAT ARE YOU DOING!? These aren't cheap, you know!"

Once again, she did not respond. Once she had enough of the pant leg ripped, she pulled the small throwing star out of his thigh. He hollered rather loudly since she had not given him any warning. She pulled a piece of silk out of the wound and cast Curaga on it. "Sorry," she muttered, helping him stand.

His icy glare stayed on her, though he had his teeth clenched. "Just get me to Aerith," he growled quietly.

Without a word, Yuffie gathered her things and helped Leon to the water. "... I can't help you swim through here," she told him quietly.

He had not thought of this. "Fine, I can swim through there using one leg," he replied. She nodded and let him go on his own. As soon as she was away from his side, however, his step faultered and he fell.

Leon cursed loudly and felt a timid hand help him up. Looking over, he saw Yuffie to his left, on the side that his leg was damaged. With a sigh, he let himself be helped by the young woman. She got him into the water, dunking herself accidentally and emerging moments leter sputtering, but not saying a word. He did, however, manage to swim using only his right leg and arms. Yuffie met him at the other side and helped him out of the water. They had to take the long way, though Leon protested against it, and made it to the hotel.

The twenty-seven year old watched Yuffie run out to find Aerith, then changed into shorts and laid on his stomach. 'I shouldn't have gone off on her,' he told himself. 'Now she's probably going to cry or something.' He thought about that for a moment, then shook his head. 'Yuffie? Cry?' Had he ever seen the ninja girl cry? It was while he was pondering this that Aerith and Cloud came hurrying into the room.

"Which leg is it?" the flower girl asked, Cloud carrying her med bag.

"The left," Leon replied, indicating to where the bloody mess was.

She looked it over and concluded that there was nothing in the wound, so she dabbed it with some disinfectant. Leon was forced to bite down on his lip to keep from saying something mean to his friend. 'I bet that Yuffie's getting a real kick out of this!' He looked around, expecting to see her standing there, tears in her eyes, ready to burst with laughter. Instead, he saw Cloud standing near the door way and no Yuffie. "Where is-"

"I need you to lift your leg up," Aerith told him. "So that I can wrap this."

He held his leg up, which was a much harder task than he had originally thought. With Aerith's babbling to him about staying off of it for awhile, Leon nearly forgot about Yuffie. It wasn't until Aerith and Cloud were cleaning up the mess that he remembered. "Where did Yuffie go?"

Cloud looked around and blinked twice, then shrugged. "I guess she felt bad."

Aerith looked sternly at the lion. "What did you say to her?" she demanded softly.

Leon shook his head. "I only told her to get me to you. Well, I did curse fairly loudly, but it was not directed at her." He had forgotten about his spaz over his leather pants getting cut.

Cloud shook his head. "I'm sure that she'll be back later tonight. If nothing else, I'm sure she'll check on you before heading to her place."

Aerith giggled, but Cloud looked at her confusedly. "There's no other room, so they share a room." He gave an "Oh!" look and nodded.

"Well, then... She'll be back to sleep eventually!"

Leon nodded, hoping that Cloud was right.

Ching! Ching! Ching!

Another throwing star hit the wall and ricocheted off. Her arms was starting to get tired, but she would not give in yet. "Stupid." Ching! "Freaking." Ching! "Ricochete!" Ching!

She reached into her bag for another shuriken, but discovered that she was out. With a sigh, she went around and collected the small metal shurikens, finding the one that still had Leon's blood on it. It was dried and made her insides squirm. Picking it up, she flung it fiercly at the wall, causing sparks to shoot. She dodged it as it flew back at her. "Stupid ricochete," she growled.


She audibly groaned and did not reply. She saw Cloud and Aerith on the stone block that led from Merlin's and wondered why she had not thought of that while Leon was injured, then remembered the moving rocks. "Yeah," she finally responded weakly.

Cloud looked around the cavern. "This is where you guys train?" Yuffie nodded. "Nice."

Aerith shook her head, then look at Yuffie. "Are you okay, Yuffie?" The ninja nodded, keeping her face emotionless, something that she had been working on for quite awhile. "Okay... Well, then... Would you mind helping Leon while he's down with his leg, then?"

Yuffie started to protest, but then changed her mind and nodded. "Sure."

Aerith smiled. "Thanks, Yuffs!"

For some reason, Yuffie thought that this idea was going to suck horribly.

YK2: I hope that you liked! Please, no flames! If you don't like, then don't read anymore. I'm trying to keep this a flame-free place! Though, if you think it's a good idea and see grammar mistakes, I'M SORRY!

Surka: Stop it, you're scaring people.

Dracon: This fic, in case you're wondering, is rated due to language and mild-

Surka: ULTRA mild-

Dracon: Violence. And some hints at adult situations.

YK2: It's a good thing these two helped me work on it, otherwise it would have been completely hopeless... I LOVE MY MUSES! Hey! That could be a shirt! Wow, I just posted the last chappies of my other ficfic and now I'm posting this... Hmmm.. What am I missing?

Surka: Till Next Time!

YK2: That would be it! AUDI!!!

-The gang from Never End...