AN: Thanks so much for the reviews! This may or may not be the second to last chapter, but I'm not really sure...And this might be the last chapter-chapter before the epilogue it is.

After the failed plan at the wedding, Sam and Danny were giving up hope. So they decided to use their final plan, forcing him into a small room, taping him to a chair, and begging for forgiveness.

It was the end to a nearly normal day at school. Danny and Sam waited by Tucker's locker in the empty hallway. When they saw him coming, Danny went intangible and slid into the locker and Sam started to walk towards the door like she was leaving. Tucker opened the locker and Danny jumped inside of him.

"Hey! What are you—Come on Tucker please—Get out of my head Danny!" Danny forced Tucker to start walking towards a janitor's closet. Sam ran back to them and grabbed onto Tucker/Danny's hand. Danny made them all turn intangible and go through the locked Janitor's closet. Danny made Tucker sit down and Sam duct taped him to the chair. Danny came out of Tucker and turned back to his normal form.

"Tucker, please forgive us. We're REALLY sorry." Sam spoke putting emphasis on "Really".

"Let me out of here! Fuck, why can't you open up the door?!" Tucker squirmed around.

"We can't. It's locked. That's why we went intangible through the door." Danny leaned against the musty walls. "Please Tucker, we're really sorry. Our logic—"Sam shot him a look. "I mean, my logic was screwed up. We should have told you how you would have felt."

"You should have...and I shouldn't have been such an ass." Danny was about to reply with a snort and a totally, but Sam shot him another look. "I'm sorry too..." (AN: How ) Sam and Danny let out a relived sigh and started to cut Tucker out of the duct tape. Unfortunately, it stuck to his skin. He screamed as Sam ripped it off of him.

"This is just like the time when you all stopped by when I was waxing my legs except a whole lot more fun." (AN: Waxing your legs HURTS LIKE HECK! Just letting you know.) Sam exclaimed. Danny and Tucker didn't see why it hurt her so badly until she tried it...on their legs. Needless to say, they didn't make fun of her for being a weenie anymore after that. After they got all the tape off of him, Danny extended his hand to the still sitting Tucker.

"Friends?" Danny asked. Tucker clasped his hand and Danny helped him up.

"The best." Tucker replied with a sincere, warm smile on his face.


AN: Yeah, that actually turned out to be the last basically killed it...It was starting to wind around and around so...yeah...just like this yeah....Review for the last time! tear, sniffle And I just now realized that 1. I totally forgot about Danny and Sam's project thing and 2. Tucker rhymes with fucker! lol. Sorry. That was immature...BUT WHO CARES! Okay, now be a doll and review.